Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shooting At Belmont and Monticello - LIVE BLOGGING

Hey, everyone. I have few details on this, but a shooting occurred at Belmont and Monticello about 35 minutes ago, approximately 8:44pm. I first heard word of this when I received two comments about ambulances and squad cars speeding down Kimball, and Milwaukee, towards Belmont. That was at 8:56. So, the details I've gotten are that a man was shot in the head, and one man was grazed. Both victims were taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital. At the scene, a car crashed into three other cars, leading me to believe there was a speed chase involved of some sort. There's one crime scene at 3216 0n Monticello, and another one at Belmont and Kimball.

I'll update this post more as I get more information on it, which will probably be in the morning. Remember, if you have comments or insight regarding this, send them here, or email them to me. And, eyewitness accounts are definitely encouraged.

Update #1, 9:47pm - Here's a report that Chicago News Report has.

Update #2, 12/1/10, 6:41am - The victims were young. The one shot in the head was 16, and the other victim was 18. A source tells me this was a rival gang shooting, and Chicago News Report reports that CPD is excepting a retaliation shooting soon from this one.


  1. Thanks for the info. I also saw the cars speeding toward the scene and wondered what was going on.

  2. 3 people in a silver Chevy Silverado, 2 were shot--the driver has a graze wound to the arm and the passenger was shot on his left temple and exit would through the right eye, he's in critical condition. Will update shortly. It was a shooting between rival gangs.

  3. As long as its gangbangers getting shot, who cares. Don't even give them media attention. These ghetto slugs play the game and pay the price.

  4. Perhaps if the police stayed at work instead of running off to a wake on the southside the streets would stay safe? I'll bet half the cars from 25 and 14 were down at the copppers wake in Evergreen Park.
    Let them go on their own time. I heard some cars were gone for over 2 hours?

  5. Does this have anything to do with a shooting at the Belmont Blue Line last night?

    I got off at Belmont last night around 9:45, walked up the steps and saw that almost the entire area was blocked off by police tape. A white Ford Explorer with bullet holes and blood looked like it was being processed by the police at the time (there was at least one police car on scene).

    As I drove by Monticello, I saw all the activity on that street, but I'm just curious if anyone knows what was up with the scene at the Blue Line. Did a victim drive from the shooting scene on Monticello to the Blue Line?

  6. more Latin King/MLD turf wars? they seem to come and go every 6 months or so.

  7. Any word on which rival gangs? I was at the Belmont train station last night shortly after everything happend (Approx 9:30pm). The whole situation in my opinion was poorly handled last night. The blue line Belmont stop was taped off in sections around the white truck involved, but the Police were not directing traffic or letting CTA passengers know what was going on. There was no way to know where or how to get on the bus because everything was half blocked off. Also, just as an FYI, as if having all this going on wasn’t enough, there was a guy at the station offering to sell weed to people while they were waiting to get on the bus while the police were in their cars! What’s going on in this neighborhood anymore?!

  8. Uh, anonymous 6:48, that doesn't matter. It's still a shooting in our neighborhood. Doesn't matter who's involved, something still needs to be done about it.

    Anonymous 8:16, yes, some of them did go to the wake. But don't blame the police for this shooting. I bet even if we did have a bunch of cops in the area, the shooting still would've happened. These thugs don't even respect the police to care. Remember the incident that happened in Englewood in April? And there were over 30 cops on the scene investigating the first shooting when the second one occurred. And, how are they supposed to go at their own time? The wake was over at like 8 or 9pm, and by the time they got off and went, it would've been 10 or 11pm, and the wake would've been over. Don't be so quick to judge the police.

    Anonymous 8:34, yes. In fact, it was the same shooting. There were shots fired at the Belmont Blue Line, and one of the victims was shot over there from what I was told, then everything went west on Belmont to Monticello, where the rest of the incident occurred. There were reports of people getting their windows shot out all over Belmont (Kimball to Monticello).

    Anonymous 8:52, it must be. This is probably why there's so much graffiti in the area. I knew a shooting or something was going to happen, and it happened last night. These gang wars between the Latin Kings and MLDs seem to be happening like every month or so.

    Anonymous 2:44, a lot of people are saying it was the MLDs VS the Latin Kings, which I'm thinking too. Sorry to hear the police didn't direct traffic like they were supposed to, and sorry to hear the troubles experienced with CTA last night. And, as for the guy offering weed, that IS crazy. All I can think is "seriously, dude?". Did the police see him do it? And, I don't know what's going on with this neighborhood, but it's getting really violent and needs to be addressed.

  9. Thanks for the information, but the way, anonymous 10:41. And, no problem, anonymous 9:40.

  10. @2:44 PM:

    Agreed. It was a total mess last night at the Blue Line. I understand it was a crime scene and things were probably pretty chaotic for a short time, but there was absoultley no direction from anyone from either CTA or CPD on what was happening, where bus passengers should go, etc.

    I don't know what's going on in this neighborhood. I moved to Belmont/Pulaski area in March. Saw four kids (Conservative Vice Lords according to the detectives I later talked to) break into a house on the morning of Easter Sunday.

    Then last week, I was at a stoplight at Belmont & the Kennedy when two cars began arguing/throwing up gang signs. As soon as the light turned, the cars sped off hitting one another westbound on Kimball. I called 911 and they had received calls about it. Passing by Belmont & Kimball, it looked like the cars had been stopped (or crashed) on Kimball a little south of Belmont because the area was swarmed with cops.

