Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Outdoor Roll Call @ George and Ridgeway This Evening

I know, I know. I'm supposed to be on vacation. But that's from the live blogging of listening to the scanner, and posting up stuff like shootings and what not. Anyway, this post is here to let you folks know something.

For those of you who live in the area of George and Ridgeway, there will be an outdoor roll call held this evening on that corner. It is at 6PM. Your's truly will be in attendance, and helped organized this roll call. If you are available and can come, please do show! Looking forward to seeing those who show up. Who knows, maybe we can also have a positive loitering event on the corner!!

Have a great day!


Update: Tonight was just awesome. We had a GREAT turn out, from the police and the community. I enjoyed each and every second of being out there with CPD and the CAPS members. We had a ton of on-lookers, who were curious. Some people were interested in getting involved with CAPS and what not, others just wanted to know what was going on. The gangbangers that went by looked pretty shocked. They didn't hang around for a change. That's good, if you ask me. Then, our event turned into a bit of positive loitering on the corner. The best part of the evening for me was seeing the community come out in force. There had to be at least 30 of us out there. Thanks to everyone who came tonight for showing up! I appreciate it.


  1. Timmy, what *is* an "outdoor roll call" and what is its purpose?

  2. An outdoor roll call is when the police show up, line up in front of the worst building on a block and a Sergeant addresses them. It's purpose is for residents to meet their Beat officers, and for the community to positively interact with the police. It is also an event of positive loitering, I guess.

  3. Hi Timmy. I've only just started tuning in to your site but I must say I'm impressed. You do very good work and it can't be easy.

    I apologize in advance if this has been brought up earlier and I might not have seen the postings, but what is the story with some of the abandoned houses on 2523's beat that have signs in the windows that say "Club Gibbons?" It seems odd and was just curious if your aware of the signs or what they possibly could mean? Anyway, keep up the good work and take care.

  4. Hey Chuck,
    No, it is not easy. It's not too hard most of the time, either, though. But I am on a little vacation right now, until Friday.

    Regarding the "Club Gibbons" signs, these would be the drunks from this area communicating to us that they live in those abandoned buildings. I have had multiple and multiple emails/comments about it, and this has been brought up at CAPS meetings before.

    Thanks for the comment.

  5. Hey Timmy i know your in your vacation and i hope your having a good one with this lovely weather a little humid today but ohh well. Anyways it seems as you been out crime picked up with two or three homicides, it sucks but what pisses me off more is the media when they want all these trasplant kids ie (yuppies) to move over here they call Logan Square the northside but when its about robberies, shootings, drug bust they call it the westside. A lot of the police i know classify Logan as the westside and they also have the same thoughts, they try to hide crime over here alot i dont know why.

  6. Hey Logan. Yep, I sure am enjoying my vacation. It's nice to have a break. I have been going out everyday so far, traveling to other parts of the city. About the homicides, dumb question, but they happened in this 'hood, right? Because I haven't seen anything in the news yet about homicides in the neighborhood. But that's crazy. As soon as I leave, this happens. smh.

    Logan Square is the northwest side. Period. Stupid media. It's not the north side, or the west side. I wish they would just print the damn truth, and the truth is that Logan Square is on the northwest side. As for the media, they hide this stuff because they don't want these people moving into the neighborhood to know the truth. And the truth is, Logan Square has always been pretty violent. That's alright, those transplants will find out for theirselves.

  7. Yes they happen in Logan one of them on Armitage and Harding a kid got killed in the crossfire while attending a block party. The other one on Ridgeway and something he got rammed into a SUV by a SUV pretty sure it was gang related.

  8. Wow, Logan. Scary stuff. Anyone else know where on Ridgeway where that happened at?

  9. The SUV incident happened in the 2400 Block of N Ridgeway. Here's the tribune article: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/08/pedestrian-killed-after-being-pinned-by-suv-in-logan-square.html.

  10. Hi Sara, thanks for the link. I remember hearing about this now, but I didn't think it was a murder. I just thought it was a bad traffic accident. Wow. That's scary.

  11. Hey timmy i think the traffic accident your talking about is the one that happen on kedzie and diversey one dead two injured
