Saturday, December 5, 2009

14th/25th District 911 Calls For December 5, 2009

Good morning, everyone, it's 11:33am. Today is going to be a day with highs in the mid 30s with partly cloudy conditions. It's a normal December day. Anyway, I'll be monitoring 14 until 3:43pm, then I'll come back with 25 after my dinner. Here is crime for today.

11:56am - A unit has a traffic stop at Califorina and Wellington.

11:57am - Traffic accident. Califorina and Milwaukee. Two cars, no injuries.

12:05pm - Disturbance. 2949 W Fullerton. Male White with a black jacket sleeping in the hallway.

12:07pm - Beat 1455 is doing a mission on the 30 sector.

12:17pm - 1) The 12:05pm job is coded. Guy was moved along. 2) Disturbance. Diversey/Elston/Western. Homeless male Black was laying on a bench but while the caller was on the phone with 911, he decided to lay down in the middle of the street.

12:21pm - Burglar alarm. 2023 W Fullerton.

12:23pm - An RD number has been pulled from 1834 N Richmond. UCR code of "3050" is being used. It's HR675076 with the event number of 07784.

12:24pm - Beat 1442 codes out the 11:57am job as 18Paul.

12:30pm - Parker. 2600 block of N Central Park. No exact address given out by dispatch. No further.

12:34pm - Walgreens at Albany and Armitage has a shoplifter per 1412 who was flagged down.

12:36pm - Unit needed at 2957 N Kedzie for a Theft from auto report per Beat 1460.

12:39pm - Beat car 1412 states that the 12:34pm offender just ran north on Albany. He's a male Black, 40 yrs old, 6 feet tall and grey skull cap. 1414 is going to back up 1412.

12:40pm - Beat car 1411 is assigned to the 12:36pm report.

12:41pm - Beat 1453 has a traffic stop at 1911 W Cortland.

12:42pm - The 12:34pm thing will be coded. Walgreens wants nothing done.

12:43pm - Commerical alarm. 1714 N Damen.

12:52pm - Beat 1453 is on a station assignment to 3513 W George (what?) regarding a stolen dog. I'm questioning this because George does not exist from Central Park to Woodard.

12:56pm - The 12:43pm job is coded.

1:13pm - A 14th District asks for a DOC mission event number on the 20 sector. The number is 08542.

1:19pm - Beat car 1421 asks for a DOC mission event number on his Beat, and a narcotics mission for 1838 N Washtenaw. Event number for Washtenaw is 08643. Event number for the Beat is 08467.

1:20pm - Beat car 1431 asks for a non-violent reduction event number on the Beat. It's 08659.

1:22pm - Criminal damage in progress. Rockwell and Wabansia. Male taking the boot off the complainant's car.

1:24pm - Beat 1453 is at the 1:22pm job. Nothing is seen. Code will be given shortly.

1:40pm - Beat car 1414 gets a job. I don't remember the details, though.

1:41pm - Alarm. 2004 N Western. At the bank.

2:00 to 2:01pm - Two or three jobs were given out. I don't remember the details on any of them. Sorry.

2:04pm - The 1:22pm job is coded 19P.

2:05pm - Beat car 1432 asks for a Burglar mission event number on the Beat. It's 09271.

2:06pm - Assist the citizen. Diversey and Rockwell. A car is stalled in the middle of the street. Tow truck will arrive in 45 minutes.

2:09pm - A unit is doing a park check at Simons.

2:13pm - Traffic accident. Mozart and Diversey.

2:26pm - Traffic accident. North and Elston.

2:30 to 3:10pm - Wasn't paying too much attention. Sorry!

3:12pm - Battery in progress. Logan and Western. Four female teens fighting in the skate park.

3:17pm - A slow down is being given on the 3:12pm job.

3:24pm - Disturbance. 2512 W North. Male inside Subway causing a disturbance.

3:42pm - Parker. 2622 W Diversey. Car illegally parked in the parking space.

3:43pm - I'm finished monitoring 14 until 2010. So, to Zone 3, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (LOL)!

8:00pm - I'm back with 25. Good evening.

8:31pm - Fire. 2504 N Lawndale. Garbage can.

8:36pm - Battery in progress. 3086 N Milwaukee. Males fighting in the bar.

8:54pm - Domestic Battery in progress. 2727 N Monticello. Couple fighting in the basement with a little girl in there.

9:16pm - Disturbance. 3110 N Milwaukee. Homeless male in front causing problems.

9:54pm - Loud music disturbance. 2822 N Kenneth.

10:30 to 11:03pm - I didn't pay attention. Sorry.

11:05pm - A unit has a traffic stop at 2600 N Pulaski.

11:10pm - An RD number for "2027" is pulled from 3706 W North. It's HR675828 with the event number of 17504.

11:13pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Intoxicated male laying on the ground.

11:18pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Central Park. Two males fighting.

11:27pm - Suspicious person. 2954 N Hamlin. Occupants inside a red vehicle. There's one guy standing outside of the car. Loud music is being played.

11:35pm - Person wanted. 2815 N Ridgeway? 18 yr old female is wanted for something. She may be with a male. What? This building is vacant. Nobody lives there anymore. I should know. I live right by this building.

11:42pm - Burglar alarm. 3756 W Lyndale. At the Lyndale Foods store.

11:49pm - Beat car 2523 pulls up to the 11:35pm job.

11:50 to 11:54pm - Officers are on scene, knocking on the doors and searching with flashlight.

11:55 to 11:57pm - I head outside to inform the officers that the buliding is supposed to be locked up and empty. But they, and myself witnessed a couple of disturbing things. For one, there's music playing in there and two, they've got Christmas lights up. They asked me questions, such as had I seen anybody loitering in front of the building, anybody going through the back, you know, general police work.

11:58 to 12:00am - I watch through the window of what's going on. Meanwhile, back on the scanner, I heard 2523 call for a supervisor. The building's supposed to be vacant and I guess they wanted permission to search the building fully.

12:03 to 12:15am - I go back outside, this time with my mom, to answer any questions the police had for us. A few more units pull up. Officers litterally have the building surrounded. There's two plain-clothed cops here as well. I personally witness the greatest police work ever. I see the officers go through the back, search all floors, go in through the windows, etc. Great job to all officers! And to top it off, they were nice to us. The job is coded 19P, since the place is secure, for now. But now I'm sure officers will keep a close eye on that building.


  1. Thanks for doing 14 again. My wife downloaded an Iphone application that allows me to stream the police scanner for 13,14. You can do it anywhere in the country! Thanks for all your hard work.

  2. I'm wondering if anyone knows if the cops ever came to the alley of 3000 N. Haussen regarding the M-80s being blown off. If I had been taking my garbage out I would have been blown to bits.

  3. Naomi, when did this occurr? I have no idea this occurred. I think you should come to the Beat meeting on Wednesday and let the police know about the incident.
