Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gang/Tac Unit Runs Plate At Springfield and George

Good evening, everyone, it's 5:46pm. Today was an ok day. I don't want to talk too much about it. Altough, a good thing that came out of today was getting outside and being on a stretch of Milwaukee and then walking some of my Beat. Anyway, tomorrow, I'm monitoring 17 for our Avondale residents north of Belmont. So, here's crime for tonight.

5:57pm - Beat 2566Charlie is running a plate at George and Springfield.

6:20pm - Landlord/Tenant dispute. 4045 W Palmer.

7:19pm - EMS run. 2635 N Springfield. Man found passed out in the bathroom.

7:34pm - Person down. Milwaukee and Hamlin. In the alley.

8:39pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2216 N Keystone. Intoxicated guy is banging on the door. 2) Disturbance. On 2524's Beat.

9:12pm - Burglar alarm. 3110 N Harding.

9:29pm - Beat car 2523 asks for a call back on the 9:12pm job.

9:32pm - No answer on the 9:12pm call back.

9:39pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2904 N Avers. Male Hispanic, black coat, in front screaming at himself.

9:44pm - The 9:39pm job is coded 5Adam. It's a guy on his bluetooth.

10:45pm - Person w/ a gun. Cortland and Pulaski. Three vehicles, one being a van, had their occuppants get out and they all looked like they were about to fight. One guy pulled out a gun. All parties fled towards Armitage.

10:54pm - Criminal damage. 2449 N Springfield.

11:23pm - Beat 2546 has some curfews at Pulaski and Belmont.

11:27pm - Person w/ a gun. 3702 W Armitage. Caller had a gun pulled out on them in front of the club. Offender went into the club.

11:31pm - Beat 2562Boy is heading into the club. This is at the Las Vegas Nightclub.

11:38pm - An arrest was made from the 11:27pm job. Beat car 2531 did it. Good job to the officers.

11:43pm - 1) Check the well being. 1814 N Hamlin. 2) Fire. Wrightwood and Ridgeway.

12:00am - I'm finished monitoring 25 until Tuesday. I'll return at 4:03am with it on that day.


  1. A relatively quiet weekend, Timmy, no? Kinda nice. . .

    Hope you enjoy your vacation and holidays-- thanks as always for your service to the community!


  2. Odc, it indeed is a quite weekend, especially tonight. But, then again, Sundays around here are always quite for the most part. It's nice.

    No problem and I hope you enjoy your holidays as well.
