Friday, September 17, 2010

U-Haul Truck Hits Parked Car On Avers

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:45pm. I just got home from school. I had to stay for a little while for a meeting. That was ok. But I'm really tired. It's been a long day. Anyway, like I said in my last post, if anyone is interested in the gang loitering issue at 2856 N. Ridgeway, and if anyone on the 2700 block of N Ridgeway is reading, please, email me. For you folks on 2700 on Ridgeway, I have a question, and I have information for those of you interested in the issue at 2856 on Ridgeway. Also, this weekend will consist of my weird schedule again. I'll be gone until 7:17pm tomorrow, and I'll monitor until dinner on Sunday. Here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:48pm - Traffic accident. 24XX N Avers. The caller's rented U-Haul truck crashed into the neighbor's parked car.

5:31pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 2800 block of N Springfield. 2) Disturbance. 3140 N Lawndale.

6:12pm - Missing person report. 4431 W Altgeld. 14 yr old daughter ran away.

6:30pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:50pm - I'm back.

7:17 to 7:44pm - I took a nap. Sorry.

9:01pm - Battery in progress. Schubert and Kostner. Report of guys fighting.

9:46pm - Some sort of call of a "battery" at 4177 on Barry.

10:09pm - Burglary. Somewhere on Springfield.

11:15pm - Domestic disturbance. 3004 N Karlov. 14 yr old daughter locked the caller out.

11:20pm - Person w/ a knife. 4255 W Nelson.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. "I am 17 years old and have a condition known as autism (hard to believe, right?), but I have very good comprehension."

    that is a matter of opinion.

  2. Man did you see the cops tuck tail and run from the Mexicans during their illegal street parades? Those cops in 025 are scared.

  3. Hey Timmy i got a couple question that i hope you got and answer. Well i been trying to figure out how to install police camerad in my area on fullerton and central park to ridgeway theres a lot of gangs hanging out drug deals everyday and shootings a lot in these blocks gang wars. How can i get the police to install them i think the big ones are better because the criminals will see them and calm down. I been living here for ten years and its gotten better buts its still very bad place to be in. I also want to saywhats up with all the bangers hanging around the 14th district im pretty sure there cobras and lovers i see them outthere everyday from morning to night because i take the el to work do they need cameras to but i think they wont install them there because it a be kind of a inberassment to the police if they install camerad there because they cant keep wacth on there own block let alone all of logan square.

  4. Hey Timmy,

    I'm sure you heard about the CPD pulling most of it's officers out of CAPS. Sounds like it's going to be up to the citizens to figure out how to continue community-based policing in the future. Now what?

  5. It says to email you regarding gang loitering problem at 2856 N. Ridgeway but I don't see you email address?

  6. Why don't the police just pick up all the bums on Milwaukee like they used to? They would round up the homeless and take them to a shelter. No more?

  7. Shooting last night on 3200 N Monticello

  8. Hey timmy i just moved to logan and its a pretty bad neighborhood compare to bridgeport. But i live pretty close to the are you said can i get your email and see whats up because the gang loitering is big therea like always 20 to 30 guys in my block selling drugs and it looks like noone cares in the block there like they do them and we do us as long as they dont mess with our property is all cool.

  9. Anonymous 4:28, no, it's a fact, thank you very much. I know I have good comprehension.

    Anonymous 8:47, I didn't see it, but I heard it. The cops aren't usually scared, but this did scare them. You could hear it in their voices.

    Concerned Citizen, to answer your first question, call 911 for any and all things you see. The more calls they get, the more they will start paying attention. Also, if you can, encourage your neighbors to call for everything, too. As I've learned, it takes A LOT of calls just to get a camera somewhere. It may take a few years at times for that to happen. To answer your second question, you're probably seeing those Cobras and Lovers hanging out like that because they're at war, from what I've heard.

    Scott, yes, I did hear about that. I'm really worried, too. I'd rather have a cop running it. But we only need one or two cops to do that, not the 8 to 12 that are doing it in each district at this moment in time.

    Anonymous 5:41, my email is

    Anonymous 6:21, the police can't do that anymore unless the drunk poses a danger to himself or others.

    Anonymous 8:02, thanks for the link. I'm doing an article shortly about the shooting.

    Newbie, yeah, Logan Square is a bad area compared to Bridgeport. It's a lot safer there than here. My email is I'm sorry to hear about all of those guys out there selling drugs. Hopefully once you contact me, I can work with you to try to get rid of the problem. About people not caring, we have the same problem on my block. It's sad, too.

  10. "Anonymous 4:28, no, it's a fact, thank you very much. I know I have good comprehension."

    how can you know that you have good comprehension, when your knowing you have good comprehension depends upon your level of comprehesion?

