Sunday, February 28, 2010

Citywide Unit Doing DOC Mission In 14

Good afternoon, folks, it's 2:27pm. I'm listening to Citywide 1 as I planned to yesterday. Even though you won't see jobs like disturbances and stuff, you will see calls like "battery in progress" or "shots fired" up here if the Zones simulcast the call on the citywide I'm listening to. Anyway, tomorrow, I'm monitoring 17 again, for the month of March. I'll be back with 25 on Tuesday. Here's crime on Citywide 1 for our two neighborhoods for this afternoon and evening.

1:10pm - Beat 4629Adam asks for a DOC mission event number in the 14th District. It's 08229.

4:29pm - Assault in progress. 1729 N Lawndale. Unknown person threatening the caller's mom over parking space. 25th District, Zone 12.

4:34pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Springfield. Male fighting with a female. He threw her to the ground. 25th District, Zone 12.

5:06pm - Assault in progress. 1627 N Humboldt. Caller is getting threatened by a female. 14th District, Zone 3.

6:56 to 7:20pm - I didn't pay attention. Sorry. Will get this time period tomorrow.

9:19pm - Shots Fired. 2669 W Nelson. Male running towards a car wash at 3016 N Elston fired some shots, apparently. But oddly enough, the ticket says the offender is running towards Oakely on Wellington (which is in 19). 14th District, Zone 3.

9:27pm - The 9:19pm job is coded. Beat 1463Charlie talked to several citizens who said they heard nothing.

10:08pm - Battery in progress. Wabansia and Kedzie. Male fighting a female just east of Kedzie. 14th District, Zone 3.

11:05pm - Battery in progress. 1850 N Harding. 20 people fighting. The street's blocked. 25th District, Zone 12.

11:07pm - A total disregard is being given on the 11:05pm job.

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