Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reckless Driver In 19 Possibly Coming Into Logan Square

Good morning, everyone, it's 1:57am. Today, until just about 4am, I'm listening to Zone 2 again for my personal reasons. Then, I'll go to sleep until 9:30. Anyway, it'll be in the 30s with some snow I guess. Here's crime for today.

1:47am - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Clark. Coming over from Zone 4 (18th District). Heading west is a red car with a partial plate of 48A. The driver may be drunk.

1:50am - The 1:47am guy was speeding. He's now at Orchard and Fullerton.

1:56am - Dispatcher suspects the 1:50am vehicle may be in the 14th District by now.

9:45am - I'm back, with 25. Good morning, folks.

9:54am - Criminal damage in progress. Belden and Avers. Three male Whites are tagging signs with gang slogans. One has on a black jacket, one has on a brown jacket and the third one has on a grey or blue jacket.

10:37am - Beat car 2523 is on a traffic stop at 3659 W Oakdale.

11:09am - EMS run. 3944 W Cortland. Intoxicated male.

11:13am - Battery. 2856 N Avers.

11:16am - Beat car 2524 has a handwaver at Dickens and Avers regarding criminal damage. It'll be a report.

11:17am - An RD number has been pulled from 2524's thing. It's HS173219 with the event number of 06777.

11:19am - The 11:13am job is coded 19P.

12:01pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 3611 W Wolfram.

12:06pm - Beat 2566Boy has a traffic stop at Schubert and Kostner.

12:37pm - Disturbance. 1614 N Monticello. Problem with the auto shop over the car that stopped working. There was more of a narrative but I didn't catch it.

1:04pm - They're calling back on the 12:37pm job.

1:06pm - Domestic Battery. 2627 N Ridgeway. Mom and brother are jumping on the caller and their boyfriend.

1:09pm - A slow down has been given for the 1:06pm job.

2:29pm - I'm going to go get a haircut. I'll be back later.

4:05pm - I'm back. Good afternoon.

4:08pm - Criminal damage. 3627 W Shakespeare. Kids threw snowballs at the caller's car and nearly made them get into an accident.

4:43pm - I'm going to do some other stuff. I'll be back at 7:18pm.

7:18pm - I'm back. Good evening.

7:24pm - Burglar alarm. 2815 N Ridgeway.

8:08pm - Shots Fired. 2400 block of N Avers. One heard.

8:14pm - The 8:08pm job is coded 19P. Nothing seen or heard. Also, the 7:24pm job was coded 14Paul.

8:53pm - Police Heilcopter 2 asks for a special attention event number at 2410 N Kostner. Event number is 15947.

8:55pm - Reckless driver. Diversey and Pulaski. Car speeding north on Pulaski towards George.

8:56pm - PH 2 will check out the 8:55pm job.

8:59pm - The 8:55pm job is coded 11Boy by the chopper. They didn't see anything from the sky. Event number is 15980.

9:12pm - Theft in progress. 3068 N Central Park. Three males breaking into a black car in the alley.

9:13pm - PH 2 is responding to the 9:12pm job.

9:14pm - Beat 2566 needs another car at the 9:12pm job. He may have the offenders. Multiple units en route.

9:17pm - A slow down is being given for the 9:12pm job.

9:21pm - PH 2 asks for the event number for the 9:12pm job. It's 16229.

9:22pm - The 9:12pm job is coded 19P.

9:40pm - Parker. 3639 W McLean. A car is blocking the alley.

9:42pm - Parker. 1903 N Harding. Premits.

10:01pm - Beat car 2525Robert has a traffic stop at Ridgeway and Armitage.

10:19pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Haussen. Male slumped over wheel in his car.

10:30pm - Animal fighting. 3002 N Davlin.

11:36pm - Loud music disturbance. 3600 block of W Dickens.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back Monday for crime blogging, but there will be a post up here tomorrow. You'll see what it's about. Good night, folks.

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