Sunday, May 30, 2010

Live Band On Central Park

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's kind of active on the radio tonight, but that's what happens when you have a warm day. Anyway, it's going to be warm yet again. Possibly upper 80s. We'll see what happens with that. Oh, for those of you interested, Beat 2535's CAPS meeting is this Tuesday at 3647 W North at 7pm. And, our clean-up on Milwaukee Ave. is June 5. If anybody needs details, please, email me. Here is crime for this morning and afternoon.

12:00am - Loud music disturbance. 2608 N Central Park. Live band.

12:01am - Reckless driver. Belmont and Pulaski. White Chevy swerving into traffic. With that, I'm off to bed. Night, everyone :).

7:31am - Here I am. Good morning :). At about 12:20am, there were a few calls in the 2900 block of N Springfield for two rival gangs throwing bottles at each other. I'll be watching this block today.

8:02am - Criminal trespass in progress. Lawndale and Palmer. Two males going into a building that's being rehabbed.

8:28am - Disturbance. 2856 N Avers. Problem with the neighbors.

8:55am - Parker. 2753 N Lawndale. Black SUV.

8:58am - Domestic disturbance. 1904 N Lawndale. Loud argument.

9:52am - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

10:29am - 10-1. 2920 N Monitor. There's a big fight and it's out of control. 2515 is by himself over there. All available units are advised to go. This orginally came in as a "battery in progress" with three people trying to jump someone. As 2515 pulled up ... well, let's just say more people came and it got out of hand.

10:31am - A slow down is being given on Monitor. There's still a lot of yelling in the background.

11:14am - I just saw the scariest thing while coming home from running some errands. A dude in a purple tanktop came out of the store, SW corner, of Diversey and Lawndale when this white Jeep Cherokee pulls up with a guy in no shirt. These two started shouting at each other. The guy with no shirt is like "I got you, motherfucker!". Then the yelling became unintelligible. I believe the guy in the Jeep is a Cobra, because the guy in the purple was shouting "IG!". I didn't stick around for the rest of it. I ran home so I didn't get caught in any gunfire. Other people on the street started running too. I did call 911, for the record.

11:34am - Disturbance. 2618 N Hamlin. Neighbor is pouring some liqud on his property. Oh, this can be dispatched before a serious gang disturbance?? The officals at OEMC are screwed up in the head. I can't blame the dispatchers. They're just doing their job.

11:58am - Battery in progres. 2455 N Ridgeway. Group fighting on the street.

11:59am - It's a gang fight on Ridgeway. By the church. Let's see what this blows up into. Hopefully not a 10-1 like they had on Monitor.

12:01pm - There's a funeral going on at Our Lady of Grace. It may be a gang funeral. In the meantime, 2522's giving a slow down.

12:23pm - Recover the stolen vehicle. Concord and Lawndale.

12:31pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Davlin. Group of guys drinking and throwing garbage around.

12:36pm - Disturbance. 3843 W Fullerton. Teens throwing rocks, climbing the building, etc.

1:24pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Kildare and Diversey. Female selling food.

2:14pm - 1) Burglar report. 3033 N Davlin. 2) Narcotics. 3820 W North. Three guys doing drugs out there.

2:26pm - Beat 2584 is running some names from 3820 North.

3:04pm - Person down. 3076 N Milwaukee. Man passed out on the sidewalk. He's actually on the Hamlin side of the building. EMS is not going.

3:11pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Springfield.

3:27pm - Battery in progress. Springfield and Wabansia. Male beating a female in the park.

3:42pm - Battery in progress. 3052 N Monticello. People fighitng in the backyard.

3:53pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 3:11pm job. It's HS334473 with the event number of 11288.

5:03pm - Beat car 2522 is running a name from a street stop at 3051 N Milwaukee.

6:09pm - 1) Gang disturbance. George and Avers. Three flashing. 2) Battery. 3181 N Milwaukee. In front of the Shell gas station, a drunk got aboard CTA bus #6757 and punched the driver.

6:15pm - The battery is coded out. There's no bus, and the caller called from a payphone. Caller sounded drunk.

6:23pm - Check the well being. Pulaski and Nelson. Male on a bike with a child on it fell off the bike, but then got back up and kept going.

6:24pm - Person w/ a gun. Belmont and Milwaukee. Caller came into the Shell gas station, claiming he was chased by someone with a gun.

7:03pm - I have to go eat. With that, I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow. Night, everoyone :).


  1. ChicagoBreakingNews states that 21 people were shot yesterday and this morning. This is insane. I had the scanner on in the background but I didn't hear 1/3 of all those calls. And it wasn't even hot. Not a good sign of what could come.

  2. Hi ally. I actually just got through reading that article. It's a crying shame in what's going on. All of these shootings (except for the Milwaukee one, and the one on the 3900 block of W Gladys) took place on the south side, which is why you didn't hear the calls. And, no, not a good sign at all. This is just the beginning of a real long summer.
