Monday, February 1, 2010

Parker On Springfield

Good afternoon, everyone. It's 3:08pm. I'm glad to be home from school. It was good but I'm tired. Anyway, it's the first day of February, which means it should get warmer in the next couple of weeks or so. Today also starts Black History Month. Here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:25pm - Parker. 3159 N Springfield. Premits.

3:38 to 3:55pm - The attena on the radio stopped working for some reason. I fixed it, though.

3:55 to 4:01pm - Police/Dispatch chatter regarding an accident at Pulaski and Dickens.

4:14pm - I'm going to listen to some music as I reply to a couple of emails, to help me think. I'll be back.

5:12pm - I'm back.

6:02 to 6:20pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.

6:42pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:30pm - Beat 2555 has a stop at 4049 W Diversey. Female needed for a search. 2548 will go.

7:34pm - 2548 is given a disregard on 55's stop.

7:41pm - Domestic disturbance. 4119 W Wellington. Problem with the boyfriend.

8:00pm - I'm off to bed. Good night, everyone. See you all tomorrow.

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