Thursday, December 17, 2009

Busy Beat For 2525 This Evening

Good evening, everyone, it's 4:45pm. Well, only one more day of school. Thank goodness! I can't wait for this vacation to start. I want to be able to relax with the family. That's all I got to say for today. Here's crime for tonight.

4:46pm - Beat car 2525 gets alot of jobs, including a disturbance at Armitage and Pulaski.

5:02pm - Criminal Trespass in progress. 3708 W Lyndale. Contractor caught some people inside.

5:05pm - Shots Fired. 2700 N Harding. Lots of gunfire with people shooting at each other.

5:07pm - Multiple tickets have came in for the 5:05pm job. One ticket describes a male in a white hoodie and doo rag as having a gun.

5:17pm - An RD number, for a "99B", has been pulled from the 5:05pm job. It's HR694085. I didn't catch the event number.

5:29pm - Person w/ a knife. Pulaski and Diversey. Three gangbangers followed the caller with a knife.

5:30pm - The 5:02pm job is coded 19P.

5:31pm - 2523 needs an assist at Schubert and Harding, from the 5:05pm job.

5:46pm - The police are searching for a possible gun at 3945 W Schubert from a 911 call they recieved over there. This is all from that earlier Shots Fired. Also, the 5:29pm job is coded.

5:47pm - A brand new ticket for information for the police comes at 3945 W Schubert. They're saying someone in the building has the gun.

6:41pm - Auto Theft. 2724 N Pulaski. Car was stolen out of the parking lot with the lettering "good floor" on it. The lettering is red.

6:44pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:10pm - I'm back.

7:32pm - Hold up alarm. 4440 W Fullerton.

7:44pm - Sex offense. 2900 N Kearsarge. Two folks in a white car having a evening delight.

8:07pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.

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