Saturday, January 9, 2010

Loud Music On Riverwalk Drive

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:00am. This is my first time monitoring 14 in 2010. We'll see what this year has brought for 14. Anyway, it's going to be cold out today, barely making it into the 20s. There's nothing else to say, so here's crime on this cold Saturday for 14.

12:09am - Loud music disturbance. 2906 N Riverwalk Drive. Party. With that, good night.

9:30am - I'm back. Good morning.

9:37am - Parker. 2620 N Talman. Driveway is blocked.

9:39am - Beat 1443 is at 30XX W Fullerton, running a plate.

9:52am - Disturbance. Webster and Damen. Two homeless males laying down on beams.

9:58am - Parker. 3507 W Medill. Car double parked and it's got the caller blocked in.

10:08am - Beat 1443 has a traffic stop at Armitage and Hoyne.

10:16am - EMS run. California and Milwaukee. A woman fell in the liquor store parking lot.

10:23am - The 10:16am job is coded 19Boy because there's no woman who fell over there and EMS returned to their headquarters.

10:31am - Beat 1499 is on a DOC mission. Event number is 05331.

10:36am - 1) Burglar alarm. 1807 N Paulina. 2) Parker. 3000 W Diversey. Car parked in the loading zone of Julio's Auto Parts.

10:50am - Person w/ a knife. 3100 N Christiana. Walking west towards Kimball on Barry is a male Black, black and green coat and blue jeans has a knife.

10:59am - Criminal Trespass. 2946 N Troy. Caller says there's someone living in the vacant building. Caller is there to inspect the property. Also, there's a parker at 3232 W Altgeld.

11:21am - Reckless driver/gang disturbance. Kimball and Fullerton. Heading north on Kimball is a guy in a car with a black or blue t-shirt who got out of his car, jumped on the caller's car and flashed gang signs, then got back in his car.

11:26am - Violation order of protection. 3120 W Armitage. Caller was going to the store and the ex-boyfriend's in the area, according to the new GPS system that tracks violation offenders. The offender is a male White, 5'9, 170 lbs, brown eyes and black hair. His name is Carlos. He lives at 1851 N Sawyer.

11:28am - Parker. 1830 N Winchester. Damen entrance of the building is blocked by a car.

11:37am - Disturbance. 2020 N California. At 7-11. Problem with an intoxicated male.

11:38am - Burglar report. 1734 N Paulina.

11:49am - A unit asks for several event numbers for community concerns and the like in the 10 sector. One location is the skateboard park on Logan.

12:01pm - Check the well being. 1649 W Cortland. The caller lives in Joliet and wants police to check on her boyfriend who sent her a text message on Thursday night saying he was tired of his life and he wanted to end it all. They have no relationship problems. The boyfriend is running as a Republican for a seat in the Senate.

12:07pm - Beat 1499 is on scene of the 12:01pm job. He wants another office to go through the back.

12:12pm - Beat car 1412 and Beat 1489 are at 1649 Cortland. One officer is going to try to hop the fence in the back to get in. 1499 is in the front and the gate's locked. At 12:16, 1406George was also on scene.

12:19pm - The 12:01pm boyfriend is ok. That's good to hear. 1406G made contact.

12:20pm - The 12:01pm job is coded 19P. The boyfriend will call his girlfriend.

12:23pm - Burglar alarm. 1737 N Hermitage.

12:32pm - Beat car 1412 is doing a premise check at the Logan Square Blue Line stop.

12:36pm - Burglar alarm. 2743 N Artesian.

12:42pm - Beat 1454 needs two things. One, she needs an event number for a community concern at 1700 N Troy. Two, she needs a DOC mission event number for the 20 sector. 1700 Troy event number is 07144 and the DOC is 07149.

12:52pm - Disturbance. 2274 N Milwaukee. Homeless male is setting up his home in the alley. He's putting up boxes.

1:00pm - The 12:52pm job is coded 19P. He's been there since September or October of 2009.

1:03pm - Beat car 1431 ask for a non violence reduction event number on the Beat. It's 07511.

1:09pm - Domestic disturbance. 3217 W Diversey. 13 yr old is calling to say mom's going crazy, hitting them with wooden spoons and is tearing up the house. Officers and Dispatch think mom should beat the kid. They call it discipline.

