Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Neighborhood Roll Call At Diversey and Kostner

Good morning, everyone, it's 11:44am. School was good. Glad to be home, though. For those of you who live in the 30th Ward, Alderman Reboyras will be at Koz Park from 6:30-7:30pm, and residents are invited to come and to help plan activites in the ward for this summer. Also, tomorrow, for those who live on Beat 1431, your CAPS meeting is from 7-8pm at the 14th District station. You're encouraged to go. Here's crime for today.

12:03pm - Beat 2520 is doing a "neighborhood" roll call at Diversey and Kostner. Event number is 07198.

12:52pm - EMS run. 29X6 N Lawndale. Man overdosing.

1:30pm - Vandalism. 3600 block of W Dickens. Three teens tagging properties.

2:53 to 3:29pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.

4:04pm - Violation order of protection. 3134 N Kostner. An offender is in the building, violating the order.

5:33pm - 1) Disturbance. 3102 N Kenneth. Guy revving his motorcycle too loudly. 2) Assault(?). 3600 block of W Diversey. Gangbangers loitering in front of a business, talking about burning it down. 3) Disturbance. Diversey and Kostner. Group of males standing on the corner, advertising a business, but are blowing a loud whistle.

5:35pm - Beat 2584 is taking one in from 1857 N Lawndale.

5:53pm - Looks like I'm not going to the meeting at Koz Park after all. I'm not being allowed to go, probably because of gang problems at Koz Park (they're not occurring right now, but you know). Oh well. Can someone who goes tell me how it went and what was talked about, over email? I'd apprieacate that.

5:54pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3636 W Wolfram. At St. Hyacinth's. Three to four people keep walking around the property and in and out of the building.

6:31pm - Assault. Diversey and Kildare. Male threw something in the caller's car. He fled in a grey car towards Pulaski.

6:32pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:45pm - I'm back.

6:46pm - Battery in progress. Pulaski and Barry. A white vehicle with a partial plate of 890 had a male beating a female. He fled south on Pulaski then west on Diversey.

6:47pm - Domestic battery. 2926 N Pulaski. Boyfriend beat the caller. Might be related to the 6:46pm job.

7:42pm - Gang disturbance. Wabansia and Harding.

8:06pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. LOL koz park.
    This should prove interesting today.

    "Chicago City Alderman, gets shot from stray gang gun-fire; Film at 11"

  2. There was a gang shooting at the corner of George and Kostner today, between 12 and 1. Some gangsters recognized some others in a car going the other way, and there was shooting. I don't think anyone got killed. Keep your heads down, everyone...

  3. Anonymous 2:43, it must've happened sometime between 11 and 11:30. When I arrived home and turned on the radio at roughly 11:44, they were just mentioning where the crime scenes were. I'm thinking that the brunt of the shooting took place between 11 and 11:30. Nobody was killed, nor injuried.

    Anonymous 1:51, I admit that I had to chuckle at your post, but I don't think the punks would be stupid enough to try anything with Alderman Reboyras and a few dozen residents around. Not to mention, the police will probably also be there (for protection of alderman/crowd control).
