Sunday, August 22, 2010

Traffic Stop @ Belden and Kedvale

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:16am. Today is the last day for the St. Hyacinth's carnival for this year. I'm kind of happy for that, because there won't be any major gang problems on Lawndale once the carnival leaves. But I'm also kind of sad, because I didn't go and the kids in the area are having a lot of fun on the rides. But that's life, it's not fun. So, relating to this whole carnival topic, the "special coverage" will resume today, and it will be different from the previous three nights and last year. Today, I'm starting the coverage when the carnival opens, at 2pm, and will do this until midnight, when I go to bed. Anyway, it feels nice outside, but it's still kind of cloudy. I took a walk around the neighborhood and the breeze felt good. So, here's crime for today.

9:22am - Beat car 2522 is on a traffic stop at Belden and Kedvale.

9:23am - Commercial alarm. 3039 N Milwaukee.

9:31 to 9:46am - Went to the store, though there was a "Shots Fired" call at Diversey and Lawndale. One shot heard.

10:51am - Theft. 3004 N Karlov. Grey '91 car was stolen from the scene.

12:27pm - Domestic disturbance. 2454 N Lowell.

1:18 to 1:44pm - Took a nap. Sorry.

2:00pm - Special coverage of the carnival has started. The boundaries are Oakdale to the north, Ridgeway to the west, Schubert to the south and Central Park to the east. This will go for the rest of the day. This will allow me to monitor any and all activity around the immediate vicinity of the carnival much easier. I'm paying particular attention to when the carnival lets out at 11. Unless there's anything major (large groups loitering, fights, gunshots, etc.) elsewhere in the area, don't except to see calls outside of the boundary area.

2:32pm - Parker. 3628 W Wolfram. Car has the caller blocked in.

2:46pm - Hold the phone. Foot chase. Altgeld and Monticello. 2524's chasing a male who is running towards Central Park on Altgeld.

2:47pm - The 2:46pm offender may be in the backyard of 2450 N Central Park. He's a male Black, wearing all black.

2:50pm - They found him. Heading back west. About 30 seconds later, the offender is in custody at 2439 N Monticello. Back to carnival only coverage.

4:42pm - Just FYI, there's been a major accident at Milwaukee and Central Park. It's really bad.

4:45pm - Parker. 2821 N Ridgeway. Red truck blocking the garage.

5:17pm - Backlog in 25 at 17:17 hours.

6:41pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:54pm - I'm back.

8:10 to 8:24pm - Fell asleep again. Sorry.

10:55pm - The carnival dismisses in five minutes until next year. I'm standing by...

11:00pm - The carnival should be officially over until August 2011. I am listening for any calls.

11:28pm - So far, so good. No reports of violence yet.

11:39pm - Domestic battery. 2716 N Lawndale. Intoxicated husband hit the caller.

11:43pm - Whoever lives on the 2700 block of N Ridgeway, please shoot me an email. I'd like to ask a question.

11:44pm - Nothing's going on at the carnival, so I'll end my coverage a little earlier tonight. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. I noticed that the 2800 block of ridgeway just got permit parking. Why? We are not close to a subway stop or a major commercial strip. The only people that are being kept off that block from parking are your neighbors the block over. When I cant find parking on my block I park on yours and I have seen your cars parked on mine as well. Why do something like permits. It doesnt add anything but another bill to pay and a longer walk for your neighbors.

  2. I don't know why we got permit parking over here, and I wasn't involved with getting this block getting it. I don't own a car, so I don't care. But I guess my neighbors got it because they got tired of having to block on other blocks because of cars that have no business being here. It's been like that for years, and I guess my neighbors got together and complained to the alderman.

  3. What happen on Milwaukee And Central PArk.. Was there a motorcyle accident? Did someone get killed?

  4. Is 2800 N Ridgeway Reboyras' or Colon's ward?

  5. 2800 block of N Ridgeway is in the "wonderful" 30th Ward (Reboyras).

    Anonymous 5:57, all I know is that there was a bad accident there. A fight broke out, and traffic was closed off.

  6. My husband and I drove by the accident at Milwaukee and Central Park before the cops even got there. We didn't see a fight break out, but it looked horrible - a car hit a motorcyclist who appeared to be unconscious on the ground, and his cycle was down the street a bit. People were standing around calling the cops, who we could hear racing to the scene as we drove home. I was actually checking here to see if YOU had any additional info as to what happened -

  7. Hi Erica. That does sound horrible. Such a shame that happened to the motorcyclist. Regarding the information, I hardly got any because the cops were barely mentioning the accident. That's because the accident happened on 14's side. They were probably talking about it a lot more over their radio. Also, I wasn't really listening in, I admit, because of this special coverage I'm doing for the St. Hyacinth's carnival, to babysit these gangbangers.

  8. Im pretty sure these gangbangers are quiet so there cash flow wont be bother by the police. I hear that in places in Austin, Humboldt Park, Logan Square, Hermosa, Garfield Park and so on that there more about money than gangbang alot of places that gangbang more are mostly in the southside.

  9. Hey Mike. While that's true for the most part, I will say the gangs are about gangbanging and money here. What you say about Austin and Garfield Park (and probably Humboldt Park too) is 100% true, but from what I've seen, the gangs in Hermosa and Logan Square are also about gangbanging. We have gangs here not only fighting over money (drug sales, etc.), but they're also fighting over turf and other stuff.

  10. Hey tim i live in that block whats the email adress

  11. Someone told me the guy on the motorcycle was killed.

  12. Anonymous 3:20, that is horrible. Just horrible. My thoughts are with the motorcyclist's family.

    Anonymous 11:51, the email address is
