Saturday, April 10, 2010

Residental Alarm On Drummond

Good morning, everyone. It's 11:57am. It's a beautiful day outside (it is currently 65 degrees). All we can hope for is that gangbangers can act civilized today (but they probably won't). Anyway, my dad and I were talking this morning and he was thinking that since there's some of you who read this blog that live in other neighborhoods, maybe you'd ought to start a crime blog for your area? One like mine, he says, because it would make people feel safer. Also, I'll be monitoring until 1:11pm, then I'll go back to monitoring Zone 13 for the remainder of the day. Here's crime for this early afternoon.

12:08pm - Residential alarm. 4351 W Drummond.

12:16pm - Domestic disturbance. 2210 N Lawndale. Boyfriend's assaulting the caller and destroying property.

12:56pm - Domestic disturbance. 3753 W Fullerton. Male Hispanic, 51, blue sweater shut off the electricity and is causing a ruckus. He's the ex-boyfriend.

1:11pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Have a great day, everyone :).


  1. Writing a general information primer for residents of other neighborhoods would be a great idea. You might also consider taking your project to one of the local community groups to engage volunteers.

    Keep up the great work! We of West Logan Square truly appreciate your effort.

  2. How would I go about taking my projuect to community groups, and which community groups should I go to? I would love to see this happen, but I'm not sure how to go about this.

    It's not a problem that I provide this service. I enjoy keeping everyone informed.
