Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Handwaver At Fullerton And Hamlin

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:02am. I still don't feel 100 percent. Although I'm way better than I was last week, I'm still not all that there. My stomach still hurts. Hopefully that goes away, as I've got things that have to be done, and this is really holding me back from doing those things. Anyway, I'm monitoring 14 for most of the day. I'm starting at 9:44. It'll take too long to write the whole schedule here, but that will take a while to write. Also, it's going to be about 90 degrees, so it will be hot again. Here's crime for today.

8:08am - A unit has a handwaver at Fullerton and Hamlin.

8:09am - Check the well being. 2623 N Hamlin. Grandma needs to be checked on.

9:26am - Criminal trespass in progress. 2425 N Avers.

9:29am - Beat 2593Boy has a street stop at Diversey and Harding.

9:31am - Beat 2593B asks for a park check at Koz. Event number is 04797.

9:44am - I'm now listening to 14 until 10:29. Then, I'll go on a break until 10:54.

9:58am - Disturbance. 2409 W Moffat. Kids, aged six to 12, are causing a ruckus on the street.

9:59am - Disturbance. Damen and Fullerton. Homeless female sleeping on the bench.

10:01am - Missing person report. 2649 W George. Male Hispanic, 25, brown button-up shirt and shorts, and blue backpack, went missing at 9am yesterday morning. He has some sort of condition.

10:11am - Person down. 2534 W George. Male down since 7:30. They're just now calling.

10:13am - Beat 1406Boy has a street stop at Lyndale and Western.

10:16am - Domestic disturbance. 3010 W Palmer. Problem with the girlfriend. Anonymous caller says that the victim just came out of court regarding a court order for her.

10:29am - Ok, I'm going on my break now. I'll be back at 10:54.

10:54am - And I'm back.

10:59am - Tree blocking a lane. Kedzie just north of Armitage.

11:05am - Disturbance. 2604 W North Ave. Problem with the neighbor over property.

11:19am - Beat car 1432 asks for a park check at Holestin.

11:28am - I'm going on my second break. I'll be back at 12:20pm.

12:20pm - I'm back. Good afternoon.

12:21pm - Some call at 2731 N Elston.

12:24pm - Person wanted. 3554 W Diversey. Woman wanted for a warrant.

12:33pm - I'm done with 14 until 2:06.

12:35pm - The sequence of monitoring 25 (until 2:06) has begun...

1:48pm - EMS run. Koz Park. Three males passed out.

1:53pm - EMS isn't needed at the 1:48pm job. The guys are drunk but aren't passed out.

2:06pm - I'm monitoring 14 again. Until 2:26, then I'll have a three minute break (to 2:29), then I'll monitor 14 through 8:30.

2:26pm - I'm taking my real quick break.

2:29pm - Ok, now I'm here non-stop until 8:48.

2:36pm - Traffic accident. On California. Involving a CTA bus.

2:38pm - Disturbance. Cortland and Drake. Three males on bikes, loitering. Caller is concerned because of the gang activity that's been occurring in the area.

3:07pm - Suspicious person. 2836 W Dickens.

3:10 to 3:18pm - Kind of fell asleep. Sorry.

3:16pm - Some call at the Bank of America on Milwaukee Ave.

3:21pm - Burglar alarm. 2539 N St. Louis.

3:28pm - Disturbance/battery. 2124 W Armitage. First call came in as a disturbance, as a problem with a male. Then, a second call came in, which then said the caller was punched in the face. The offender is in front of 2141. He's highly intoxicated, and the caller wants him locked up.

3:39pm - Whoever was affected by the flooding from the storms last Friday or Saturday, in order for you to get help from the federal government if you need it, you need to sign a petition at your local alderman's office. The more signatures, the better. Good luck.

3:55pm - Burglar alarm. 3131 N Bernard.

3:58pm - Assist the citizen. 3036 W Fletcher.

4:04pm - The 3:58pm job is now coming in as a "battery in progress". There's a female hitting the mom.

4:05pm - Battery in
progress. 1900 N Sawyer. Kids from the group home fighting in front.

4:09pm - 1) Assault in progress. 3035 W Belmont. Group of females threatening the complainant. 2) Check the well being. 1838 N Washtenaw. Caller would like CPD to see if everyone at the location is ok, because there is a history of violence at the location. 3) Suspicious vehicle. 1636 N Mozart. A car has been "left behind" there.

4:12pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Kimball. Bicyclist hit by a truck.

4:13pm - Parker. 2502 N Artesian. Car blocking the handicap space.

4:25pm -
Battery in progress. Damen and Fullerton. Female beating a male in the parking lot.

4:28pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:25pm job.

