Monday, July 19, 2010

Bank Alarm On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:11am. I'm feeling a little bit better today. I don't have a fever like I did last night, and I've actually felt like I was going to start sneezing at one point. So I may be getting a little better, but time will tell. Hopefully, I'll feel 100% by Wednesday, or maybe even tomorrow. Anyway, it's supposed to be in the mid 80s today with sun. I have nothing else to say at this point, so here's crime for today.

8:12am - Burglar alarm. 2965 N Milwaukee. At the bank.

8:27am - Battery in progress. Belmont and Lawndale. Two guys fighting with sticks.

8:32am - Beat car 2522 says two drunks were fighting on Belmont, according to witnesses. But he does not see anything.

10:19am - Beat 2520 asks for a premise check at Kelvyn Park HS.

10:54am to 12:36pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.

12:37pm - A slow down is being given for a "battery in progress"/"person w/ a knife" at 3143 N. Milwaukee, the Taco Bell.

12:38pm - An offender from the 12:37pm job is standing on the corner of Milwaukee and Hamlin (the north side of the street, closer to the Taco Bell). He's got no shirt on.

12:42 to 1:53pm - Went back to sleep.

1:54pm - Disturbance/narcotics. Koz Park. Group of men drinking in the park near the baseball field. Also, there's a couple of guys selling drugs nearby in the park.

2:02pm - Suspicious vehicle. 3119 N Pulaski. In front of Northwestern University is a blue vehicle with it's windows broken out.

2:38pm - 1) Robbery. 27X4 N Central Park. Caller was pushed to the ground by a male Hispanic, dark complexion, who grabbed their chain off their neck. He ran towards Diversey. 2) Disturbance. 3636 W Wolfram. Woman refusing to leave the church.

3:14pm - Backlog in 25 at 15:14 hours.

3:21pm - 1) Holding the offender. 3940 W Fullerton. At CVS. 2) Burglar alarm. 2516 N Kostner. 3) Disturbance. Belmont and Milwaukee. Dispute with the day laborers.

3:34pm - Beat car 2521 has a traffic stop at 3572 W Shakespeare.

4:13pm - Assist the citizen. Koz Park. 15 yr old son, who ran away from home, is in the park right now.

4:40pm - 1) Assist the citizen. 2814 N Lawndale. Caller needs help getting belongings from the ex-landlord. 2) Traffic accident. 2914 N Hamlin. Hit and run to a parked car.

4:43pm - Disturbance. 2337 N Monticello.

4:50pm - Gang disturbance. 36X4 W Schubert. They're loitering and flashing signs.

5:06pm - Backlog in 25 taken out at 17:06 hours.

5:07pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 1719 N Harding. Gangbangers in the abandoned building.

6:28pm - Shots Fired. 23X1 N Harding. Gangbangers shooting.

6:54pm - Sex offense. 1800 block of N Ridgeway. Female Black prostitute having sex with a male in a car.

6:55pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:05pm - I'm back.

7:32pm - Battery in progress. 2334 N Keystone. Two males fighting.

8:01pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2638 N Pulaski. Some guy just came into the public storage place and started throwing watermelons at the caller and their family.

8:10pm - Disturbance. Wabansia and Hamlin. Kids loitering, up to no good.

8:53pm - Beat car 2534 just got a call from an off-duty PO, who says there is a gang disturbance on the 3700 block of W Lyndale.

8:54pm - Disturbance on 2523's Beat with kids playing in an alley.

9:03pm - 1) Disturbance. 2132 N Springfield. Noise in the alley. 2) Disturbance. 2247 N Springfield. Kids playing on a front lawn.

9:49 to 10:19pm - I fell asleep, again. Sorry.

10:28pm - Suspicious person. 2421 N Monticello. Two known males trying to get into the caller's house.

10:29pm - Person w/ a gun. 3900 block of W Wrightwood. Group of guys on the block with guns.

10:31pm - 1) Traffic accident. 3727 W Lyndale. 2) Missing person. 3123 N Milwaukee. 88 yr old female went missing.

10:34pm - The 10:29pm job is coded.

11:03pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 4415 W Wellington. 2) The 10:28pm job is now coming in as an "assault". Complainant was threatened with baseball bats.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I may or may not be back tomorrow. Depends on how sick I am in the morning. Good night, everyone.


  1. I heard someone say they saw blood on the sidewalk on Milwaukee Monday morning, I think near the Spaulding "el" entrance. Have you heard anything?

  2. Hope you're feeling better ~ get the rest that you need!

  3. I do hope you will feel better soon. Get some rest it has been a busy couple of weeks for you.

  4. Get well soon! I hate summer colds, but had something similar myself this may. Take care

  5. Anonymous 1:48, would you know where exactly on Milwaukee it happened at?

    Everyone else, thanks so much for the get well comments! That really means a lot to me, especially in this time of sickness. But I should get better soon.

  6. I heard the blood was near or at Spaulding (2700ish), right by the "el" entrance, though I'm not sure if the east or west side of Milwaukee.

  7. Anonymous 12:45, unfortunately, I have no information on what happened.
