Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unavoidable Stop On Fullerton

Good morning, everyone, it's 5am. It's freezing out there right now. It's only in the mid 30s. But it's supposed to warm up into the mid 60s, so that's good. Anyway, I'm taking off from school tomorrow (because we're not really doing anything) to monitor 14 on a school day. I'd like to hear the calls from the schools in 14. Also, just to put this out there, I won't be monitoring this afternoon, as I'm most likely going to my Beat meeting tonight. Here is crime for this morning.

5:59am - Beat 2593 is going in on an unavoidable traffic stop from Kilbourn and Fullerton.

6:43am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. Hey Timmy, your Beat Meeting should be a good one tonight. Apparently the Bucktown robbers live within your Beat! Please report back for those of us unable to attend. Thanks for all you do.

  2. I think it'll be, Fred. I know that they live on my Beat, which is more scary. I will definatley report back.