  11. "Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:17:00 AM CDT"

    read and learn:

  12. " Scott said...

    Hey Timmy,

    I'm sure you heard about the CPD pulling most of it's officers out of CAPS. Sounds like it's going to be up to the citizens to figure out how to continue community-based policing in the future. Now what?

    Saturday, September 18, 2010 12:47:00 PM CDT"

    said the sheeple called 'scott' to the sheeple called 'timmy'.

  13. I see you're back from the drunk post. How've you been? Oh, bitter and hateful as usual. Anyway, there is no need to explain myself. And, I see that I'm a "sheeple" to you now. Hilarious! What else are you going to come up with?

  14. O.K., anonymous, what am I learning from your links? That the cameras don't work? That there are some bitter cops in the CPD? I read SCC, I know what their point of view is.

    What does this have to do with CAPS?

  15. "What does this have to do with CAPS?

    Sunday, September 19, 2010 12:24:00 PM CDT"

    i see your level of comprehension is on par with timmy's.

  16. " And, I see that I'm a "sheeple" to you now. Hilarious! What else are you going to come up with?

    Sunday, September 19, 2010 1:57:00 AM CDT"

    It's not what I'm going to come up with, it's what dumbass shit you and your fan following are likely to pull that will end in utter failure.

  17. You're really fucking hateful, whoever the fuck you are. You know that? What I have a done to you that makes you talk like this to me? What, post that picture up of that drunk? TOO FUCKING BAD. He asked for it and got it.

    And talk about utter failure. LOL! I'm a part of so many things that can and will improve this community. Hell, I got a police roll call organized on my block, and I've organized a special meeting that will happen next week regarding an issue in the community. And, no, not our stupid drunks. Something much more serious.

    You know what? Do me a favor and go fuck yourself. How about that?

  18. "Hell, I got a police roll call organized on my block, and I've organized a special meeting that will happen next week regarding an issue in the community. And, no, not our stupid drunks. Something much more serious."

    like I said, timmy, get a fucking clue.

    'outdoor roll call', otherwise known as a royal pain in the ass and the completely, totally fucking useless smoke and mirrors blown up the community's ass.

    "You know what? Do me a favor and go fuck yourself. How about that?

    Sunday, September 19, 2010 4:39:00 PM CDT"

    sorry, timmy, but no favors for you, you haven't earned any.

  19. Ever see the cops at these street roll calls in 025? What a bunch of slob cops. Without their guns little school girls could kick their asses.

  20. Hey Timmy,

    I think it's time for you to only allow registered users to leave comments.

  21. Anonymous 8:41, actually, yes I have. At one that I organized. Most of the cops that were there seemed like they could kick ass without their guns. But, yeah, I've seen the slobs, too.

  22. "Hey Timmy,

    I think it's time for you to only allow registered users to leave comments.

    Monday, September 20, 2010 9:19:00 AM CDT"

    you mean only those who reliably stroke timmy's roscoe?

  23. "Ever see the cops at these street roll calls in 025? What a bunch of slob cops. Without their guns little school girls could kick their asses.

    Monday, September 20, 2010 8:41:00 AM CDT

    okay, little school girl, prove your theory and let us all know the results.

  24. No, jerk. Those who can constructively criticize me and not call me names and things like you do. And, besides, I believe I have the right to know who my readers are. It's about time I use that right.

  25. And, by the way, you sound like a police officer. You really do. Let me find out who you are. I have emails to multiple Sergeants, so watch those comments, buddy. If you are a cop, I can have your ass fired. And, even if you're not cop, I'll be screening your I.P. number.

  26. "I have emails to multiple Sergeants, so watch those comments, buddy. If you are a cop, I can have your ass fired. And, even if you're not cop, I'll be screening your I.P. number.

    Monday, September 20, 2010 9:43:00 PM CDT"

    have you been drinking?

  27. No, I haven't. I'm pissed off. I'm sick of your fucking ramblings. They contribute nothing to this blog.

  28. Timmy, this hater is a tool clock stuck in a poor neighborhood who can't afford to buy property or a home. A man without property and a man who is up at 4am posting nasty comments on a blog is a tool. A complete waste. Move somewhere else. Oh wait. You can't afford to.

  29. "Timmy, this hater is a tool clock stuck in a poor neighborhood who can't afford to buy property or a home. A man without property and a man who is up at 4am posting nasty comments on a blog is a tool. A complete waste. Move somewhere else. Oh wait. You can't afford to.

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:22:00 PM CDT"

    you've got a nasty hangover, again, i see.

    try getting a good night's sleep without the aid of the booze.
