Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Skateboards Disturb Stairs Of Our Lady Of Grace

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:01pm. School was pretty good. Anyway, at about 4pm, I'm going to visit my old school for an hour or so. I'm going to see how they're doing over there. Also, tonight, I can stay up, since I have no school tomorrow for report card pick-up day (altough, I am going with mom). I think that's pretty cool. Well, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:33pm - Disturbance. 2446 N Ridgeway. Four male teens skatebording on the stairs of Our Lady of Grace, and on the street.

3:45pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a Community Concern at 40X0 W George. Event number is 11116. This will probably a new problem discussed at the next CAPS Beat meeting next Wednesday.

4:04pm - I'm heading out to Monroe. I'll be back in about two hours.

6:21pm - I'm back :).

7:37pm - I'm going to take a nap until 8pm. I'll be back.

9:32pm - I'm finally back. Sorry that was so long.

9:43pm - Domestic disturbance. 2304 N Lawndale.

9:45pm - Burglary in progrress. 2831 N Springfield. A few males went in.

10:02pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Central Park. Car VS pole.

10:19pm - Beat car 2523Robert has a traffic stop at 2735 N Pulaski.

10:25pm - Suspicious vehicle. 28X0 N Hamlin. '88 Chevy Caprice driving around with gangbangers in it.

10:54pm - Beat car 2525R has a traffic stop at 4152 W Palmer.

11:28pm - EMS run. 2137 N Lawndale. 52 yr old female took too many pills.

11:53pm - Assault. 3646 W Cortland. Someone in front threatened the complainant.


  1. I welcome kids on skateboards- even if they are a bit of a nuisance. It's innocent and tame fun for kids in the community compared to the violence and tagging we hear about and see. May skaters be the worst of our worries.

  2. Anonymous, I agree. It is innocent and fun for the most part. This is why when I see them on my block, I don't call police. I think that we all should start worrying about gangs instead of skateboarders.

  3. I can't believe someone called the police on the skateboarders. Unreal.

  4. Anonymous 4:23, if they're on the stairs of Our Lady of Grace, or any church for that matter, I believe they have a right to call. That's sacred property. If this was anywhere else, I'd agree.

  5. The skateboarders were on private property so I understand why they were called. But I'm sure they were just using the stairs for trickery. I'd like to know how fast the cops got there compared to how fast the cops arrived at the 30 person gang fight. Somehow I'm thinking the cops were much faster getting to those pesky skateboard kids.
    Thanks Timmy - you're doing great!

  6. Anonymous 9:53, I'm sure the kids were only doing trickery, too. As for the gang fight, the cops got there within three or four minutes. I think it took them 10-15 minutes for the skateboard complaint. Trust me, the cops in the 25th District usually tend to respond to gang disturbances/fights much faster than a skateboarding complaint.
