Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Disturbance On Ridgeway

Good evening, everyone, it's 7pm. It's cold out there. I mean, literally. I definitely felt the cold when I woke up this morning. But the clear skies beats yesterday afternoon's violent storms. Anyway, as I've been saying, today is my two year anniversary of this blog. It's been that long already. I could remember when I was first starting out, which was a real struggle. But you know what? It payed off in the end. Also, I'll be coming home at my regular time tomorrow. Originally, there was a Student Government meeting scheduled for tomorrow after school, but it was rescheduled for next Thursday, the 2nd. So, here's crime for some of this evening.

7:13pm - Disturbance. 2847 N Ridgeway. Two kids playing football, hitting the parked cars, which sets off their alarms. Funny, I don't see or hear anything.

7:15pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2537 N Lowell.

7:19pm - Disturbance. 3720 W Fullerton. Something about a guy selling his car to Mexico or something.

7:20pm - I'm going to go until 8:36.

8:36pm - I'm back.

9:00pm - Ok, time for me to hit the bed. Good night, everyone, and once again, thank you for providing me two years of this blog! See you all tomorrow.


  1. What's up with Ridgeway? That street seems to be full of dirtbags and troublemakers.

  2. I recently stumbled upon your blog when I was doing some research on the Logan Square area and I have to say that I am hooked! I check your blog everyday - it's so interesting! Thank you!

  3. Anonymous, despite what some people say about it being a pretty safe street, I disagree. I agree with you. Seems like there's always trouble over here on Ridgeway. But there's a couple of people who are vigilant like me.

    Maggie, welcome, and thank you!
