Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gangbangers Beat On One On Harding

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:11pm. School was ok. It's nice outside. Temps are in the lower 50s and the sun is shining. Anyway, tomorrow is the Beat meeting for Beat 2523 from 7-8pm, for those of you interested. I have nothing else to say, so here's crime for this afternoon and early evening.

3:48pm - Battery in progress. 1739 N Harding. Gangbangers beating on one. The person's getting beat because they're joining the gang, I guess.

3:53pm - The 3:48pm job is coded. Beat 2530 says nothing's going on.

4:06pm - 1) Assault. 2404 N Springfield. Female with a purple shirt, blue pants and sunglasses chased the caller. 2) Parker. 3900 W Fullerton. Semi truck blocking the entire dental office area.

4:07pm - Parker. 3048 N Karlov. Black Ford F150 without city stickers.

4:17pm - Beat car 2523 gets a selling and a vice complaint on the Beat.

4:40pm - Another vice complaint on 2523's Beat.

4:47pm - Domestic battery. 1642 N Hamlin. Sister's babby daddy pushed the caller and their baby down.

5:19pm - Beat car 2525 has a stop at 3651 W Shakespeare.

About 5:40 to 6:09pm - I fell asleep. Sorry :(.

6:15pm - Domestic disturbance. 3621 W Dickens. Sister's boyfriend won't leave.

6:17pm - Check the well being. 3703 W Palmer. Woman threatening to kill herself in the garage.

8:02pm - Generic. 3701 W Diversey. People are selling something.

8:10pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone :).


  1. hey nice blog whats a vice complaint i dont live near logan square but i like your blog bro

  2. Thanks, Tony. I'm not too sure what a vice complaint is, but at times it can mean something like somebody doing drugs or drinking liquor on the public way.
