Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mission On Milwaukee Ave.

Good afternoon, everyone. It's 3:26pm. Sorry for not being here earlier, I didn't feel like blogging. I just didn't have the fetish for it, LOL. I've also been working on notes and stuff, preparing them for a meeting that I'm going to on the 26th. Anyway, it's hot out. Not as bad as the last two days, but still. We'll see a relief in the hot weather soon, and I hear it's going to be a nice one. That's good. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:04pm - Beat 2584 is doing the mission on Milwaukee Avenue this afternoon. The wagon is needed at Milwaukee and Avers, to transport four. The event number for the mission is 12037.

4:12pm - Domestic disturbance. 1642 N Hamlin.

4:25pm - Narcotics. 36X0 W Diversey. Two males selling in front.

4:39 to 5:00pm - The stupid RadioReference feed cut out on me. With that, I'm just not going to blog anymore today. I don't feel like it. See you all tomorrow.

7:00pm - Aw, man. Couldn't resist to blog. I didn't feel like blogging earlier not only because I've been having a bit of a rough day, but also because of the computer I'm on. It CONSTANTLY freezes.

7:16pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. Avers and Wellington. 2) Disturbance. 4116 W Fletcher. Car wash in the street.

7:24 to 7:38pm - Wasn't paying attention, sorry.

7:51pm - 2584 is now clear from the Milwaukee Avenue mission. They will now be back on their regular mission, which is North Ave.

7:53pm - Disturbances on 2523's Beat.

7:56pm - Suspicious person. 2320 N Harding. Three males looking around, acting suspicious.

8:08pm - Domestic disturbance. 2435 N Springfield. Son VS mom.

8:43pm - 1) Person down. Belmont and Milwaukee. 2) Disturbance. 3181 N Milwaukee Ave. Dispute over a lottery ticket in the Shell gas station.

8:50pm - Backlog in 25 at 20:50 hours.

9:19pm - 10-1. Belmont and Central. Off duty PO is having a dispute with a male and apparently needs back-up immediately. All available units are to go.

9:20pm - A slow down is being given on the 10-1.

9:41pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2901 N Kostner. 2) Parker. 2800 block of N Ridgeway. Permits.

9:43pm - Loud music disturbance. 1740 N Harding. Party with disco lights in the backyard.

9:46pm - 1) Person down. 2343 N Keeler. 2) Parker. 2834 N Kenneth. 3) Request for a supervisor. 3181 N Milwaukee. 4) Loud music disturbance. 4300 W Schubert.

11:09pm - Disturbance. 3125 N Kostner. Unknown intoxicated male sleeping on the front porch. And, the call taker made this a domestic. Who do they hire at OEMC? Seriously...

11:17pm - Child left alone. 2847 N Ridgeway. A mom is trying to go out and party. If she does, she'll be leaving a 10 yr old and a 6 yr old behind. On the 2.

11:31pm - Suspicious vehicle. 4118 W George. Car with a plate of X559965 has occupants in it acting suspicious. Throwing stuff out the windows. Heading north on Karlov or Kearsarge, towards Oakdale.

11:36pm - Loud music disturbance. 2630 N Central Park. Party.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. See you all tomorrow. Good night.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Saturdays are the best! Come on..... :)

  3. I reported the problem with the feed on RadioReference to the individual who provides the feed. He replied that this is most likely a RadioReference problem, not a problem with the feed. I'll forward you a copy of his response. I don't know where that leaves us, but suffice to say, I just depend on my scanner, even though I'd rather use RadioReference.

    Don't feel bad about taking a break - the information you deal with is sometimes hard to think about for any length of time. Take some time to rest, relax and do some other things you enjoy. Crime will still be out there when you're ready for it.

  4. Anonymous 6:12, that's good news. As for the George and Hamlin building, is that the one on the SW corner, or SE corner? If it's the SW corner, mind if I give the information to the 2523 CAPS members? They've been looking for this information. Unfortunately, I couldn't publish your comment because it has the landlord's name and phone number. I'm not supposed to publish that kind of information on this blog. If anyone wants the guy's name and/or phone number, please, email me for it.

    Anonymous 7:02, sorry. I've just been having a bit of ups and downs these last two days. Lots of stuff going on. But I'm blogging now.

    Pro, I received your email regarding the problem. I think it's a RadioReference problem, too, as Zone 12 does the same thing. I'm listening off of my scanner now because of it. And, thanks for the support. I appreciate it.

  5. yup, that's the issue. I tried playing RadRef on Windows Media rather than web feed and got a server busy message. So, its not the feed originator's fault nor is it your computer's fault...the problem is with RadioReference. Trying to figure out how to report that now.

    Glad to see you're back on. Some days are just a kick in the pants, and the only cure is to kick back! Cheers!

  6. hey...little off topic i guess, but i just found a site that streams the dispach calls but doesn't seem to have the 14th listed.anyone know where that can be heard? I live in Humbolt Park and would love to hear some of that:

    remember when i was a kid my g/dad had a police scanner...i can see what the draw was.

    Thanks to the admin here for providing this blog.

  7. Anonymous 10:26, the reason why they don't have 14 on there is because there were too many issues with the feed. In particular, it messed up the speakers on my laptop. And, no problem for providing the blog.

    Pro, yep. RadioReference problem for sure. And, I'm glad I'm back too. I got pretty bored, and I decided I wasn't going to let this bring me down any longer. I shouldn't be taking it out on you guys, anyway, as you did nothing wrong to me.

  8. last night around 2:30am, 4 Latin Kings beat up a caucasian male (early 20s) directly outside of my apartment at Spaulding and Wellington. lots of screaming and crying. the police and an ambulance were called.

    keep up the good work, I enjoy your blog!

  9. Timmy is your issue that you don't have high speed internet or your computer is old/slow? Just checking.

  10. Hi Erica, the computer I'm on is slow. The laptop I was on before was much faster.

  11. I know this is an old post, but I would like to ask my fellow Chicagoans to stop posting what you hear on the radio even if it is from RadioReference. To start with, it is illegal to divulge what you hear to anyone else unless it's a police Officer or other emergency responder with a direct interest in the radio traffic.

    People who post what they hear are the reason public Safety Departments such as Police and Fire are routinely going encrypted. I appreciate the interest you have in neighborhood well being, and using the radio traffic as a news source, but please conceal it as a news story for the blog instead. Event numbers and RD numbers are the key to a criminal getting information that they don;t have any right to have.

  12. Shortwave, if it was so illegal, I would've been yelled at by the police to stop, or face a lawsuit. If anything, I am encouraged by the police to do this blog. And, you know what? This is public information, and the public has a right to know what's going on in their neighborhood, without having to purchase a police scanner. So no, I'm not going to stop. If people have a problem with their addresses coming up, they can say so and I will stop posting their address. And, if they don't want their addresses coming up, then maybe they need to tell the criminals to stop committing crime on their property.

    For your information, event and RD numbers are also public knowledge. I say this because most of those numbers are being pulled for public missions. But I will stop putting out event and RD numbers if they're tied to domestics.

    Criminals also have other ways of getting their information. So don't blame my blog for every time criminals get information.