1:11pm - Beat car 1421 asks for an event number for a community concern involving gangs at 1838 N Washtenaw. It's 07645. He also asks a DOC mission event number on his Beat. It's 07648.

1:12pm - Domestic disturbance. 3134 W North. Problem with the roommate who won't let the caller get the rest of their belongings. They've got the door locked.

1:33pm - Beat 1455 asks for two things. One, she asks for a park check at Haas. The event number is 07971. Also, she asks for a non violence reduction event number for the 30 sector. Event number is 07972.

1:49pm - A unit asks for a park check at the skateboard park on Logan. Event number is 08252.

1:52pm - Burglary in progress. 2223 N Sawyer. Guys breaking in.

1:54pm - A slow down is being given on the 1:52pm job. Beat 1462Eddie has three guys in front.

2:01pm - The 1:52pm job is coded. Those guys have permission to be in there.

2:23pm - Domestic disturbance. 1734 N Drake. Sister VS caller about the 14 yr old son.

2:26pm - Domestic disturbance. 2440 N Western. Boyfriend's trying to take the car.

2:31pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Kimball.

2:48pm - Beat car 1411 asks for an event number at the skateboard park for a premise check. It's 09075.

2:49pm - Parker. 3157 N Sacramento.

2:57pm - Domestic Battery. 3213 W Diversey. Child's father hit the caller.

3:09pm - Beat 1405 asks for a premise check at Holestin and skateboard parks. Holestin's event number is 09381 and skateboard's is 09384.

3:18pm - Traffic accident. 1900 N Ashland.

3:30pm - Beat 1410 gets four event numbers for an anti violence mission, a curfew mission, and two other missions.

3:33pm - Beat 1405 asks a park check at Haas. That event number is 09683. They also ask for an event number for a park check at Little Cubs Field (wherever that's at). It's 09687.

4:09pm - Domestic disturbance. 2833 W Fletcher. The son took the car.

4:13pm - Parker. 2900 N Claremont.

4:21pm - Beat 1405 asks for a park check at Maplewood. Event number is 10298.

4:24pm - Burglar alarm. 1620 N Artesian.

4:27pm - Beat car 1421 asks for a call back on the 4:09pm job. They give a disregard seconds later. The caller steps out.

4:33pm - Beat car 1413 has a traffic stop at Damen and Fullerton.

4:48pm - Beat car 1413 has a traffic stop at Kimball and Dawson.

4:49pm - 1413's going into 14 with a TBD from the Kimball and Dawson stop.

4:56pm - Disturbance. Logan and Western. Male Black with a clipboard blocking traffic.

5:04pm - Domestic Battery. 1712 N Kimball. Boyfriend hit the caller.

5:19pm - EMS run. 2714 N Kimball. Male down in front.

5:58pm - 1) Parker. On 1432's Beat. 2) They're calling back on the 11:37am job. There's a heavy set guy loitering in front now.

6:18pm - 2020 N California at 5:58pm is coded 19P.

6:20pm - Commerical alarm. 2332 N Western. At the bank.

6:23pm - Burglar alarm. 2134 N Damen.

6:27pm - Check the well being. California and Milwaukee. Homeless male Black, 40-50 yrs old, black coat has been out there for two days. He's near the "L" tracks.

6:52pm - Animal abuse. 2345 N Kimball. Dog getting abused in the backyard by a woman.

6:54pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:07pm - I'm back.

7:18pm - Beat 1405 asks for a park check at Unity and Fireman parks. Event number for Unity is 12856 and Fireman's event number is 12855.

7:58pm - Robbery. 2733 N Milwaukee. Details to follow...

8:00pm - Details came in on the Robbery. Male Hispanic, 5'9 to 5'10, 160 lbs, grey stocking cap, red hoodie took a couple of dollars from the complainant. He fled in a grey or sliver Sedan with a female driver. The vitcim also had their car tires slashed by the offender.

8:05pm - Domestic disturbance. 3464 W Diversey. The brother's drunk, causing problems.

8:04pm - Beat 1442 says they went as far north as Belmont and Milwaukee to look for the 7:58pm offending vehicle. No vehicle or vitcim found. 19P.

