Friday, September 3, 2010

Drama On Haussen

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:08am. I'm back from blog vacation! I missed you guys, but needed a little time for myself. I'm now here and ready to blog once again. So, speaking of that, it is now September. That means a couple of things for this blog. First, it means I'm going back to my pre-June schedule (which was not monitoring all day, everyday, and monitoring on Saturdays after I eat, and Sundays before I eat). It also means that during the week, updates will be limited, because of school starting back for me. There may be some days were I'm too busy with homework even to update. Then there's the 4th Wednesday of each month, in which I go to CAPS meetings. There will only be updates before I go to school on those days. Also, today is chilly. It's only in the mid 60s right now, and it's only going up to about 73. It should be pretty quiet. Here's crime for today.

9:17am - Domestic disturbance. 3115 N Haussen. Baby momma/daddy drama.

11:43am - EMS run. Belmont and Springfield. 68 yr old male laying by the fire hydrant.

12:20pm - Battery in progress. 2258 N Avers. Male beating a female on the Belden side of the building, by the entrance.

1:18pm - Burglar alarm. 1628 N Harding.

2:01pm - Multiple disturbances in the area. Couldn't get them all in time.

2:25pm - Check the well being. 1800 block of N Hamlin.

2:27pm - Disturbance. 3843 W Atlgeld. Two males, one White and one Black (I forget the descriptions, but there was one), keep walking around the block. They appear to be up to no good.

2:34pm - Person w/ a gun. 4246 W Fullerton.

2:37pm - Disturbance. 4100 W Wellington. Car revving up it's engine.

2:46pm - Gang disturbance. Lawndale and Shakespeare. SE corner. Six loitering near the building.

3:08pm - Disturbance. 3644 W Oakdale. Homeless chilin' (LOL) in the rear.

3:43pm - Backlog in 25 at 15:43 hours.

4:14pm - Assist the citizen. Palmer and Central Park.

4:49pm - Burglar alarm. 4115 W Dickens.

5:46pm - Reckless driver. Belmont and Milwaukee. CTA bus #6576 is speeding recklessly towards Hamlin on Belmont.

6:29pm - Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Lawndale. Three in red flashing.

6:42pm - Beat car 2534 is on a traffic stop at Lawndale and Fullerton.

6:43pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:20pm - I'm back.

7:42pm - The street lights at Diversey and Kostner are out.

7:49pm - Burglar report. 2254 N Keystone.

7:57pm - 1) Battery in progress. Diversey and Springfield. 10 people fighting on the corner. 2) Burglar alarm. 2415 N Pulaski.

9:04pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 7:49pm job. It's HS497800 with the event number of 16685.

9:23pm - Battery in progress. 3743 W Shakespeare. People fighting.

9:24pm - Suspicious vehicle. Avers and Palmer.

9:42pm - 10-1. Mayfield and Ohio. Male Black, 5'10, 160-170 lbs, short hair, white t-shirt and blue jeans fired shots AT the police. All available units are to go. The suspect dropped a grey sweater.

9:46pm - The offender was last seen going north on Menard from Ohio. He may be in one of the yards in the 600 block of N Menard.

10:05pm - Assault. 3717 W Wrightwood.

10:28pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 10:05pm job. It's HS497883 with the event number of 18988.

11:06pm - Some job at 3629 W Palmer.

11:53pm - Person wanted. 4175 W Fletcher. Male wanted for battery to the daughter.

12:05am - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Since this is your official "welcome back post", let me say it again... welcome back!

    "3:08pm - Disturbance. 3644 W Oakdale. Homeless chilin' (LOL) in the rear."

    In a few months, if he's still there, he won't be "chillin'", he'll be freezing! LOL!

  2. Thanks, Timothy! Regarding the "homeless" (they're really drunks), they'll be there. Usually, we have two or three that die every winter in this area because they freeze to death on the street.

  3. Those homeless drunks are illegal aliens. the city should work on deporting them.
