Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Domestic On Lawndale

Good morning, everyone, it's 7:30am. It sure is snowing hard outside. This looks like our first major snow of the winter season. Anyway, I apologize for not coming on at 4:03am this morning. I guess I was so tired that I didn't awake until now. I'll try to do it tomorrow. Also, I'm not sure if I'm monitoring all day. Everything's fine, but I may want to do some stuff later. So, here's crime for today.

7:45am - Domestic disturbance. 2739 N Lawndale.

8:13am - The 7:45am job is coded. It wasn't a police matter.

8:18am - Alarm. 2934 N Harding.

8:29am - Beat car 2523 has an open door at the 8:18am job. Another unit is en route.

10:29am - Support unit request. 2524 N Central Park. A 14th District unit wants a 25th District unit to check for someone who's son is in custody in 14.

10:42am - I'm going to get cleaned up, then do something else. I'll be back.

1:49pm - I'm back. Good afternoon. I'd like to warn everyone of something. While I was taking a walk around the neighborhood, there was gangbangers throwing snowballs at passing cars and a building on the southeast corner of Belmont and Monticello. So, to everyone who's traveling right in that area or lives over there, be careful. They will get you. I turned around and headed back to Milwaukee so it didn't happen to me.

2:29pm - 1) Threatening suicide. 2606 N Hamlin. 17 yr old attempting to cut herself. 2) Domestic disturbance. 2827 N Avers. Boyfriend threatening to fight the girlfriend.

3:12pm - Theft. 3008 N Haussen. Car was stolen.

4:03pm - Assault. Fullerton and Springfield. Several gangbangers came up to the complainant's car as they were getting gas in the gas station and started throwing bricks at the car.

4:34pm - Parker. On 2525's Beat.

4:48pm - Criminal Trespass in progress. 2433 N Avers. Kids broke into the two vacant houses. They are in one of the houses.

5:00pm - Beat 6751Boy needs a female for a search at Jimenez's Grocery store on Fullerton.

5:18pm - Disturbance. 1627 N Pulaski. Two guys aggressively selling movies in front of Walgreens. They apparently made one customer cry, as someone walked in crying.

6:16pm - Domestic disturbance. 2318 N Kedvale. Ex-boyfriend is stalking.

7:18pm - Disturbance. 1747 N Pulaski. Intoxicated males refuses to leave the firehouse.

7:23pm - Battery in progress. Fullerton and Central Park. Two males jumped out a van and are beating up a male.

7:24pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:23pm job. Beat 2546 says that it's occurring on 14's side.

7:35pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at Altgeld and Tripp.

7:46pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.

8:29pm - Loud music disturbance. 3136 N Central Park.

9:19pm - Vice complaint. 3641 W Fullerton. Teens smoking weed in front.

9:32pm - Domestic disturbance. 3900 W North. Brother causing problems.

9:34pm - EMS run. 3129 N Hamlin. Wife fell down the stairs.

9:36pm - There's a huge fire at 1615 N Lawndale. Building on fire. 2590 is on scene, requesting a car for a report.

9:40pm - Beat car 2525 is assigned to the fire.

10:09pm - Disturbance. 3086 N Milwaukee. Male White, 40s, backpack is yelling at people. One of the drunks, probably.

11:24pm - 1) Battery report. 3607 W Fullerton. Caller was beaten up around 9:30pm. 2) Loud music disturbance. 4131 W Nelson.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I hopefully will be back at 4:03am tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone.


  1. I was just notified of the CTA bus bench removal at Milwaukee and Hamlin. This is great news, considering the drunks along Milwaukee used to congregate in there. Now they can't do too much of that.

    Thanks to all of the "activists" on Beat 2523 for making this possible!

  2. Hi Timmy,

    Any way that on occasion you'd be able to cover parts of 13/14 as that also is relevant to Logan Square? Or is that considered more like Humboldt Park?

  3. Hello, treat_stuffs. Anyway, I cover 14 once a month. I can only listen to it once a month because I'm busy with school and other stuff most of the time, and due to my family wanting to hear what's going on in 25. Also, 25 is my home district and I believe that 25's side of both neighborhoods may have the most crime.

    If there is any way, would you like to help me cover 14?

  4. I may be able to help cover 14. There is an online site where my roommates and my husband and I listen to the police chatter from 13/14 and I might be able to help coverage on occasion while I'm job hunting. Let me know.

  5. treat_stuffs, that would be great. I'm aware of the online site. Let me know when you are available to start covering 14 on occassion.
    Thanks so much for the offer. It's greatly appreciated.

  6. Hi Timmy, I might be able to do some coverage this coming night (late Weds night-early Thurs morning). I will let you know closer to then, but I can try to do what I can. How should we coordinate it?

  7. treat_stuffs, if you can do coverage tonight, let me know. Send me an email at weatherboy58@hotmail.com. We can coordinate everything there. Thanks again. I greatly appriecate this.
