Thursday, March 11, 2010

Community Alert: Attempted Kidnapping

Good afternoon, everyone. I got this information from a friend of mine about an attempted child abduction. Here is the information:

Community Alert: Wanted for an attempted child abduction that occurred yesterday in the 2700 block of N Central Park is a male Black, 25-35 yrs old, 5'9-5'11, black hair, brown short eyes, dark complection w/ a mustache, 190-210 lbs, earring in left ear, wearing a black coogi jacket, blue jeans (that are faded in the front) and black shoes. He parked his car, got out and attempted to physically drag the 13 yr old vitcim into his vehicle. The vitcim was able to get away. The offender's vehicle is black 4-door unknown make and model with a chrome trim above the lightly tinted windows, and on the bottom of the vehicle.

Readers: If you have children, please, sit them down and talk to them about this. Especially if you have daughters. You never know, this guy could strike again.

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