Thursday, February 11, 2010

Assault At Dunkin Donuts On Belmont

Good morning, everyone. It's 9:48am. It's nice outside today (not because it's cold and there's a foot of snow out there, but because it's sunny). Anyway, I'll be here all day, monitoring 25, as usual. So, here's crime for today.

10:50am - Assault. 3801 W Belmont. At Dunkin Donuts. 10 males were drinking in front, and I guess the caller told them to stop, so they threw snowballs at them and harassed them.

10:58am - Beat 2544 asks for a call back for the 10:50am job.

11:03am - The 10:50am job is coded 5Paul.

11:04am - Beat 2510 is holding an outdoor roll call at 3181 N Milwaukee. All units are invited.

11:40am - Domestic Battery. 3134 N Davlin.

2:06pm - Disturbance. 2954 N Kostner.

2:08pm- 1) Fire. 3912 W Diversey. 2nd floor . CFD is requesting that police help evacuate the building . 2) Narcotics. 3751 W Armitage. The store owner is selling marijuana and loose cigarettes to minors.

2:58pm - Shots Fired. Monticello and Altgeld. Two male teens, one a male Hispanic and one a male Black, fired 6 shots. One's wearing a white hoodie and one's wearing a black coat.

3:01pm - Beat 2590 reports that citizens are telling him the two males ran towards Wrightwood, then ran across Wrightwood. Now they're walking down Monticello.

3:02pm - A ticket just came into 911 for a male Hispanic with a purple hoodie was with the guy in the black coat. They've got a gold retriever dog with them.

3:03pm - Injuried person. Springfield and Diversey. A female was injuried as she fell off the CTA bus.

3:05pm - 2590 tells Dispatch that there's a group of females who were near Altgeld and Monticello that were acting kind of suspicious as he was pulling up to the job. He thinks they may be with the males.

3:06pm - Beat car 2524 asks for a call back on the 3:03pm job. She doesn't see anyone.

3:07pm - The two offenders may be near Monroe School, 3651 W Schubert, according to a 911 caller.

3:08pm - A black car dropped the two guys off at Monroe, according to a 911 caller.

3:12pm - 2590 has two young females stopped at 3636 W Wrightwood. Female officer needed for a search. 2505 is coming over.

3:13pm - Beat car 2535 says that there's a group of guys who were west of the school. Another unit will go check them out since 2535 got stuck in the snow. That other unit has someone stopped somewhere on Ridgeway.

3:18pm - There's a guy in a black coat sitting in Koz Park right now. Another unit is requested.

3:45pm - Beat car 2531 asks another unit who responded to the shots fired what the black car looked like. It was a black car that was kind of jacked up. A guy with a red sweatshirt was in there, and he may have a weapon. 2531 is following the car in traffic at Laramie and Diversey. Heading north towards Wolfram.

3:46pm - They're now at Laramie and Oakdale, heading north, towards Wellington.

3:47pm - The car's been pulled over. Laramie and Belmont.

3:49pm - 2590 is running a name from the stop.

3:50pm - 1) Traffic accident. 2847 N Pulaski. 2) Burglar alarm. 2422 N Kildare. 3) Suspicious vehicle. 4312 W Drummond.

3:51pm - The name comes back with no record, according to Dispatch.

4:09pm - 2422 N Kidare is coded.

4:42pm - Traffic accident. Kostner and Wrightwood.

5:08pm - Burglar alarm. 3721 W Belmont.

5:09pm - Some job at 2122 N Avers.

5:17pm - I'm going to go. My touchpad on my laptop stopped working (I'm on my sister's computer) and I can't get it to work. So, tomorrow, I'm going out to buy a new mouse. I'll be back at this time tomorrow. Good night, folks.


  1. we're beside ourselves with all the mayhem around here as of late. I just want you to know that your blog has been invaluable to us, we check it constantly when things are happening around here. THANK YOU You're helping us homeowner citizens! Don't know what we'd do without you..xxoo ERICA
    PS my husband saw the kids running and the guy with the dog and told the cops about it. This is the 3rd rash of shootings in our immediate area. We're really worried.

  2. I'm getting really worried about the mayhem in that area as of late too, Erica. There's been too many incidents as of late around that area to say nothing's happening. Something is happening, and something has got to be done.

    I have no problem with informing the community of what's going on. I feel good about giving this information to the neighborhood. People need to know what's going on.

    Thanks to your husband for letting the police know! From the sound of things on the scanner, the police were checking out the entire area for these offenders. I think they did a very good job.

    I will continue to watch the area for further developments in this rash of shootings.

  3. We are wondering if there is a new "element" that has moved into our area - we're seeing some kids we haven't seen before lurking around. There was also a big fight at 7pm that you noted at the laundromat on the 3700 block of Wrightwood. We're going to CAPS tomorrow night and will let you know if the cops have caught any of these shooters. Keep up your excellent work, it's been invaluable to us lately!!!

  4. Seems like there is. There's been lots of incidents in that area lately. I think those kids you've never seen before are coming from another neighborhood to start trouble.

    As for the fight, was it the one that was related to a fight at Fullerton and Ridgeway? If so, do you know what happened?

    I'm glad to hear that you're going to your Beat meeting tomorrow night. If you can, can you also ask them what they plan on doing about the problems you guys are having over there. Tell them the crime blogger sent you, LOL (I'm just kidding). In all seriousness, they need to do something about all of the violence over there.
