Thursday, September 23, 2010

North Alley Traffic Stop

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:24pm. I finally woke up from a nap I took around 4:15pm. I was tired, but now I'm refreshed. Anyway, I'm out of school until Monday. We have tomorrow off, because the teachers are having one of those Professional Development Days. With that, I'm going to be here tomorrow and Saturday on an on and off schedule sort of thing. I have some things I have to do the next two days. Also, from 10pm-midnight tonight, I'm monitoring 14. Here's crime for this evening.

6:43pm - Beat 6752Adam has a traffic stop in the north alley of Diversey and Hamlin.

6:46pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:59pm - I'm back.

7:00pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3900 W Diversey. Male in a red shirt.

7:01pm - Disturbance. 1800 N Springfield. Egg throwers.

7:23pm - Battery. 4312 W Fullerton. Two people were attacked.

7:27pm - Narcotics. On 2525's Beat.

8:12pm - Gambling. Hamlin and Lawndale (just north of George).

8:26pm - Disturbance. 2200 N Avers.

9:08pm - 1) Robbery. Belden and Pulaski. Male Black, 5'9, green t-shirt and black pants robbed the caller at gunpoint. 2) Suspicious person/Burglary(?). 2330 and 2336 N Harding. 3) Burglary in progress. 2704 N Harding. 4) Information for the police. 3701 W McLean.

9:27pm - Domestic disturbance. 3611 W Belmont. Mother and father are arguing.

10:00pm - Switched over to 14 until Midnight.

10:04pm - Some call at 2146 W Caton.

10:05pm - Battery report. Logan and Elston. At the Export Fitness.

10:09pm - Criminal damage report. 2161 N California. Caller said a group of kids threw rocks at the windows, and broke them.

10:14pm - 1) Reckless driver. Diversey/Kimball/Milwaukee. Maroon SUV speeding north on Kimball towards Dawson. 2) Parker. 2818 N Drake. Four door blue car blocking the hydrant.

10:30pm - Burglar alarm. 2945 N Sawyer. At the Avondale school.

10:32pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. North and Kimball. On CTA bus #1626, there's a guy screaming and refusing to leave the bus.

10:37pm - Domestic disturbance. 2429 W Cortland. Neighbors screaming and arguing.

10:38pm - 1) Criminal damage in progress. Milwaukee and Washtenaw. Male in dark pants and shirt is tagging the wall on the side of the Block Buster. 2) Disturbance. 2425 W Diversey. Male causing problems in R&S Liquors. 3) Loud music disturbance. 1600 block of N Washtenaw. 4) Wires down. 2255 N Spaulding. 5) Parker. 1917 N Milwaukee.

10:40pm - Beat 1410 says that the male at
Milwaukee and Washtenaw isn't tagging. He's cleaning the wall.

10:43pm - Backlog in 14 at 22:43 hours.

10:44pm - Shots Fired. Belden and Oakley. Three heard.

10:47pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:44pm job. Also, there's a fireworks call at 2318 W Medill. Oakley and Belden is probably related to this.

10:48pm - Traffic accident. Logan and California.

10:59pm - Beat car 1413Robert has an on-view criminal damage at 2548 N Milwaukee.

11:05pm - Kidnapping. 1810 N Spaulding. Female White, 28 yrs old, took the two and a half weeks old baby. She fled in a mini '09 Cooper with white stripes on it. This IS domestic related, by the way.

11:13pm - A couple of things to throw out there:
- There is an event on Wednesday, September 29th at Cole's Chicago (2338 N. Milwaukee Avenue) from 6:30-8:30pm. It is a part of Chicago Magazine.
Their real estate/communities reporter, Dennis Rodkin, our and senior editor, Geoff Johnson, are hosting an event to discuss the history of Chicago’s neighborhoods, with a special emphasis on Logan Square, North Center, Kenwood, Lincoln Park, and West Town. This will be a night of conversation with community members, and they plan to answer some of the following (and more): Why and how do communities change? What makes a neighborhood a “safe bet?” Can a neighborhood gentrify and keep its history?
- Check out this article, guys.
- The 2856 N. Ridgeway meeting has been moved to 6pm. Email me for details.

11:21pm - Battery in progress. 2200 N Western. Males fighting in the alley with bottles.

11:24pm - Burglary. 2815 W Fletcher. It happened on Monday.

11:34pm - Battery in progress. 1900 block of N Drake. Woman screaming for help, like she's getting beaten.

11:36pm - A
slow down is being given on the 11:34pm job.

11:38pm - 1) Narcotics. 24X8 N Drake. 2) Disturbance. 2857 W Shakespeare.

11:44pm - Some call in the area.

11:50pm - Battery. Fullerton and Western.

11:53pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2838 W North. At the Burger King.

11:55pm - EMS run. 2950 N Gresham. Uncooperative pregnant woman.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back in October with 14, and tomorrow with 25 :). Good night, everyone.


  1. I saw a guy (polish type) with a cart in the alley off Milwaukee. He had numerous tools in his cart. Perhaps he's one of the guys who breaks open the doors on abandoned properties.

  2. Wow kid, you need a life, go get laid or something, get out of the house, go look at the world, go drink a beer, before you become a closet case like your mentor Craig

  3. Hey Rogers Park Loon, that's funny. I could've sworn I was outside earlier today, for about an hour. I took a walk around my neighborhood. And, FYI, when the weather's nice and when I'm not busy with school, I go out quite often. So I have a life.

  4. Hey Loon, why don't you take your sorry ass back to SCC for a little bitter cop circle jerk. Your tea bagger "wisdom" is not welcome here. You rip on Timmy for needing a life? You spend your evenings trolling a kid's blog under the guise of teaching him a lesson? What is the point? If you don't care for Timmy's posts, don't read them, right?
