Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:13am. Happy Christmas Eve to all! Today should be a good day, considering Christmas is tomorrow. I hope all of you are spending this day with your loved ones and are happy for this time of year. Anyway, it appears to be bad outside, considering we got a quarter inch of ice last night. Hopefully that'll met as the rain comes in later. So, here's crime for this Christmas Eve (and I'm actually monitoring, unlike I did on Christmas Eve last year, LOL!).

11:20am - Alarm. 1920 N Hamlin. At Ames Middle School. Front door.

11:37am - Fire. 2521 N Tripp. Possible gas leak.

12:51pm - Suspicious person. 1839 N Monticello. Male Black, 23 yrs old, black skull cap and dark clothing is heading down the street with a green clipboard, going door to door and asking who's NOT home. He claims to be a clerk.

12:54pm - Domestic disturbance. 3935 W Wrightwood. Problem with the boyfriend.

1:09pm - Beat car 2524 asks for a call back on the 12:54pm job. Dispatch gets an answer and the caller says everything's ok. Coded 19P.

1:10pm - The offender is heading south on Monticello.

1:18pm - Beat car 2533 says that the 12:51pm guy works for a company called "Just Energy". There's three guys on the block from the company. Coded 19P. 2533 says if anybody else calls anonymously, a code will be thrown. If there's a complainant, he'll talk to them.

1:27pm - Check the well being. 1626 N Central Park. Two males arguing with a girl crying.

1:34pm - Check the well being. 3704 W Cortland. A woman from the Department of Human Services is on scene to do a well being check on a high risk female but the husband told the woman she's gone and he's got no clue where she is. The high risk is to be admitted to the hospital.

3:03pm - Hold up alarm. 2958 N Milwaukee. Cash valut motion.

3:08pm - Beat car 1413 was nice enough to code out the 3:03pm job for 2522. However, up the street from that job is a male in his 50s laying on the ground. EMS is en route.

3:11pm - The guy laying on the ground is now having a seizure.

3:29pm - Hold up/panic alarm. 3041 N Pulaski. At Dollar Price.

4:11pm - Assault. Diversey and Hamlin. CTA Bus #1924's driver was threatened by a male who refuses to get off the bus or pay the fare. He is also threatening other customers.

4:26pm - Burglar report. 2417 N Ridgeway. On the second call, the caller says they have to leave, so they're canceling.

4:39pm - 1) Burglar report. 3127 N Monticello. 2) Loud music disturbance. 3136 N Central Park.

5:28pm - Domestic Battery. 2827 N Avers. Boyfriend hit the caller and is arguing with them. Boyfriend also showed the caller some bullets in a box and said he'd shoot them.

5:33pm - The 5:28pm responding unit asks for a call back. No answer.

5:38pm - Burglary in progress. 2716 N Ridgeway. Three to four male Blacks inside, taking things out.

5:43pm - A disregard is being given on the 5:38pm job. The home is foreclosed and the officer suspects they were just coming to get belongings.

5:52pm - Parker. 3084 N Davlin.

5:58pm - Parker. On 2525's Beat.

6:21pm - Theft. 4150 W Belden. Car was just broken into.

6:28pm - They're calling back on the 5:58pm job.

6:54pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:37pm - I'm back.

8:15pm - Animal bite. 3924 W Altgeld.

9:56pm - Backlog in 25 at 21:56 hours. On Christmas Eve? Sad :(. Well, Dispatch says that there are some disturbances and parkers pending. Not sure what's pending in our 'hood.

10:42pm - Parker. 2446 N Springfield.

11:27pm - I'm off to be. See you all tomorrow. Good night and Merry Christmas!!

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