Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day 2010

Good morning, everyone. It's 6:33am. Today is Election Day, which means it is time to VOTE! Today, votes are being held for Governor, State Treasurer, and other state and federal positions. Now the real fun begins, election day. Polls open this morning at 6am and stay open until 7pm.

Here are some important numbers for Election Day. Jot these down.
- Chicago Board of Elections Main Line 312-269-7900.
- Election Central for legal, investigative and language assistance, 5am to 10pm, Election day only 312-269-7870.
-To verify registration and for proper Precinct Polling Place 312-269-1604.

Citizen Journalist, bring a camera if you can. Take photos if you see any funny business or "hanky panky". You can send them to me with the precinct #, ward number, and a bit of what you saw to weatherboy58@hotmail.com, or onto the blog, or even on the Facebook page.

This post will be updated throughout the day.

Update #1, 7:04pm - Polls are closed now. I hope everyone got out and voted. "Petitioners were within 100 feet of the doors at 014 and the Logan Square Library.". This is how Precincts 10 (Logan Square Library) and 31 (14th Dist. Police Station) in Ward 35 were described as by one reader.

Update #2, 7:16pm - This was the scene at about 4:30 this afternoon in Ward 35, Precinct 28 (Diversey Square Apartments, 3305 on Diversey) was: "Most of the voting stations were in use when I got there but there was no line. The people working the polls were helpful and made sure to explain the situation with voting for a senator. Things were quiet and easy, with no incidents or anything while I was there."

Update #3, 6:37am, 11/3/10 - This is what I got from an election judge who was working out of the 29th Precinct (St. John Berchman, 2517 W. Logan) in the 35th Ward: "
Big turnout. Excited voters. Lots of political types out there at 5am, and really aggressive with the people coming to the polls. There were a few incidents with this that voters complained about."

Update #4, 12:57am, 11/4/10 - This was the scene at the 22nd Precinct (Wright College, 1645 N. California) in the 1st Ward around 4:30 in the afternoon: "
There were several of my neighbors there voting. The volunteers were friendly and helpful. I went knowing who I wanted to vote for and it took just a few... minutes. It was busy but no waiting. It was really quite a good time and made me happy to see so many people exercising their right and participating in the process."

Update #5, 12:58am, 11/4/10 - A comment regarding early voting in the 4th Precinct in the 33rd Ward: "...
I went to the last day of early voting at Independence Library on Irving. Things were going very smoothly there, and there were many taking advantage of early voting."


  1. Petitioners were within 100 feet of the doors at 014 and the Logan Square Library. This evening turned out to be a sad one for the community, as a young man's life was suddenly ended by gunfire on the 3400 block of Beach as he was minding his own business in his home. More to come on that as details emerge.

  2. 3400 W Beach isn't in Logan Square, but I'm still really sad to hear that happened to this young person. Such a shame. And, thank you for letting me know about the lines at the 14th Dist. and the library.

  3. Minding his own business? What, gangbanger business. The media always sugarcoats the dead kids. Most are involved with or hang out with those in gang nonsense. Bullets don't have radar. Hang with gangbangers the possiblility of getting shot can happen.

  4. See, Cook county and the city of Chicago always decide who runs Illinois. Those downstaters just better learn that. We support the rest of the state with our tax dollars.

  5. "Those downstaters just better learn that. We support the rest of the state with our tax dollars.

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010 9:02:00 AM CDT"

    your math is off, as well as your bogus claim of being part of the 'we' that actually pays taxes with money they've earned by working for it.

    paying taxes with tax monies you've received via any of the oxymoron named 'entitlements' programs isn't actually you paying taxes.

    in fact, the rest of the state supports a majority of crook county's mooching, entitlement receiving residents.

    you, being one of the many moochers, should know that.
