Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Disturbance On Lowell

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:14pm. Today was a good day. I'm tired now. Anyway, I'm hearing rumors of a big snowstorm coming into town. For once, I hope that doesn't happen because I'd like to go to my Beat meeting tomorrow night. So, here's crime for this evening.

3:58pm - 1) Disturbance. 2955 N Lowell. 2) Gang disturbance. Belmont and Monticello. 3) Burglary in progress. 2512 N Avers.

5:13pm - Disturbance. 3720 W Armitage. 7th floor.

6:02pm - Disturbance. 3123 N Milwaukee. At the laundromat. Large group of drunks in there. Red Apple next door called it in. Officers code this job because it's not the laundromat calling. And this officer coding it sounds like he's got an attitude problem.

6:23pm - Parker. 3751 W Palmer.

6:37pm - 1) The 6:37pm job is coded 6Mary. 2) Assault. 3713 W Palmer.

6:42pm - 1) Criminal damage. 4164 W Flecther. Four teens. 2) Parker. 2824 N Kenneth. Hanidcap.

6:51pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:20pm - I'm back.

7:32pm - Some job given out in the coverage area. Don't remember the details on it.

7:41pm - The 6:42pm jobs are coded.

7:48pm - Fire. Cortland and Springfield. On the METRA tracks. The school called it in.

7:51pm - Loud music disturbance. 2838 N Ridgeway. Live band.

8:12pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. a 14-year-old boy was shot in the head this morning at 9 a.m. while walking to school with his mother. 3400 block of west armitage.

  2. Oh, that is just horrible to hear, anonymous. Apparently, you can't even walk to school now in Logan Square. This is a reason why I'm glad I go to Sullivan -- I get out of this area for a few hours and I don't have to deal with neighborhood kids. It was enough going to Monroe.

    Something seriously has got to be done about this. We need to do something before this happens to another innocent kid. It's time to clean up Logan Square, people. Especially Armitage. If the 14th District cops refuse to help, I'd start taking action into my own hands.

    I will be putting up an article regarding this.
