Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Good morning, everyone, it's 7:30am. Happy Christmas Eve to all! Today should be a good day, considering Christmas is tomorrow. I hope all of you are spending this day with your loved ones and are happy for this time of year. Anyway, it in the upper 20s right now and cloudy, but it's supposed to get into the 30s and it is supposed to snow. Also, I'll be here most of the day (if not all day). So, here's crime for this Christmas Eve.

7:32am - Parker. 1807 N Harding.

8:14am - Parkers at 2844 N Ridgeway and 3820 W Diversey. The parker on Ridgeway is about a car without city stickers, and the one on Diversey contains a car parked on the sidewalk.

8:28am - Check the well being. 1800 block of N Hamlin.

8:31am - Beat car 2535 is recovering a stolen vehicle at 1906 N Monticello.

8:46am - Beat car 2523 is at 2844 Ridgeway, running the plate and what not on this car now.

9:03am - 2535 is recovering another one, at 3649 W Cortland.

9:17am - The 8:14am calls are coded 19Nora.

10:29am - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2537 N Lowell. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call while I was out.

10:41am - A piece of fire equipment is needed on the 10:29am job. It's turned into a "check the well being", because the person won't let them in. Forced entry needed.
Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call while I was out.

10:44am - Municipal ordinance violation. 2800 block of N Ridgeway. Female White, black jacket, is walking north towards George with a dog who is not on it's leash and tried to get vicious with my mother and I. Thanks to ProdgialOne for obtaining the time this call came in at.

11:03am - The 10:44am job is a 5Eddie. I spoke with an officer who searched the area for the woman but couldn't find the woman nor the dog.

5:17pm - Kidnapping report. 4327 W Drummond. 17 yr old cousin was kidnapped and the kidnapper sent a text message to the caller, threatening to kill the cousin.

6:34pm - Have no idea why this happened, but the Watch Commander called all of the officers in for a meeting at 5:30. He didn't sound happy, either...

6:36pm - Battery in progress. 3820 W North Ave. Two females fighting.

6:46pm - Turns out this meeting was because of the 5:17pm job. A Sargent had to respond to the meeting, it was bona fide, etc.

6:47pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:58pm - I'm back :).

7:17pm - EMS run. 3094 N Milwaukee. Female down in the alley.

7:34pm - Disturbance. 4108 W Dickens. Group of drunk people arguing.

7:35pm - Reckless driver. Pulaski and Palmer.

8:29pm - Burglar report. 4049 W Oakdale.

8:44pm - Disturbance. 3030 N Davlin. Group of drunks trying to gain access inside of the building.

9:53pm - Burglar report. 3703 W McLean.

9:56pm - Speed pursuit. Speed pursuit. Approaching Palmer on Laramie. Heading north. Beat 4381Boy is pursuing a vehicle. The person inside the car is wanted for leaving the scene of an accident at 5356 W Grand. This accident involves Beat car 2513Robert was involved and the officers may be injured. So sad to hear about, especially on Christmas Eve.

10:25pm - The 9:53pm job is bona fide.

11:18pm - Ok, everyone, I'm gone for the night. Have a safe and blessed night, and Merry Christmas Eve!!


  1. Those cops in 25 must not be doing their jobs if they keep finding stolen cars. Why don't they catch them while they're stealing the cars?

  2. Because maybe these crimes happen so fast, and half the time people don't call when they see a car getting stolen? If you don't call, don't except the cops to do anything. They can't be everywhere.

  3. Merry Christmas, Thanks for all the info you post up. Great Job.... C you in 2011.

  4. Merry Christmas and thanks again for this blog!

  5. Thank you, anonymous 11:46 and Roadwolf! Same back to the both of you!

  6. Folks that get their cars stolen usually don't lock the doors or even leave the keys inside. People like this shouldn't have cars. Ever notice most folks that live in 025 don't even have a driver's licence.

  7. "Those cops in 25 must not be doing their jobs if they keep finding stolen cars. Why don't they catch them while they're stealing the cars?

    Friday, December 24, 2010 10:41:00 AM CST"

    gee, next time you go out to steal a car, call 911 first, and let them know when, where and which vehicle you're going to steal.

    be sure to make that call at least 15 minutes prior to your stealing the vehicle, so the cops can be there to stop you.ulions

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. "10:44am - Municipal ordinance violation. 2800 block of N Ridgeway. Female White, black jacket, is walking north towards George with a dog who is not on it's leash and tried to get vicious with my mother and I."

    damn, timmy, and people wonder why the coppers are always in a backlog.

    so you and mommy got barked at by a dog off leash.

    big fucking deal.

    grow a pair.

  10. They weren't even busy, you jackass. They had time to respond to my call. In fact, our Beat car spent nearly 40 minutes writing parking tickets on my block two hours before, so there wasn't no reason she couldn't respond to a call that would only take her 3 minutes to look for the dumb bitch who didn't put her damn dog on a leash. Do you know that this idiot was standing there, on her cell phone and looking at us like we're stupid? That's why I called. She knew damn well what she was doing, and I called so the officer could find her and give her a ticket, because as the officer told me, it is AGAINST THE LAW to have a dog OFF it's LEASH. And this stupid dog not only barked, it approached us as if it was going to attack/bite. That's also why I called. So what would you rather me to do? Call the police and ask the officer to write the woman a ticket, or take the cell phone out of her hand and punch her in the face for not having the dog on the leash? From the sound of things, the latter. And if the police didn't respond to my call, that's what exactly I was going to do. I would've walked the neighborhood looking for the bitch then kicked her ass if I found her. And, you stupid fucking prick, it is a big deal because if this dog actually did attack/bite my mom or myself, and this thing had a disease or something (or however the fuck you spell that word), we could've gotten hurt or sick from it, and maybe even could've died (of course, you'd like if I drop dead). And, then, if this thing did bite, we would've sued that woman into eternity. So shut the fuck up and stop shooting off your fucking mouth. Or tell me where you live so I can come kick your ass and make you shut the fuck up. Yeah, I'm a blogger and don't like crime, but keep fucking talk shit to me. I'm not a gangbanger or no tough wanna-be kid, but I don't take shit off of people, especially jackasses like you.
