Monday, November 1, 2010

Shots Fired In Logan Square This Morning

Good morning, everyone. I have a report of "shots fired" in the neighborhood, that occurred around 6am this morning from a reader who lives in the area of Altgeld and Monticello. This is the email I received:

"...I checked your blog this morning in hopes of getting some information on shots fired around 6am today, somewhere in Logan Square (it sounded like it was well east of me, but a number of loud shots in quick succession, followed by screeching tires)."

Sounds like this could have occurred as far east as Kedzie, around the Square. Does anyone else have any insight into this?
Update: There were indeed shots fired in Logan Square this morning. I've gotten quite a few comments on it. Seems like the shooting also did in fact happen right around the Square (Kedzie and Logan). Here's what I'm being told.

  • "I saw two kids being arrested around 6:30 a.m. near Albany and Schubert. At least 1/2 dozen cop cars were in the area. The CPD was checking out an older black Benz parked on Schubert near Longman 7 Eagle. The front end was bashed and the air bag had deployed..."
  • "I was woken up at about 6:30am to screeching tires and several shots fired. Sounded like it was near 3000 W. Fullerton."
  • "Yes,I live on logan and milwaukee, I heard them this morning, there were 6 shots fired at 6:29 am then a car squeeling away..."
  • "I heard three shots, a pause and then several more around 6:28 and called the police at 6:30. I thought they came from the 2500 block of N Milwaukee. There's a fair amount of activity with the Milshire Hotel, La Estrella Nite Club and the rather dark Mega Mall parking lot across the street. Police were on the scene almost immediately and a helicopter (news I'm guessing?) circled the area a few times around 7:00."
There also seems to have been some shots fired last night as well. One commenter says gunshots went off at McLean and Lawndale around midnight, and someone else says there were shots fired last night in the area of Altgeld and Monticello:

  • "...My stepson was working on his car (Monticello/Altgeld) and heard loud shots being fired. Maybe about 10pm or 11p.. I spoke to my sister in law this morning and she lives on Kimball/Fullerton, and she heard loud shots being fired too. He son ran to her screaming, scared, crying..."
  • "I heard shots in my block lawndale and mclean [around midnight], they sounded like a assault weapon a good amount of shots fired. Waited a good five min and whent outside to see if i could find some casings to call the police but didnt find anything, i asked my neighbor if he heard the shots he said yes but didnt bother calling the cops he says the bangers here have tricks up there sleeves when they fire weapons...when the police come check it out they always say its fireworks or nothing."


  1. I saw two kids being arrested around 6:30 a.m. near Albany and Schubert. At least 1/2 dozen cop cars were in the area. The CPD was checking out an older black Benz parked on Schubert near Longman 7 Eagle. The front end was bashed and the air bag had deployed. Sounds like a fun Halloween.

  2. I heard shots in my block lawndale and mclean, they sounded like a assault weapon a good amount of shots fired. Waited a good five min and whent outside to see if i could find some casings to call the police but didnt find anything, i asked my neighbor if he heard the shots he said yes but didnt bother calling the cops he says the bangers here have tricks up there sleeves when they fire weapons. Im new to the neighborhood i moved in two months ago from Austin soni know crime but mostly everyday i hear gunshots and when the police come check it out they always say its fireworks or nothing.

  3. Oh yeah i heard the shots around midnigth, while i was wacthing tv.

  4. I was woken up at about 6:30am to screeching tires and several shots fired. Sounded like it was near 3000 W. Fullerton.

  5. Perhaps it was ghosts of old long dead Gaylords still haunting those streets?

  6. I'll check with 014 and also throw this query up on my blog as well in hopes of finding information for this incident!

  7. I checked the radio feed archives for both 14 and 25 for that time period and both were remarkably quiet; no calls came in about shots fired. That doesn't mean it didn't happen; that just means it wasn't reported.

  8. Hey Prodigal,

    CPD has been using the PDT's more than the radio for some of these calls.

    You could also be spot on about this not being reported. A call was made to 014 today and they said they didn't know anything.

  9. LoganSquareReporter, from what I understand, the dispatchers are required to put calls out like this over the radio. I'm thinking it may have not been reported.

  10. It never fails to amaze me how quickly someone will call and report a barking dog, loud music or squabbling neighbors, yet ignore shots fired or other criminal activities. That's where these community blogs hold promise - raise awareness and get involved. I'm all for it!

