Friday, July 30, 2010

Call On Harding

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. Day 12 of this sickness stuff. I virtually have no stomach pains, but now my cold's acting up and the left side of my teeth are hurting. Ugh. I need to get better already. Anyway, I'll try to stay up until 5am, but I doubt I will. I'll probably be in bed by 2 or 3. If that's the case, I'll get up during the overnight hours tomorrow or some other time. So, here is crime for today.

12:25am - Some call at 2833 N Harding.

12:40am - There was a call involving a male walking west on Cortland from Central Park. The call came from that group home on the corner, 3601 W Cortland.

12:48am - Report of a gang fight at Kostner and Parker, by the park. One officer comes over the air right after Dispatch reads it out to tell her that he cleared out the people in the park.

1:44am - Beat car 2534 has a traffic stop at Springfield and Wabansia.

3:46am - I can't stay up any longer. I'll finish this off tomorrow, maybe. See you all later.

11:05am - I'm back. Good morning.

11:22am - 1) Suspicious vehicle. Diversey and Kostner. Blue Windstar had grabbed some children off the street last night. It's out there right now. 2) Burglar report. Fullerton and Monticello.

11:24am - Burglar alarm. 2329 N Monticello.

11:39 to about 12:30pm - I fell asleep. Sorry. But, there seemed to be repeated calls from 2329 N Monticello.

12:55pm - Person w/ a gun. 2242 N Avers.

1:08 to 2:40pm - Fell asleep, again. Sorry.

3:00 to 4:11pm - Again, I fell asleep.

4:12pm - Domestic disturbance. Avers and Armitage. Baby momma's daddy tried to ram the caller's car.

4:13pm - The 4:12pm job is now being called in as Shakespeare and Hamlin, with now a brother involved.

4:33pm - 1) Criminal trespass in progres. 2933 N Avers. Male in the rear. 2) Disturbance. 2842 N Kostner. Something about scoping out someone regarding garbage.

4:40pm - Domestic disturbance. 2522 N Kildare.

4:41pm - Criminal damage. 1646 N Springfield.

4:59pm - A unit needs another car, with a working computer, is needed at Wrightwood and Ridgeway. 2573 will go.

5:01pm - Check the well being. 2020 N Hamlin. Elderly male screaming in an apartment.

5:04pm - Narcotics. On 2525's Beat.

5:11 to 5:42pm - Fell asleep, again.

5:52pm - Person w/ a gun. Kostner and Schubert. Three males with guns.

5:58 to 6:29pm - Again. I apologize.

6:37pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Pulaski.

6:48pm - The 6:37pm accident is under the viaduct west of Pulaski.

7:13pm - Burglar report. 3621 W Wrightwood.

7:20pm - Battery in progress. Fullerton and Springfield. Gangbangers fighting.

8:04pm - Burglar alarm. 4055 W Parker.

8:13 to 8:46pm - Fell asleep.

9:12 to 10:34pm - Fell asleep.

10:34pm - Battery in progress. 4031 W Nelson. People pulling up in a black SUV to fight someone.

10:39pm - I can't stay up any longer. Goin' to bed. Good night.


  1. By any chance do you know why on they took down 25th district?

  2. Don't stay up so late. It isn't good for you (witness all the falling asleep) and you were just sick.

  3. I totally agree that you need to get some rest. Eight straight as they say, at least. All this irregular sleep could be hindering your recovery.
    While I appreciate and enjoy the added coverage during the summer months when you have more time and crime is on the rise, take care of your self!

  4. Anonymous 7:41, no idea. But that's not good. I used that site from time to time.

    Anonymous 9:04 and Blonda, thank you for your concerns. But I kept falling asleep because all of the nights that I didn't sleep while I was really sick. And, I was falling asleep because I'm still somewhat sick. When I'm sick, there are some days during the illness where I'm just really tired.

  5. I talked to a "Mike" at the 311 number who says he'll handle the George Ridgeway fire hydrant problem. I gave him the temporary plate.

  6. Anonymous 6:51, I also called 311 to report the hydrant being open. But, good job for calling.