    I like (most of) the people in the area (except the bangers who keep popping up), but I rent and I hate to say it that I won't be renewing my lease this year because of all the nonsense.

    Finally, to the blogger(s): Great job. Recently discovered this site and I love it.

    /Sorry to have been so long-winded.

  11. Maybe some more police cameras would make the area a bit more safer. They dont stop crime but they migth lower it a bit. I think we need one on Belmont and Kimball and a couple more east of Kimball and west of Kimball. I seen a good amount of drug deals rigth on the exit ramp of the Kennedy on Belmont and on the CTA bus stop the police know this but they dont stop it they just put a blind eye and look what happen. Is this a aggravated assault with a handgun or a homicide did the kid that got shot in the head survive? I been living in this neighborhood for two months and like the other guy said "Im not renewing my lease".

  12. You know what pisses me off that no news coverage was done on this shooting, but a couple miles north to that Uptown neighborhood one guy got shot and there was news coverage up the ass. Why dont we get the same news coverage as them we had two young teens get shot and nothing in the news, but some 30 something man gets shot in Uptown and everyone over. The residents over there piss me off saying that there neighborhood is worser than the westsde and southside LMAO!!!! there so called hood is not one tenth as bad as ours we need more help in our hood, more police cameras, more people calling 911.

  13. Anonymous 5:33, I agree that the neighborhood is getting worse. I've been here my whole life (nearly 20 years) and this is the worst it's ever been. My mother and a couple of our old neighbors tell me this was a great community when I was a young boy. It was safe, clean and just a great place to live in general. But in the last four or five years, we've seen gangs and criminals really starting to move in, and as time goes on, it just keeps getting worse and worse. As for the CVLs doing a break-in, that's shocking, considering there's no CVL sets anywhere near our neighborhood (that I know of). Sorry to hear about last week's incident, but I'm glad the cops did come. And, sorry to hear you're leaving the neighborhood. I'd really like if you stay to help the rest of us who care to improve this community, but I can't stop you from leaving. Finally, no problem for this blog. I enjoy doing this for the community.

    Anonymous 6:51, there's already a camera at Belmont and Monticello, and I think Belmont and Spaulding. But I do agree, they need to put more cameras up on Belmont. Sorry to hear about the cops not noticing the problem, but that's 14 for ya. This shooting is an aggravated battery w/ a handgun. Both victims are still alive as far as I know. And, like I told anonymous 5:33, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving the neighborhood. I'd really like if you stay to help the rest of us who care to improve this community, but I can't stop you from leaving.

    Good luck to the both of you in your new neighborhood.

  14. Anonymous 7:13, I was actually saying the same thing. For crying out loud, we get two kids shot, one in the head, and Uptown's shooting ends up on the news?? Are you kidding me? Well, maybe their shooting ended up on the news because of a school being right there, and there's more people in Uptown who care there about their community than here. Apathy here is our biggest problem. No one wants to get involved, but except people like me to do everything to improve the community.

    Those people in Uptown ought to thank God they don't live on the west or south sides, or even a neighborhood like this. While the number of shootings they have is getting a little concerning (especially since I have to travel through there every two weeks).

  15. You would really be suprised at all the crap that goes on which doesn't get reported. Get a scanner and listen, the city goes up for grabs all the time.

  16. I assure you that Uptown has turned into a war zone the past 6 months. There are shootings daily and Broadway & Wilson is the mecca for the crime. I guess that area is getting media attention is because there are some wealthy condo owners who live there who are fed up. BTW blue light cameras do nothing to deter crime. An Uptown resident

  17. Anonymous 6:50, that's so true. I listen to other areas all the time and can't tell you how true that is.

  18. @2:44 here. We just moved in November 1st and our new commute to work includes Belmont (the bus and the train station). I have worked in the area years before so when we found this place we thought excellent, super convenient and diverse neighborhood. Score! Now that we're here, it's freaking me out. I'm not asking for manicured lawns and a friendly postman, I'm asking for safety and no fear of gettting shot! When the bus takes too long we walk from the station to our house (right past the intersection where this shooting went down)... Alderman Colon I hope you're reading this because whatever you think you're doing that's working over here is not!!

  19. @2:44 again - regarding the cops seeing the drug dealer selling weed to the people waiting for the bus, no, they did not, he just kept moving person to person. Thanks for the info on the rival gangs I'm trying to learn as much about what gangs are in my new neighborhood as I can :/

  20. What can we do to get more police cameras in high crime street like Fullerton, Armitage, North, Diversey, Belmont. Theres way more but I think these need big brother wacthing them.

  21. I find it funny to when they aay Logan Square is diverse when the population is latino 60+% and blacks around 15+% whites theres a couple but from what I hear the yuppies are relocating somewhere else. Theres arabs and asians but not that many usually they have a small retail store or a gas station, but I dont think they live in the neighborhood, Well I guess Logan is diverse but thats for latinos theres plenty. Mexicans, puerto ricans, cubans, colombians, and ppl from honduras, equador ect theres alot theres plenty of blacks to whites they started to pop off more when condos started to appear but from I hear my friend is a real estate agent and he says alot of the yuppies are moving out becausr they dont wanna pay 300K+ for a condo and have bangers and dealers causing trouble in there block, and Logan Square has a lot of residents with the no snicthing motto.
