Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Good morning, everyone, it's 5am. Happy Labor Day. Not all that exciting for me, personally, because I have to go back to school starting tomorrow, which I have really mixed feelings about. I will be glad to see my friends and to meet new people, but I'm hearing that there may be problems. It appears some kids haven't grown up over the summer. I'm just hoping for the best. So, anyway, I'm monitoring 25 for most of the day, except from 1:41-1:59pm and dinner time. I'm monitoring 14 in that time period I just gave because I fell asleep at that time yesterday. Here is crime for today.

5:44am - Disturbance. Altgeld and Monticello. Bottle throwers.

6:47am - Disturbance. Diversey and Pulaski. Mental son needs to go to the hospital. He's walking towards Koz Park. Wearing a black shirt and camouflage pants.

7:02am - Word has it that the 6:47am mental is now at Belmont and the Mil (Milwaukee, LOL).

7:10am - Assault in progress. 1627 N Pulaski. Female inside Walgreens threatening two employees with a knife.

9:04am - Parker. 2722 N Ridgeway. White limo parked in front. It has been there for a month.

9:10am - Parker. 4164 W Wellington. Car illegally parked in the alley, by a backyard. Or something like that.

10:38am - Parker. 4144 W Barry. Car parked on the hydrant.

10:53am - Open door. 3011 N Avers. The door's open to a vacant building, and vagrants may be squatting in there.

11:04am - Beat 2565Boy asks for a SOB mission event number on the 20 sector of 25. Event number is 06251.

11:52am - Some call at 3712 W Shakespeare.

12:43pm - Shots Fired. 4324 W Wrightwood. Near KP High.

12:46pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Karlov.

12:59pm - Backlog in 25 at 12:59 hours.

1:22pm - EMS run. 3819 W George.

1:41pm - I'm here with 14 now, until 1:59pm.

1:50pm - Battery. 2007 N Whipple. Caller was told to move their car, then the person who said that hit them in the mouth.

1:59pm - I'm back with 25 'til dinner time.

2:37pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

2:41pm - Beat 2573 is on a traffic stop at Wrightwood and Keeler.

2:43pm - Great ... the most nastiest female dispatcher in that whole entire building at the 911 center is working Zone 12 (15th and 25th Districts radio) this afternoon. This is the one who flirts big time with the cops, talks really nasty, is rude, etc. I can't stand her. She's rarely ever on this Zone, but when she is, it makes for a bad day.

4:18pm - Suspicious vehicle. 2446 N Springfield.

4:21 to 4:36pm - Didn't pay too much attention. Sorry.

4:41pm - Suspicious vehicle. Wrightwood and Springfield.

4:54pm - Parker. 2939 N Kildare. Car blocking the driveway.

4:55pm - Theft. 3028 N Kostner. Known male took the caller's bike.

5:03pm - Disturbance. Altgeld and Hamlin. Male yelling and making noise.

5:20pm - EMS run. 2501 N Avers. Male laying on the parkway.

5:36pm - Beat car 2535 is hearing possible gunshots in the area of Central Park and Wabansia. They'll be in the area.

5:38pm - Shots Fired. Bloomingdale and Spaulding.

5:40pm - Beat car 1422 is saying that the 5:36/5:38pm stuff is fireworks.

5:45pm - Assault in progress. Diversey and Lawndale. Two males, one in a car, and one on a motorcycle, are arguing.

5:58pm - Missing person report. 2618 N Central Park. 5 yr old female, glasses, eye patch, black shirt, and pink and black shirt, has been missing since around 5:25.

6:03pm - Beat 2530 is on scene of a traffic accident at Lawndale and Armitage. Ambulance is needed for a female who hit her head on a windshield.

6:04pm - I'd just like to ask a question, and pass some information along:
1) Anyone know who the candidates are running for aldermen in the wards?? I'd like to know, for November. All I know of is Devon Reid (he used to go to school with me, I know who he is but we don't really know each other) running for 26th Ward.
A new school is opening up at Belmont and Milwaukee tomorrow. If any of you live in the area, I would greatly appriecate any and all reports you have for this school. I hear it's going to be bad, so I would like to know what happens.
3) I received an email from a CAPS member regarding the earlier call at 3011 N Avers. The building is indeed vacant. A back gate was found slightly open last week.

6:34pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:06pm - I'm finally back.

7:24pm - Domestic disturbance. 4408 W Diversey. Argument going on between a man and a woman.

7:33pm - EMS run. 3963 W Belmont. Male down.

7:39pm - 1) Disturbance. 3850 W Fullerton. 2) Disturbance. 3129 N Lawndale.

8:35pm - Domestic disturbance. 2417 N Avers. Dad, who is armed with a hammer, is trying to break down the door.

8:36pm - 1) Disturbance. 3100 block of N Hamlin. 2) Burglar report. 1738 N Harding.

8:52pm - Check this out, guys. The TCF bank in the Jewel-Osco on Elston was held up.

9:01pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon once I get home from my first day of school.


  1. I am listening too. She just told an officer, "don't get no blood on you or anything" in response to a potential suicide in progress call. Is this the same dispatcher you are talking about?

  2. Yep. And I heard that comment she made also. She's something else. She has been on this Zone a couple of times since 2008, and she has said some of the nastiest things I've ever heard.

  3. Found this today and it's really helpful if I see things for me to remember them. I've never stumbled on the gang maps before.
    This one is for the north side. Link to south side is below it.

  4. Hi Ally. Hate to break it to you, but that map is at least two years old. And the gangs in the area have definitely moved around, at least somewhat.

  5. Darn it. They really should let the website know they new territory. They are so inconsiderate ;)

  6. city elections are next February, 2011.

    the elections in November 2010 are state and mid term federal elections.

    nice of you to pay attention in civics class.

  7. First of all, I don't have a civics class at school. What the hell's that anyway? And. second, I'm only going by people who informed me of this. My informers said that the elections this November were also for PRIMARY city elections. I knew there was an election in February, but isn't that the GENERAL election??

  8. "First of all, I don't have a civics class at school. What the hell's that anyway?"

    try asking your teacher this question.

    "My informers said that the elections this November were also for PRIMARY city elections. I knew there was an election in February, but isn't that the GENERAL election??"

    your 'informers' are misinformed.

    there are no 'primary' city elections.

    do you even know what a 'primary election' is?

  9. Yeah, I do know what a primary election is. People vote for multiple candidates and one candidate, with the most votes, is chosen from each party to be voted for in the general elections. And excuse me for relying on others for information on the elections. I wouldn't have gotten it from you, I'm sure. I usually don't pay attention to elections, unless it involves this neighborhood, and this year, the city, so that's why I asked the person I asked. Do you have a problem with that?

  10. "People vote for multiple candidates and one candidate, with the most votes, is chosen from each party to be voted for in the general elections."

    '...for multiple candidates of the same political party...'

    "And excuse me for relying on others for information on the elections. I wouldn't have gotten it from you, I'm sure."



    it's a big internet world.

    you have the tools, do the work.

    seek, and ye shall find.

    "I usually don't pay attention to elections, unless it involves this neighborhood, and this year, the city, so that's why I asked the person I asked."

    understandable, since you're not yet of voting age.

    but soon you will be, correct?

    it's never too early to learn.

    "Do you have a problem with that?"

    see above.

    also, the fewer ignorant voters there are voting, the sooner will there no longer be ignorant voters fooled into voting for dishonest, smooth talking rascals.

    an educated, thoughtful electorate is not as easily deceived as an ignorant, thoughtless electorate.

    try to be the former and not the latter.

