Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Downer On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 11:09am. It's another cold morning out, but oh well. Though, I hear it's going to get warm later this week. They're talking 40 degrees Thursday and near 50 on Friday. Which isn't good, at least in my opinion. You see, Friday is New Year's Eve. With it being a wild holiday already, I think it'll just make crime/disorder go up through the roof with it being Friday and it being unusually warm. Of course, I'll be here to monitor the developments for all of you. Anyway, tomorrow, I'm monitoring 17 all day for those of you North of Belmont. Also, today, I'm monitoring from 11:09am until 4:41pm, then I'm going to do other stuff for the rest of the day. With that, here's crime for this mid-morning and this afternoon.

11:37am - EMS run. 2990 N Milwaukee. Someone's on the ground.

11:58am - Burglar report. 4306 W Schubert.

12:50pm - Check the well being. 2913 N Ridgeway. A woman called the police, but wouldn't explain why she was calling, then hung up. The call-taker called back twice to only an answering machine.

2:34pm - Assault. 2200 N Hamlin.

2:43pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

2:46pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2641 N Ridgeway. 18 yr old daughter's going off.

3:13pm - Parker. 2329 N Ridgeway.

4:18pm - 1) Some call at 4436 W Fullerton. 2) Disturbance. 3119 N Milwaukee. Drunk sleeping in front on the sidewalk.

4:41pm - Ok, I'm going for the evening. I'll be back with 17 tomorrow, so goodnight, everyone.


  1. Last night a coyote was spotted downtown around 8:30pm. I was a little disappointed that the police wanted animal control to handle the situation. It sounded to be close to Michigan Ave possibly bothering tourists.
    We need the business on Michigan Ave. and possibly scared potential shoppers. The police sure like to pawn off their "job assignments' on other agencies.

  2. The guy down on Milwaukee was probably Bogdan, a regular pissbum on location. Lots of them seem to have found a nest somewhere on 23's beat. So let your local cops know where their nest is. Perhaps the wagon can round them up?

  3. Like you would know americanltidiot. Animal control was created because pussies like yourself and the downtown assholes would probably cry if the police blasted a Coyote during the festive holidays. Animal control is armed with ropes and nooses for dogs, coyotes, etc. Plus they have the facilities to house the animals the police don't have. What are the police supposed to do? Tackle the animal then cuff it? Next time before you think without posting one of your snide comments, try doing something productive. Like maybe jerking off to photos of your fat mom.

  4. americanlt, Animal control jobs should be handled by Animal control, not the police. Just like how fire likes to pawn off their jobs on the police, (or is it fire's just scared) Medical emergencies should be handled by fire, not the police. You'd want an electrician to work on downed power lines not dummy cops right?
    Besides, americanlt, you sound like one of those whimpy Wicker park geeks. Scared of everything, eh?

  5. americanlt, I have to agree with Seiser and Luke, coyotes running through Downtown (or any neighborhood in the city) isn't a police job. Sure, you can make the call to 911, but if the call-taker even takes your call (half the time, they transfer you to Animal Control, as they should), the only thing CPD is going to do about it is drive around the area and look for the dog and maybe try to find an owner. But if it's for a coyote (most likely with no owner), they'll, at best, just drive through the area and take the next call.

    Serge, they're probably in these vacant buildings:
    - 2943 N. Hamlin
    - 3011 N. Avers
    - 2922 N. Ridgeway
    - 2979 N. Ridgeway

    Either those, or the three vacant ones in the 2900 block of N Avers (33, 41 and 43).

  6. Ah, 2641 N. Ridgeway. Isw that where the party with the young hotties was?
