Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Crime Blotter For February 16, 2010

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:19pm. School was pretty good today. I'm really tired, though. Anyway, I'll be home late tomorrow. I'm going home via public transportation from school (if really, really you would like to know why, email me). So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:47 to 5:41pm - I've been sleeping. Sorry.

5:41pm - Animal abuse. Fullerton and Kildare. Three gangbangers making three pit bulls fight.

5:51pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Pulaski.

6:05pm - Assault. 3633 W Belmont. Neighbor threatened the caller with a knife.

6:08pm - An ambulance is needed at the 5:51pm job. The mom of some small kids wants them checked out.

6:40pm - The 6:05pm job is just a domestic. A Spanish speaker is needed, though.

6:48pm - Domestic disturbance. 3624 W Fullerton. The daughter ran out of the house.

6:50pm - Beat car 2525 is having their Beat meeting tonight, at Mozart Park. It starts in 10 minutes.

6:55pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:04pm - I'm back.

7:15pm - Parker. 2318 N Monticello.

7:16pm - Someone's got a stop at Wabansia and Avers. They're running a plate.

7:34pm - Domestic Battery. 3657 W Wabansia. Boyfriend hit the caller.

7:42pm - Check the well being. 3721 W Belmont. A kid was playing on the phone and he refused to put an adult on the phone. There may have been arguing in the background.

7:43pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Male drinking at the bus stop, harassing people.

7:57pm - Missing person report. 2816 N Lawndale. The 11 yr old just ran out the door because he was told to do his homework. He has on a white sweatshirt and khaki pants.

8:00pm - Reckless driver. Hamlin and Lawndale. White Caddy speeding in the area. This is the part of Lawndale that goes northeast to Milwaukee from Hamlin, just north of George. The cops code this out because they don't know the difference.

8:03pm - DUI driver. Fullerton and Central Park. Black vehicle is swearving all over the road and keeps stopping for no reason.

8:07pm - Disturbance. Mozart Park (2036 N. Avers). About 15 teens loitering and refusing to leave.

8:12pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.

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