Saturday, September 11, 2010

Head Hit On Harding

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:49pm. I had a good day being off from school today. Anyway, people, the elections are two months away. Having said that, 30th Ward Alderman Reboyras is going around the neighborhood, trying to find out what blocks need what. So, if he comes on your block, let him know what you want, such as new lights for your streets, new trash cans, etc. On that note, here's crime for tonight.

7:11pm - EMS run. 1707 N Harding. Male hit his head.

8:04pm - Forgot the details, but there was a job in the coverage area.

9:00pm - Beat car 2524 gets some loud music disturbances.

9:37pm - Loud music disturbance. 3135 N Springfield.

9:52pm - Loud music disturbances at 3738 W. Lyndale, 4446 W Montana and 2422 N Hamlin.

10:12pm - Battery in progress. Springfield and Wrightwood. Couple of reports of a fight on the street.

11:39pm - Shots Fired. 2600 N Hamlin, and Schubert and Ridgeway. Two heard.

11:44pm - Traffic accident. 2800 N Central Park. Kids injured in a car accident. Beat car 1411Robert is actually on scene, doing the paper.

11:45pm - EMS run. 2638 N Pulaski. Unresponsive male in the parking lot of the Public Storage.

11:46pm - Loud music disturbance. 4019 W Dickens.

11:51pm - The 11:39pm jobs are coded. Not bona fide.

11:56pm - Beat 2562Eddie reports that there is a garbage can fire behind 4450 W Montana.

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