Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crime Blotter For November 3, 2010

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:42pm. Just got in from school, despite us getting out 30 minutes early, due to a teacher's meeting. It's just the CTA took forever to get home on, particularly the #155 Devon bus. Ugh. I hate that bus route with a passion, and I don't think I'll ever ride it again on a school day. I got so frustrated that I got off at Western, but that was a mistake, as you have to take two buses to get from Devon to Diversey on Western. Then, to top it off, I stupidly ran out into the middle of traffic catching a #76 Diversey bus at Western (which was about to pull off), almost getting hit by a truck (which slammed on it's brakes, and I sincerely hope that didn't cause an accident). I'll never do that again, either. This has just been sort of a bad day for me. On the bright side, though, I don't have to report to school until noon tomorrow because of testing. But I have to leave here at 10:30, so I can catch a #76 to the Brown Line, then transfer to the Red Line at Belmont. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:44 to 6:07pm - Took a nap.

6:53pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:11pm - I'm back.

8:04pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Kostner. Three people fighting in the street.

8:05pm - Beat 6759George is in pursuit of a car, somewhere along Central Park.

8:06pm - 6759G has the car stopped at Belmont and Central Park.

8:09pm - The 8:04pm job was a gang fight, and the parties fled towards Parker on Kostner.

8:47pm - Disturbance. 3131 N Monticello.

8:52pm - A unit has a stop at Central Park and Barry.

8:58pm - Person w/ a gun. Avers and Palmer. Three teens on the NW corner with guns.

9:44pm - There is now a request for a supervisor over at 3131 on Monticello.

9:46pm - 1) Criminal trespass in progress. 2336 N Kedvale. The light is on in the basement of a vacant house. 2) Disturbance. 3621 W Dickens. Neighbor is making too much noise.

10:06pm - Beat 2573 is transporting one into 25 from the 8:52pm stop.

11:56pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.

12:00am - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. I've noticed lots of problems on the 3100 block of Monticello lately. There's a house on the alley at about 3146 or so which seems to have lots (drug?) activity going on. Also lots of drunken nonsense from the bar at 3200 N. Monticello.

  2. People with guns? Requests for supervisors? Perhaps if folks would use common sense and not call in bogus nonsense the police could do their job. Lots of folks request a supervisor because the police won't make a report for them. If its not criminal in nature you've got to accept it. You don't get a report.

  3. Anonymous 12:04, so you're saying a gun call is bogus? And how the hell is that? If they've got guns, then that's definitely a justified call to 911. Or would you rather someone get shot?

    Anonymous 11:37, so have I, actually. It's becoming a bit worrisome.

  4. Yes, some folks will say there's men with guns just to get the cops there quicker. When all it is, is a group of loud kids or men. Cry wolf too many times and those cops will se that, thus slower service or too many cars tied up on nonsense.

  5. Well, yeah, that's somewhat true. But how do we know that the call for Palmer and Avers was bogus or not? It could've been true.

  6. Timmy, you probably hear it on your scanner. First its just loud kids, next call they got guns. If the cops don't hurry the caller just adds more nonsense. And when the cops show up it's just a couple fools sitting on a porch.

  7. Yes, I've heard this before. The thing with the particular call we're talking about, though, is that there were no previous calls for loiters or anything.