  11. Anonymous 10:15, that sounds really interesting. This actually kind of sounds like possibly where the height of the incident occurred.

    Anonymous 10:22, that's a different incident. I'll mention this on the blog, too. About the police saying that, it may be true, actually. It's not gunshots all of the time. It is most of the time, but there are times actually where they're fireworks.

    Anonymous 12:47, that definitely sounds like where possibly this could've happened at.

    Anonymous 12:50, LOL!

    LSR and ProdigalOne, thanks for doing what you both have done!

  12. IT does seem funny how shots in our neighborhoods don't get reported. My stepson was working on his car (Monticello/Altgeld) and heard loud shots being fired. Maybe about 10pm or 11p.. I spoke to my sister in law this morning and she lives on Kimball/Fullerton, and she heard loud shots being fired too. He son ran to her screaming, scared, crying... But I check Chicago Breaking news and Nothing... I would call the police but what do I tell them? Shots being fired where. I didn't know but someone must know...This is not the first time. The gangmembers are really trying to make life worse over here..

  13. Well Logan Square has always been a abyss, people not calling when shoots are fired does not suprise me a bit they only call when there affected like when they get robbed or a home invasion. I remember when I lived by Fullerton and Sacramento the bangers would just walk to the corner of the street and let there guns rip full blast, this was in the 80s from what Im told Logan has been crocked since the 60s. Dont get me wrong crime has been decreasing I forgot what gang controlled the Darwin School area but they would be out posted with there guns not letting in outsiders only people that lived in those blocks or knew, I have pass by there and its changed theres still bangers out and about but not like before. I got feed up with all the crime in Logan around 1993 that I moved out to the McKinley area its nicer and quieter nothing like Logan, dont get me wrong I love Logan but what I hate is all the knuckeheads that cause chaos.

  14. Yes,I live on logan and milwaukee, I heard them this morning, there were 6 shots fired at 6:29 am then a car squeeling away. Cant seem to find any info.

  15. Anonymous 6:05:00PM, the best thing you can do is call and tell the calltaker / dispatcher that shots are being fired with a two block radius. Give them your current location along with that and they'll have no choice but to canvas the area. The district uniforms and Tac Officers know what and who they are looking for because they do get street intel 24/7. It isn't as accurate as they always like it, but they usually have some sort of scenario in their heads about what's happening.

    ALSCB, no problem. I am in agreement with all the astoundment aver the BS calls but very low reporting of serious stuff such as the gunplay incidents.

    I can understand ducking for cover and making sure your own safety comes first, but at least make the call!

  16. Get used to it. Shots fired happen all the time, to the point you just get used to it. The media would never report how screwed up the streets really are.

  17. Anonymous 11:50, we shouldn't have to get used to it. As a matter of fact, no one anywhere should get used to hearing gunshots. And I refuse to get used to it. As long as I'm living in my neighborhood, I will absolutely try to find ways to make this stop. And, regarding the media, why is it that all of the stations are ALL OVER Uptown's shootings on Halloween, then? If that's not reporting the situation on the streets, then I don't know what is.

    LSR, agreed. That's what I do when I call in "shots fired". And, also, I'm shell-shocked by the amount of people reporting non-sense in our neighborhood, but when it comes to "shots fired", there's only a few of us calling. When it happens on my block, I'm ALWAYS the ONLY one to call.

  18. Notice since they lifted the city's handgun ban crime is out of control. We really need a national ban on handguns.

  19. Anon 12:03 - that has nothing to do with it. Inform yourself about the lifting of the ban. It's useless.

  20. I heard three shots, a pause and then several more around 6:28 and called the police at 6:30. I thought they came from the 2500 block of N Milwaukee. There's a fair amount of activity with the Milshire Hotel, La Estrella Nite Club and the rather dark Mega Mall parking lot across the street. Police were on the scene almost immediately and a helicopter (news I'm guessing?) circled the area a few times around 7:00.

    When I got home from work that night I noticed that all graffiti had been removed from the block during the day. Maybe just a coincidence...

  21. "Notice since they lifted the city's handgun ban crime is out of control. We really need a national ban on handguns.

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010 12:03:00 PM CDT"

    what we really need is a national ban on whiffenpoofs.
