Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shots Fired @ Sacramento or Washtenaw and Wellington

Hi, everyone. I just got this report in a half hour ago about shots being fired in the community:

"12:40 Gunfire around Wellington/Washtenaw or Sacramento/Wellington. I could hear it--approx. 10 shots. Several calls to the police on the scanner,".

Anyone see or hear anything? Put it in the comments section.

Update #1: I received these two comments about the incident I mentioned:
  • "I live near the area of Wellington and Washtenaw and did not hear anything. Sacramento and Washtenaw is 1 mile away and over the Kennedy Expressway and Railroad Tracks from Wellington and Washtenaw. I would doubt that anyone near Washtenaw and Wellington could hear shots fired from Sacramento and Washtenaw and vice versa. Were these 2 seperate incidents? They are just too far from each other. Is there anymore info on this? If it was near Wellington and Washtenaw we would like to contact our 14th CPD as there have been ongoing problems like this this year linked to residents that live on Washtenaw near Wellington,".Delete
  • "I live at Washtenaw/Wellington. I was asleep at that time but I use a recorder that turns on when there is noise when I sleep (long story). I did get something along the lines of gunshots on it last night at 12:43am. Lasted about a minute, sounded like 22 of them but it could have been an echo too,".
Also, not related, but I also got this comment, about gunshots being fired at the corner of Cortland and Central Park:
  • "Not related but there was shots fired around 1am on the corner of Central Park and Cortland..."


  1. They should check and see who has a FOID card living in that area. Perhaps a search warrant or two is in order? Could also be folks out practicing for New Years eve too..

  2. I live near the area of Wellington and Washtenaw and did not hear anything. Sacramento and Washtenaw is 1 mile away and over the Kennedy Expressway and Railroad Tracks from Wellington and Washtenaw. I would doubt that anyone near Washtenaw and Wellington could hear shots fired from Sacramento and Washtenaw and vice versa. Were these 2 seperate incidents? They are just too far from each other. Is there anymore info on this? If it was near Wellington and Washtenaw we would like to contact our 14th CPD as there have been ongoing problems like this this year linked to residents that live on Washtenaw near Wellington.

    By the way, thank you for posting this. Keep up the good work.

  3. I live at Washtenaw/Wellington. I was asleep at that time but I use a recorder that turns on when there is noise when I sleep (long story). I did get something along the lines of gunshots on it last night at 12:43am. Lasted about a minute, sounded like 22 of them but it could have been an echo too.

  4. Not related but there was shots fired around 1am on the corner of Central Park and Cortland. When I whent to visit a friend he said there was shots fired by Armitage and Spaulding. It's been pretty wild it's cold and snowy and these guys are still out at 2 in the morning.

  5. Attn: 1:30 You use a recorder for gunshot sounds??? Its just noise, probably fireworks.

  6. Luke, sounds like a good idea, actually.

    Roadwolf, I was thinking the same thing. Although Sacramento and Washtenaw aren't far from each other (three blocks apart), there's the Kennedy and the tracks, and as we all know, there is a lot of noise that comes from both. I'll try to find out some more info.

    Anonymous 1:30 #1, did you see anything? Like, who do it, or anything like that?

    Anonymous 1:30 #2, thanks for the info. I'll mention this also. And, I agree, it has been wild. Just this afternoon, I saw some 'bangers on Diversey.

    Bobbo, I don't think anonymous and the person who reported this to me are the same people. And, this person said it's turned on if there's any kind of noise.

  7. Timmy - California and Washtenaw are 3 blocks apart......Sacramento is another 4 blocks west of California. Washtenaw is 5 blocks east of the Kennedy Expressway towards Western Ave. That's why I was thinking it would be tough to hear shots fired from Sacramento when you live near Washtenaw. Sacramento is west of California. We are east of the Kennedy just north of Diversey.

  8. Roadwolf, not to be rude, but I know my streets. California and Washtenaw are only one block apart. Washtenaw is 2700 West, and California is 2800 West. Fairfield is in between Washtenaw and California, which would put it at 2730 West. And, Sacramento is two blocks from California. Sacramento is 3000W. You can look this up on Google Maps.

    But, it still would be hard to hear the shots.

  9. Of course you're right Timmy on the distance. And a mile Roadwolf? that would be the distance between Western and Kedzie. Perhaps you're forgetting the east-west blocks are about 1/2 as short as the north-south blocks for the most part.

  10. I live on the vicinity on Cortland & Centralpark and there wus shots fired late night. Its been pretty wild here its been like this for yrs but the Spanish Cobras have been moving in more into the Imperial Gangsters side of the hood, and theres been more problem cause of this. Theres way to much drug deals that go on Armitage Ave, there needs to be a camera rigth there on Armitage & Centralpark. What can we do to reduce the crime and how can we get more police cameras set up theres not alot of police cameras on the beat, maybe cameras will help out.

  11. Perhaps the Royals from Simon's park (Wabansia/Drake) can step up and take out those Cobras?

  12. Anonymous 8:02, no. Just no. Let's have the community and the cops take out both gangs. I don't care if the Royals are White, they're still a gang. There should be no gangs, period.

    Juan, you surely have a lot of names you by. Anyway, I agree about the Cobras moving into IG area. As far as reducing crime, there's a lot of things you can do, and those are:
    * Call 911 as often as you have to
    * Go to CAPS meetings and work with the police
    * Form a block club for your block

  13. Hello and happy holidays everyone. I'm Anthony, and yes I too heard the sounds of gun fire. But they where not. AS I looked out my window, I saw a beautiful fireworks display. They were quite large and they were not the cheap kind. They came from one of the two houses on the shouth west corner, of Willington and Elston.

  14. Well Anthony, tha makes sense. We were sure they were gunshots ( we just heard a bunch right now) and thought it was strange. They are so uniform and almost a pattern so we were afraid they were some sort of "warning" shots. While I do want to believe the fireworks and I completely believe you, it just makes me really nervous. Just last month there were several shots fired on Wellington/Francisco (the streets we live off of). We had seen about 15 late-teenagers run by the house and watched 2 police officers pull 2 Hispanic male adults from our front door. I assume they were either trying to break in or hide. It makes me quite uneasy. We've been to alderman meetings and apparently the CAPS meetings are getting cut back??? It also seems like I'm one of the only ones on the block that seems worried. Our neighbors aren't very talkative and I also think the neighborhood needs to communicate more. There are plenty of little children, a school, and a church in this neighborhood. It needs to be safer.

  15. Happy Holidays to you also, Anthony. Glad to know those were only fireworks, but it's stupid that whoever did it has fireworks still. The 4th ended months ago.

    Corgador, you heard gunfire again? How many shots this time? Yes, the CAPS meetings are getting cut back. They used to be held once a month, but will only be held every two months. I'm not sure yet which months those are for your Beat (1411), but I will find out and let you know. I'm sorry to hear about everything that has happened in your area, that's really a shame because of the kids and the church. I wish you guys over there good luck working on the issues in your area, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if any help is needed.