8:06pm - 1) Robbery. 3545 W Palmer. The store was just held up. 2) Loud music disturbance. 3003 W Lyndale. 3) They're calling back on the 11:37am/5:58pm jobs. The guy returned.

8:07pm - Assist the cab. 2915 N Claremont. Cab driver is unable to get out of the condo complex because the entrance gate is locked. Also, the 3545 Palmer offenders fled south on Drake then east in the south alley. There's two of them.

8:08pm - The 3545 Palmer offenders are 5'8 to 6 feet tall, black hoodies, black masks and a revolver with a white handle on it.

8:15pm - The 3003 Lyndale is coded 4Paul. The gate's locked.

8:22pm - Wanted from the Robbery on Palmer is two male Hispanics. Offender #1 is 5'6, 170 lbs, 30-35 yrs old, brown eyes, black jacket with a hood, blue hoodie underneath, white gym shoes with a four inch blue steel revolver with a white handle on it. Offender #2 is 5'4, 160 lbs, 22-25 yrs old and black hoodie.

8:25pm - Narcotics. 3406 W Fullerton. They're selling.

8:35pm - An RD number has been pulled from 3545 Palmer. It's HS112835.

8:50pm - Beat 1405 had a traffic stop at Armitage and Humboldt, and it's turned into a TBD.

8:53pm - Disturbance. 3417 W Diversey. Man refuses to leave the Foodsmart.

8:58pm - Burglary. 3442 W Parker. Someone attempted to break in.

9:07pm - Assault. 2821 N Milwaukee. Male customer at Crown liquors threatened to kill the owner. There were a couple of calls here for a disturbance.

9:09pm - Beat 1442 has a traffic stop at Milwaukee/Kimball/Diversey.

9:12pm - The 8:58pm job is coded 19Adam. There was someone at the door and the caller freaked out.

9:17pm - Beat 1410 is needed on the 9:07pm job.

9:18pm - EMS run. 2820 N Elston. Male passed out in front of the dance studio.

9:21pm - The 9:18pm job is coded 9Paul.

9:28pm - Disturbance. Belmont and Kimball. Female begging by the Blue Line.

9:37pm - Fire run. 2223 W McLean. Caller locked their 2 and 4 yr old kids in the house on accident.

9:39pm - Hold up alarm. 2554 W Diversey. At Kayla's Ristorante.

9:48pm - The 9:39pm job is coded 5Paul.

9:49pm - Someone's got a traffic stop at 2735 N Kedzie.

9:58pm - Beat car 1411 asks for a gang and narcotics mission event number on their and 1412's Beats. Event number is 15288.

10:13pm - Someone asks for a gang and narcotics mission on their Beat. Event number is 15511.

10:14pm - Beat 1453 has a traffic stop at Kedzie and Barry.

10:15pm - Beat car 1421 asks for an event number for the 1800 block of N Washtenaw. It's 15537.

10:16pm - Beat car 1434 asks for a Burglary mission event number on the Beat. It's 15547.

10:24pm - Beat car 1431Robert asks for a loitering event number at 2547 W Fullerton. It's 15669.

10:56pm - Traffic accident. Montana and Western. Cab involved. Injuries.

11:03pm - Per Beat 1420, 1422 is on a DOC mission until their shift is over. The event number is 08642.

11:13pm - Burglar alarm. 2024 N Albany.

11:16pm - Domestic disturbance. 2414 N St. Louis. Roommate won't let the complainant in.

11:17pm - Beat 1481David is doing a premise check somewhere. Event number is 16391.

11:19pm - The 11:13pm job is coded 14P.

11:22pm - Beat 1406Charlie is on a curfew mission.

11:29pm - Beat 1406C has three curfews at Schubert and Western. They're being relocated.

11:34pm - Gang disturbance. 2728 N Artesian. They're waving gang signs.

11:45pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 2721 N St. Louis. 2) Beat car 1411R has a traffic stop at Diversey and Artesian.

11:47pm - Beat 1406C dropped one of the curfews off at 3928 N Mozart. They're relocating the other two to North and Halsted.

11:51pm - The 11:37am/5:58/8:06pm jobs is now coming in as a Theft. The guy took a case of beer without paying.

12:00am - Alrighty, I'm done monitoring 14. I'll be back with it sometime soon. Good night, everyone. 25 will be back tomorrow.

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