Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Selling On Diversey

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:37pm. I've had a pretty bad day at school, so I'm glad to be home. Some people just know how to mess with your happiness. And at this point, I've really got nothing else to say. Here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:20pm - Narcotics. Diversey and Lawndale. SW corner. Two males selling.

6:31pm - There's nothing going on in the neighborhood, so I'm quitting for tonight. Good night, and see you all tomorrow.


  1. Don't let high school get ya down kid. Remember, you got your whole life ahead of you. H.S. is just a blip in the lifeline. I for one hated it, it was like going to work and not getting paid.

  2. Thanks, Zaccardo. Going to school, and doing everything else I'm involved in, it's tiring me out and is working my nerves a bit. But I'll be ok.

  3. Uh, how many of these calls to the police are really true? Are the guys on the corner really waving guns around, seling drugs or doing any of the things the caller says? Or is it they just don't like anyone hanging out anywhere? Calling in nonsense just ties up cars that could really be doing police work. Nuff said...

  4. Thanks for keeping this blog. I just read it for the first time today. You're a terrific writer and once you're on to college you should consider journalism or maybe new media. Stick with it, you're very well composed and a lot of what you say is inspiring, especially when you try to rile up the readers to become more active in the community.

  5. Anonymous 10:28, that's a good question, actually. I'd like to know myself. I know when I call something in, it's true, but I can't really be too sure on some of these calls.

    Anonymous 1:58, welcome to the blog, and thanks for the comment! As for me in college (which is a big if at this point), I've decided not to become a journalist or news reporter. I'd like to do some work that saves people's lives, such as being a police dispatcher or a cop. But thanks for the comment, and I hope you continue to read this blog to keep yourself informed!
