Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two Males Beating On One @ Diversey and Lawndale

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:14pm. It's still hot out, and it looks like activity is picking up. Anyone heard about the riot or riots on Lakeshore Drive last night? What a shame. There's been activity in our neighborhood, too. There was a shooting in the 3600 block of W Schubert shortly before 10pm last night. I'll have an article about it up by 5:15. Anyway, for those of you interested, two things: 1) Tomorrow night is the CAPS meeting for Beat 2523. It's at 3160 N Milwaukee, the Copericus Center, at 7pm, and 2) our next Milwaukee Ave. clean up is June 5th from 10am-noon. Here is crime for this afternoon.

3:47pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Lawndale. Two males, one in a black tanktop, jumping on one. A white car is somehow involved.

4:03pm - Theft. 2338 N Lawndale. A man stole a blue bike from the scene.

4:13pm - Traffic accident. 2900 block of N Hamlin. Kid hit by a car.

4:22pm - Person w/ a gun. Diversey and Avers. Over a dozen males on the corner and the one in a white t-shirt, blue jeans with a white doo-rag has a gun on him.

4:25pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:22pm job.

4:46pm - There's more to the story on the 4:22pm job. There's a pissed off 911 caller now because supposedly, the group was also fighting, and the police just drove past. The guys hid.

4:51pm - I'm going to listen to some music while I do the article on last night's shooting.

5:20pm - Unfortunaley, my computer decided to get sick and shut down on me. I finished the actual shooting article, but the shut down pervented me from adding my finishing touches to it. I'll have to do that a little later.

5:28pm - Burglar report. 2827 N Springfield.

5:51pm - Beat 2541 is doing special attention per 2599, the Watch Commander, on the 2600 block of N Lawndale.

6:04pm - I'm going to add those finishing touches now. I'll be back in about 10 minutes.

6:14pm - I'm back.

6:54pm - 2541 is doing a premise check at Monroe school, and is dispersing ten teens from the school grounds. I'm guess they have 2541 over there because of last night's shooting.

7:39pm - Battery in progress. Ken-Well Park. 10 people fighting.

7:42pm - A slow down is given on the 7:39pm job.

7:45pm - They're calling back on the 4:03pm job. It's a "person wanted" now.

8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone :).


  1. In responce to your post concerning the special attention given to the 2600 block of North Lawndale. Yes it was due to the shootings (yes there was more than one shooting) of the previous night.

    We had called 911 on the 19th of this month and asked for a squad to be sent out because we had gang members on Lawndale near Wrightwood with baseball bats. We contacted the alderman's office and then we were contacted by the police department. We were trying to stop this kind of activity before it escalated.

    Less than a week later,on the 24th we had to call 911 again because the gang members were shooting on the corner of Lawndale and Shurbert.

    The police department is working with us due to our request for help with this matter. We don't intend to allow these gang members to take over our neighborhood and endanger our families with their behaviour.

    These were young boys (13-15)that were running around here all day yelling gang slogans and shooting at people. They like to hang around Monroe school.

    To any concerned residents of this area if you don't want these gang members to overrun this neighborhood take action. When you see them loitering around the school, or the corners call 911 and report the gang activity. Form a phone tree and call in numbers, the police department wants to be notified of this type of activity, they want to get them out of this area as much as we do.

  2. There were more shootings over there? When they did happen and what's the info on them (if you know)?

    I'm glad that you guys have called 911 on this crap and that the police are helping you guys trying to get rid of them.

    I agree that concerned residents need to call 911 when they're on the corners or on Monroe's grounds.

    Do we know what gang this is?

  3. probably the spanish cobras they own most of wrigthwood and wasnt there a housing unit for low income people they rebuilt there i remember that housing unit was all drug dealers and bangers

  4. At the same time the poeople in the car were being shot, or right after, there was a group of young boys shooting on the 2600 block of Lawndale right near Shubert. I know it was at the same time, or right after because my call to 911 went in at 9:38 pm.

    Earlier that day a car had come down the block screaming out some gang related stuff and a group of about 12-14 boys went chasing them down Lawndale towards Fullerton. Some of the boys got in a car that pulled up for them. Sedan, 4 door style, like a cutlass or something similar.

    Then later that night we heard the shots, when we went outside to see what was going on we saw the same group of boys running after someone towards Fullerton. They threw a gun under a car, but someone else retrieved it before the police showed up.

    Wrightwood is the border between the Cobras and the Gangsters. North of Wrightwood is Cobras & South of Wrightwood is Gangsters.

    Word is the Gangsters are crossing the border and they're in the beginnings of a turf war.

    We've gone through this many times before over the years. They always seem to want to hang by the school. We always take the same approach and start notifying the police as soon as we see them starting to hang out.

    In order to get them out of here and stop this neighborhood from becoming a war zone we need the help of all of our neighbors. People on Monticello, Ridgeway, Central Park, Hamlin, Shubert, Wrightwood,etc, we need them all to call the police whenever they see them hanging out.

  5. My god. That sounds horrible. This is truly a gang conflict. The pretty sizable group, the chasing, the cars, shootings, etc.

    Yes, Wrightwood is the border for the two gangs. And, yes, the IGs are crossing Wrightwood for sure. I've seen a tagging from them as far north as George and Avers. This is for sure the beginning of a turf war.

    They just love to hang out around Monroe. They were doing it when I was attending that school a couple of years ago. That's been a hangout spot for a while now.

    As far as stopping our neighborhood from becoming a war zone, on some blocks, I'm afraid it's too late (Wrightwood especially comes to mind). But, the other blocks, we do need help to stop them from becoming war zones. I will reinforce our commentor's plea to call police when we see gangbangers hanging out. We all need to call, and right away.

    Thanks for your comment.

  6. Anonymous 6:12, I was thinking as well it was the Spainsh Cobras, but I do admit having some doubt as we have these new little gangs popping up around here too. But I never knew of a housing unit on Wrightwood, though.
