Saturday, November 28, 2009

Traffic Accident At George and Lawndale

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:46pm. Today's been a good day. I was listening to Zone 10 a little while ago and I have to say, the 10th and 11th Districts get so many calls I could barely keep up. Anyway, here is crime for tonight.

8:20pm - A unit asks if there was an accident at Wolfram or George at Lawndale. Dispatch has George and Lawndale for a Dodge Ram. The unit's handling it.

8:33pm - Beat car 2523 has a disturbance on the PDT after lunch.

9:40pm - Barking dog. 3100 N Davlin.

9:53pm - Disturbance. 2123 N Kedvale. Teens causing a ruckus in front of Nixon.

10:39pm - Gang disturbance. 3654 W McLean. Five loitering and representing in front.

10:45pm - Burglar alarm. 2701 N Pulaski. At Discount Automotive.

10:58pm - Disturbance. 2849 N Kenneth. Landlord shut off the heat.

11:12pm - Beat car 2522 asks for a call back on the 10:58pm job.

11:31pm - Parker. Springfield and Altgeld. Tour bus blocking the street.

11:34pm - A job at 3959 W Armitage is coded 19Boy.

11:45pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2830 N Pulaski. 2) Battery in progress. 3600 block of W Shakespeare. In the alley. Group of thugs fighting.

11:48pm - They're calling back on the 10:45pm job.

11:51pm - A 45Sam unit is offering a code for 3600 W Shakespeare. It's 19P.


  1. The Shots Fired call I just had up here at 2531 Lowell stemmed from an incident at 1600 N Keeler. It's strictly a Hermosa/Humboldt Park crime.

  2. way to be slackin on the job when i need to know the dilly on my street's driveby

    2am-ish sat night/sun morning, 2900 block of dawson

  3. Anonymous, sorry for not putting anything on the shooting. I had no idea that happened. I'll put up an article when I get home.

    But please know, this isn't a job. I do this because I want to.

    Again, sorry for not knowing about this.

  4. Oh, and anonymous, do have any more information? Like, who was shot at, or anything like that?
