Monday, November 29, 2010

Shots Fired @ North and Harding

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:10pm. Glad to be home from school. I swear, some days are just drama-filled at Sullivan. It's like the teen version of the Chicago Tribune. Anyway, this is going to be a pretty short week for me. Tomorrow and Thursday, I've got regular school, but I'm going to see a play with the class on Wednesday. And, Thursday, I actually have to stay after school, for a Student Government meeting. There's no school Friday :). Anyway, as I said yesterday, I'm beginning my Christmas colors on the blog on Wednesday. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:46pm - I have to go hang up some flyers in the neighborhood for a meeting. I'll be back shortly.

4:06pm - I'm back.

5:54pm - Shots Fired. North and Harding. Few calls coming in on it.

6:35pm - Disturbance. Avers and George.

6:40pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:51pm - I'm back.

6:52pm - Beat car 2523 asks for a gang dispersal from 2901 N Avers. They're dispersing two. Console time is 18:52 and the event number is 14225.

9:26pm - I have to go. I'll be back. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. Glad you caught the shots fired call. Keep up the good work!

  2. It was two latino kids they were chasing someone from lemoyne im guessing it was the spanish cobras they have recently been going thru imperial gangsters hood im hearing they are trying to take over.

  3. Anonymous 6:49, I heard that too, and also know about the Cobras doing that. That's why it's getting violent where I live, too (except, the IGs are coming through here, Cobra hood).

    Anonymous 6:22, no problem!

  4. Gang dispersals? Sounds like civil rights violations. We have a right to assemble.The guys hanging out on the corner are nieghborhood residents too.

  5. Flyers? Are you the one leading the bums to those "Club Gibbons" by hanging flyers or signs?

  6. Anonymous 8:24, yes, flyers. And hell no. I don't even encourage that crap. I hung up flyers for a good purpose, which is a community meeting. So don't even go there with me.

    Anonymous 7:18, yeah, gang dispersal. Do you have a problem with it? No, let me answer that question on my own ... of course you do. Yes, we have a right to be on a corner, but areas with high gang activity (Avers from Diversey to Wellington, for an example) are labeled a "hotspot" area, meaning a cop can disperse a gang member from the corner. If that person comes back to the same spot within 8 hours, they're arrested. Why should gangbangers have rights in the first place? And, as far as I
    I'm concerned, they don't deserve to be labeled as residents.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Ah, but those intoxicated men beat up one of your friends while trying to take the drunks picture..
