Saturday, June 12, 2010

Roof-Top Object Breaks Car Window

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. Yet another warm day is on the way. I'm so glad it's the weekend, though. I don't really have to go anywhere. All I need to do today is run something up to the alderman's office then go to the store. After that, I'll be here all day. Anyway, my birthday is on Monday :). I'm not going to blog that day, as I want to enjoy my 17th birthday. Here's crime for today.

12:17am - Criminal damage. Diversey and Kostner. Someone threw an object off a roof and broke the caller's car window.

12:18am - Gang disturbance. Armitage and Lawndale. Also, someone's going in from 2357 N Central Park. From a stop.

12:21am - I'm gone for the night. See you all in the mornin'.

10:13am - Here I am. Good morning, folks :).

11:07am - Since there's not much going on, I'm going to listen to some music for a little while. I'll be back.

11:47am - I'm back.

12:00pm - 1) Traffic accident. Belmont and Milwaukee. 2) Vice complaint. Milwaukee and Hamlin.

12:18pm - An autisic child from 3014 N Haussen has went missing. He left just after 11:45am. He is wearing a red shirt and blue jeans w/ white stripes on it.

12:30pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2424 N Kostner. 2) Suspicious vehicle. 4140 W Wellington. 3) Theft report. 4105 W Fullerton.

12:45pm - The missing from 3014 Haussen was found. He walked up to a K-Mart (I'm guessing the one at Addison and St. Louis). He's fine. He saw something he liked so he went to get it. Job is coded 19P for now.

12:55pm - Traffic accident. 4451 W Belmont. Three cars.

12:58pm - The 12:55pm job is coded, because they're all driveable.

1:07pm - Domestic battery. 4147 W Nelson. Something about a boyfriend punching someone.

2:38pm - 1) Disturbance. 3927 W Belmont. Male, 40s, black baseball cap and white t-shirt harassing people. 2) Disturbance. 2222 N Lawndale. Kids throwing rocks.

2:45pm - A Tac unit is taking one in from 2721 N Harding.

2:52pm - Person w/ a knife. 3167 N Milwaukee. At Burger King.

3:06pm - Missing person report. 2706 N Ridgeway.

3:26pm - Backlog in 25 at 15:26 hours.

4:38pm - Suspicious person. 23X2 N Kedvale. In the alley, two teens (one in a tan hoodie) have been walking around for the last couple of hours.

4:46pm - Dog battery (LOL). Diversey and Pulaski. Drunk guy kicked the caller's dog.

4:47pm - Burglary in progress. 2324 N Kedvale. Several people, probably the ones from the 4:38pm job, are breaking into a garage.

5:49pm - Domestic disturbance. 3604 W Schubert. Problem with the brother.

6:29pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:42pm - I'm back :).

6:45pm - Wires down. 3722 W Shakespeare. They're sparking. CFD is on the way.

7:08pm - Disturbance. 3747 W Palmer. Problem with the neighbor.

7:21pm - Some call about a domestic in the coverage area. The narrative on the call mentioned something about someone getting killed.

7:22pm - Info for the police. 2961 N Ridgeway. Something about a car.

7:54pm - Disturbance. 3810 W George.

8:27pm - Check the well being. 2550 N Pulaski. Male getting chased into the car wash.

8:45pm - Burglar alarm. 2121 N Keeler. At Nixon school.

9:00pm - A couple of units are needed at Nixon. There's doors open.

9:22pm - 1) Disturbance. Avers and Wellington. Neighbors have a fire going in the backyard. 2) Criminal damage. 3651 W Schubert. At Monroe school. The school's being vandalized on the Monticello side. There was a call here earlier. A broken window was found. The Board of Ed didn't pick up when the dispatcher called them. 3) Loud music disturbance. 2705 N Monticello. 4) Assault in progress. Fullerton and Lawndale. Gangbangers throwing bottles at people.

9:58pm - Beat car 2523Robert asks to be held down at 2814 N Hamlin.

10:01pm - Gang disturbance. 2400 block of N Kildare.

10:12pm - 2523R is taking three in from 2814 Hamlin.

10:25pm - Person wanted. 2519 N Pulaski. Male in his 40s in a wheelchair wanted for criminal dmage.

10:27pm - Backlog in 25 at 22:27 hours.

About 10:45 to 11:46pm - Ugh ... I feel asleep AGAIN. I'm getting real mad about this.

11:55pm - Person w/ a gun. 3181 N Milwaukee. At the Shell gas station. Details to follow...

11:57pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:55pm job.

11:58pm - 1) A total disregard is being given on the 11:55pm job. Nobody knows what's going on. 2) Fire. 3625 W Oakdale. Garage.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. See you all in the morning. Sweet dreams :).


  1. In case I forget, Happy Birthday !

    And thanks for the reports, as always

  2. Timmy, we've lived in Hermosa now for over a year. I read your blog every day but have not commented in the past. Thanks for all the time you spend working on this blog. It's a great tool for all of us! There are so many times that I've heard something going on and look here to find it what it is.

    Are you ever afraid of retaliation from gang members?

  3. I don't see why ALSCB should be afraid of retaliation from gang members (or anyone else, for that matter).

  4. Yeah rigth i dont think hes getting them angry by blogging because hes writting down the cromes that are already called for its not like hes calling the cops all the time.

  5. Anonymous 11:38, thanks for your comment. I have no problem with doing this blog as much as I can. To answer your question, honestly, I am. This is why I don't really go public. I don't want them coming after me, because they will.

    Anonymous 6:23, I think I should be afraid of retailation because the gangs around here are vicious, and even though I just mostly write down what they're doing, I feel that they'll still come after me.

    LS, you got a point there. For the most part, I don't call the police. Really, the only time I call them is when I witness the gangbangers doing stuff on my block. Or if there's gunshots, big fights, etc. I try not to call them for small things (like loud music, premit parking, etc.)

  6. Timmy,
    Happy Birthday!
    Hope you have a great day!

    You ROCK! (-;

  7. Happy B-Day Timmy dont get to wild dont want to hear things get wild on your neck of the woods with you starting a ruckus lol have a good one enjoy

  8. Thank you, anonymous 11:23!

    Anonymous 12:51, I'm gonna get so wild to where they have to send 10 squad cars to pick me up ;). Just kidding. LOL. I'll be sure to enjoy my birthday. Thanks for the comment.

  9. Happy Birthday, Timmy, and have a truly great day.

    Do you or anyone know which gang prevails around the Funston school area?

  10. For the guy with the funston question its a border land also called No Mans Land is a haven for drugs gangs and shootings you will find the Imperial Gangsters and the Insane Spanish Cobras and the YLOCs its a rougth area around there year long there always figthing for turf

  11. Thanks, Prodigal. From what I know, that area is home to IGs (Imperial Gangsters). But there are Cobras/YLOCs (younger Cobras) just to the north of there. They have a set at Dickens and Central Park, and at Shakespeare and Central Park.

    Anonymous 1:26, you're right. Those are the gangs over there, and it's correct that it's a heaven for gangs, drugs and shootings.
