Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crime Blotter For August 17, 2010

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 12:17pm. I had an errand to run this morning then I took a two hour nap. Anyway, at 6pm this evening, an outdoor roll call is going to be held at Barry and Central Park. It will consist of residents from Beat 1412, but those of us from Beat 2523 were also invited. I'm accepting that invitation by going. So, I hope to see some of you there! Anyway, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

2:09pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:09 hours.

2:37pm - Missing person. 3014 N Haussen. The son, red t-shirt and boxer shorts, ran away. Don't laugh, either, please. He's autistic. How do I know this? Because I've heard this address before on the radio and the last time, the kid turned out to be autistic.

2:58pm - Disturbance. 4030 W Wrightwood. Two males bothering customers at Aldi for change, and they're trying to take quarters out of the shopping carts.

4:06pm - Disturbance. 3620 W Wolfram. Kids playing in the church parking lot. And they were four and five yr olds, too. I walked by there at a quarter of 7, and they were playing there. But they're not bothering anyone, or in any danger of getting hit by cars.

4:09 to 4:24pm - The stupid RadioReference site stopped working, and I had no idea, until I figured out it was way too quiet on the radio. Ugh.

5:52pm - I'm leaving for roll call. I'll be back.

7:23pm - I'm back. There was a pretty big group out there. It consisted of a lot of residents, but there were quite a few coppers too. I have to say, my opinion on 14 has changed somewhat. Before I used to say all of them sucked, but after tonight, the cops who were there seemed to care. In particular, I spoke with a Sergeant who was really nice. For those wondering, this roll call was in response to a shooting, that happened on 25's side of Central Park. And, just for the record, I'm disappointed in the Beat 2523 members. This is the second time that I was the only one from this Beat who went to something CAPS related.

7:48pm - Theft in progress. Diversey and Hamlin. Standing eastbound is CTA bus #1466 with a passenger who found a wallet and refuses to return it to it's owner.

8:29pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3046 N Hamlin. 2) Burglar alarm. 2965 N Milwaukee. 3) Traffic accident. Central Park and Diversey.

10:32pm - Criminal damage. 2003 N Pulaski. In the gas station lot, four male Hispanic gangbangers with long hair and white "sleeveless" shirts smashed out someone's car windows.

10:44pm - Guys, look at these two stories. The first one is about a second guy being charged in the T-Moblie robbery incident from August 2nd at Fullerton and Pulaski. The other is about a homicide in the 2300 block of N. Keeler, which is on the border for Beats 2522 and 2525. And, also, around 2:30, the wagon was detailed to that block because of a shrine set up.

11:00pm - I'm going to go. I'm getting up at 6:30 tomorrow morning, so I'd like to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Good night, everyone.


  1. Whats an outdoor roll call timmy?

  2. Anonymous, this is where the officers stand on the street while a sergeant addresses issues in the area to them. It is also an opportunity for residents to come and meet the officers who work their beat.
