Thursday, February 25, 2010

Burglar Report On Pulaski

Good afternoon, everyone. It's 3:10pm. Sorry for no crime post yesterday. I monitored before I left for school but heard nothing for our area. Anyway, eoes anyone know the story behind 3053 N Kenneth? I had a reader asking me about it, and I don't know about that address. Also, school was good. So, yeah, here's crime for this late afternoon and early evening.

3:31pm - Burglar report. 1923 N Pulaski.

4:06pm - Beat 2570 has an on view traffic accident at Fullerton and Pulaski. Everything seems to be ok. 2521 is going over there for the paper.

4:56 to 6:08pm - I fell asleep. Sorry.

7:07pm - Domestic battery. 2927 N Ridgeway. Couple arguing and shoving each other.

7:55pm - Gang disturbance. 2826 N Ridgeway. They're hanging out ... supposedly. That's funny, I just looked outside and there's not a soul out there. I live on this block.

8:14pm - A female officer needed for a search at Palmer and Pulaski.

8:18pm - Disturbance. 3167 N Milwaukee. Disrespecting guy is throwing cups around in Burger King.

9:14pm - Barking dog. 3652 W George.

9:22pm - Sounds like there's a disturbance at the Dunkin Donuts, 3801 W Belmont.

9:35pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon at 4:56pm. Good night, everyone.

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