Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gettin' High At Koz Park

Good morning, everyone, it's 11:52am. I finished summer school. Now it's time to have a break from school until September :). I'll have some fun at some point over my long break (most likely in August), but for now, I'm just here to blog, because summer's in full swing. Anyway, tomorrow, I'm covering 14. I'll need to record it in the morning (like from 8 to 9:30), though, because I'm going to an acquaintance's house then I need to grab some tape from Family Dollar. Here's crime for today.

11:58am - Narcotics. Harding and Diversey. On the NW corner of Koz Park, four people are doing drugs.

12:03pm - The job is coded. Nobody is there.

12:20pm - A unit is doing some patrol around Milwaukee and Belmont.

12:42pm - Disturbance. 3025 N Monticello. Two guys drinking in front.

1:12pm - Beat 2544 has a loose dog running around at about 3119 N Harding.

1:18pm - A parker was given out in the area.

1:22pm - I'm taking a nap for a little while. I'll be back.

2:18pm - I'm awake again :).

2:22pm - 1) EMS run. 3067 N Avers. 2) Fire run. 2421 N Harding. Someone poured liqud on the gate, possibly trying to ignite it. 3) Disturbance. Shakespeare and Springfield. 7 to 8 male Black teens being rowdy on the NW corner.

2:25pm - Beat 2544 was following a car involved in the Shakespeare and Springfield disturbance, and pulled it over at Hamlin and Armitage. Back-up is being requested. Couple of units en route.

2:31pm - Wanted for trying to rob people between, I guess, 1:30 and 2pm, from Palmer and Avers are some MLDs. There are some descriptions. The guys who did it are either really dark Hispanics or are Blacks. One guy is 6'5, skinny and bald. Another guy is 5'7, black t-shirt, blue jean shorts, black baseball cap and long hair. A red '93 Pontiac was involved.

2:34pm - A unit has a possible from Palmer and Avers at 1940 N Karlov.

3:48pm - Prostitution. 23X8 N Monticello. Four males are drinking in the vacant lot with a hooker, who's "working" on them.

4:05pm - Theft. 3940 W Fullerton. At CVS. 15 yr old female escaped the store with a bunch of vitamins in her possession.

4:11pm - 1) They're calling for a supervisor from 2421 Harding. Caller's unhappy with police service. But CFD and CPD found nothing. 2) Backlog in 25 at 16:11 hours.

4:12pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. Lawndale and Wolfram. Possible stolen vehicle on the street. 2) Narcotics. George and Avers. 3) Assault report. 2307 N Keeler.

4:22pm - Disturbance. 3077 N Avers. Four drunks doing their thing.

4:23pm - Burglary. 3741 W Shakespeare. Over $400 worth of items were taken.

4:48pm - Open door. 2943 N Hamlin.

5:19pm - Open hydrant. 1749 N Harding.

6:01pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Five guys drinking and one of them is bothering the caller.

6:46pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:13pm - Beat 2566David needs a transport unit at 2958 N Avers.

8:07pm - Vicious animal. 2149 N Springfield. Dark brown pitbull with a white face and chest is fighting with other dogs.

8:10pm - Gang disturbance. Kelyvn Park. 20 kids wearing Cobra colors are flashing by the tennis court on the Parker side.

8:50pm - 1) Disturbance. 3042 N Hamlin. Guys drinking. 2) Parker. 4159 W Fletcher.

9:07pm - Loud music disturbance. 4119 W Fletcher. Live band in the garage.

9:18pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3157 N Springfield. Five male Hispanics went into the abandoned building.

9:59pm - Domestic disturbance. 3825 W Wabansia. Loud argument.

10:14pm - Gang disturbance. 31X2 N Monticello. They're throwing bottles.

11:18pm - Assault. 3128 N Davlin. Caller was threatened by the neighbor.

11:28pm - Gang disturbance. On the 20 sector of 25.

11:46pm - Suspicious vehicle. Palmer and Central Park. A vehicle with a plate of G681513 has males in it, yelling and throwing things out of the car. It went east, towards Drake. It's in 14 now.

12:00am - Ok, I'm done with 25 until Thursday. 14 will be covered in the morning. Good night, everyone. Maybe standby for 14...?

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