4:29pm - Deceptive practice. 2838 W North Ave. At Burger King. Male trying to cash a fake check.

5:07pm - Suspicious vehicle. 3501 W Belden. Car parked at the location has a number of plates inside of it.

5:13pm - Beat car 1412 is doing park checks at Unity and Fireman. Event number for Unity is 12830 and Fireman is 12833.

5:16pm - Disturbance. Humboldt and Wabansia. Group of males harassing people, throwing rocks.

5:26pm - Battery. Kimball and Fullerton. Caller was attacked by a male with a stick.

5:31pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Fullerton and Sacramento. Oil from the car shop is spilling onto the street.

6:17pm - Parker. 2447 N Central Park.

6:38pm - Disturbance. 3036 N Albany. Five males drinking in a car in front.

6:43pm - Beat 1432Henry has a traffic stop at Bloomingdale and Spaulding.

7:05pm - Beat car 1431 has a stop at Milwaukee and Francis.

7:06pm - A unit has a stop at 2834 W Fullerton.

7:09pm - Beat 1480 and the 1481 team are doing something at Kedzie and Logan.

7:12pm - Battery in progress. Albany and Diversey. Multiple calls for a gang fight breaking out. First calls originally were gang disturbances, with seven of them loitering. Now there's a fight.

7:14pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:12pm job.

7:15pm - Violation order of protection. 2754 W Fullerton. Caller's got an order against the 30 yr old son and he took the car.

7:16pm - Contact cards are being done from the fight at Diversey and Albany.

7:24pm - 1) Disturbance. 25XX W Lyndale. Male chasing a group, going towards Maplewood on Lyndale. 2) Gun turn-in. 2948 W Schubert. Caller was cleaning out the vacant garage and found a gun.

7:27pm - Beat 1405 is doing park checks at Holestin and Haas. Event number is Holestin is 14401 and Haas is 14405.

7:34pm -
Battery in progress. 1730 N St. Louis. Bunch of kids fighting in the street.

7:40pm - Domestic battery in progress. 2455 N Albany. 17 yr old daughter and mom are fighting.

7:41pm - Two males going east on Logan Boulevard from Kedzie, attacking citizens. They're on the north side of the street. This is per Beat 1480.

7:44pm - Burglar alarm. 2333 N Milwaukee Ave.

8:02pm - Barking dog. Barry and Bernard. In the red building, on the west side of the street.

8:04pm - Disturbance. Elston and Logan. In the Target parking lot, a couple of teens under 15 are throwing rocks at the parked cars.

8:12pm - 1) Disturbance. 1742 N Humboldt. The neighbor in the next apartment keeps knocking on the door. 2)
Battery in progress. 1619 N Maplewood. Two males fighting in front.

8:15pm - Beat 1405 asks for park checks at Skate, Unity and Maplewood. Event number for skate is 16231, event number for Unity is 16232 and Maplewood is 16234.

8:38pm - Disturbance. Logan and Western. In the skate park, there's a group of kids in there with bikes.

8:46pm - Gang disturbance. 29X1 N Kedzie. Nine of them throwing bottles.

8:47pm - 1) Disturbance. 2743 N Spaulding. Two males turning over trash cans. 2) Parker. 2822 N Christina. There has been a car parked there for four days straight.

8:48pm - I'm finished listening to 14 until 10:10. Here's 25 in the meantime.

9:15pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Pulaski.

9:28pm - Burglar alarm. 2200 N Hamlin. At Mozart school.

10:10pm - I'm now listening to 14 for the final time until next month. I will stop monitoring at 10:43, then I'm going to do a couple of other things then hit the hay.

10:12pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Sacramento. Two men fighting with baseball bats.

10:33pm - 1) Assault in progress. 1643 N Talman. 2) Disturbance. 2870 N Drake. 3) Suspicious vehicle. Kedzie and Palmer.

10:43pm - I'm finished blogging for the night. See you all in the morning. Good night.


  1. hey timmy in regards to fridays flood i just spoke to my alderman who is working on a petition to send to the federal government. He said that everyone who was affected by the flood should go to their local aldermans office to sign it. So i was wondering if you would be willing to post that here to inform more people. The more signatures the better. Thanks

  2. So, Rey, I'm basically informing people affected by the flood to go sign a petition at their alderman's office, right?

  3. The state government needs home owners to TAKE PICTURES of all your equipment, and furniture damaged by the flood.
    Than tally everything together and submit that to cook county.
    Cook County requires 17 million dollars of damage to have been caused by the flood to have federal aide granted.

    That's it. Start taking pictures because I know I lost a good $4,000 bucks of stuff at least.

    Good luck with your claims.

  4. yes just to sign the petition that is available at their aldermans office
