Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shots Fired On Avers Early This Morning

Received this comment on my Facebook fan page from a reader...

"...shots fired...three then two...this morning at about earshot of our house on 2900 block of Avers..."

Anyone else hear the shots, or see anything? Send your comments or questions to here or my email address.


  1. Yes I heard them same time,
    they woke me as well. 2800 N. Avers

  2. Since you live on the 2800 block of N. Avers, can you email me, please? And, thanks for letting me know that you also heard them.

  3. Sniper fire from the Club Gibbons perhaps?

  4. was at 3:45 AM early morning Saturday (Friday night)...I called 911...I am surprised they were heard on 2800 sounded north of me...or in the alley...

  5. Just moved to the area (2800 Avers block) and that sound of gunshots does not make my fiance and I very comfortable now. Should we be watching ourselves living over here? Anyone, let me know your input. Email me: . Thanks to those who report crime.

  6. I'm not trying to come down on anyone, but I think it is extremely irresponsible to move into an area and have no idea about the crime or the gangs that have been at each others throats since (in many cases) the 1950's and 60's. I realize a lot of people move to Chicago and think hey, wow, we are so urban now, but if you are really from here (or any real city for that matter) you know what time it is and should have the forethought to do your research before just jumping on the first place you can afford and then worrying about the undesireable elements around you. That being said, the only way things like this ever really change is when you have a large group of people who are actually willing to BUY property and invest in the community for the years to come rather than taking advantage of cheap rents while ducking back and forth from the bus to the house and living in fear. That is how the gangs win. Of course, there were several shots fired at Western and Armitage early Sunday morning and the yuppies are certainly in force over there...

  7. anonymous,
    email me at, my name is Joshua. I am close and have been here for 5 years with my wife and 10 month old child. I would like to talk and or meet with you. By the way, police responded to the shooting immediatly, but found no shooter. I heard no commotion at that time and the shots sounded much different than other shots I heard.

  8. Anonymous, just so you know, Joshua definitely can be trusted. He is a really good commmunity member and he is one of the most active people in the neighborhood. I know Joshua on a fairly good personal level. Also, if you'd like to ask me any questions about the community, just email me. I've been in the neighborhood for almost 20 years, so I know a fairly good amount about the area.

    JCON, I agree, actually. People do need to do their homework on the neighbors they're about to move into.
