Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Traffic Accident At Belmont And Central Park

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:20pm. Sorry for not coming on earlier. I took a nap then I went to visit Monroe. They seem to be doing good this year. I'm told that it's much calmer then when I was attending there. Anyway, I'm going to monitor unti midnight since there's no school tomorrow (report card pick-up day). So, here's crime for tonight.

6:21pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Central Park. Two cars, no injuries.

6:24pm - The 6:21pm accident is on 17's side. It's at 3530 W Belmont.

6:57pm - Foot chase. Armitage and Monticello. Beat 45Sam25Adam is in pursuit of two male Hispanics dressed in all black. They bailed out of a car.

6:58pm - They're running down Armitage.

6:59pm - The unit chasing is supposed to have one in custody at 1915 (later changed to 1943) N Ridgeway.

7:00pm - They're at 1943 N Lawndale, not Ridgeway.

7:01 to 7:03pm - Police/Dispatch chatter regarding the chase.

7:08pm - Shots Fired. 2833 N Hamlin. One heard. I haven't heard anything and I'm on the next block over.

7:13pm - Beat car 2523 goes by. They're responding to the 7:08pm job.

7:14pm - And it's a code on Hamlin. 19Boy. No complainant. Besides, no gunshots heard.

7:16pm - Check the well being. Milwaukee and Central Park. Walking south on Central Park is a female in a black puffy coat and blue jeans who appears to have been battered. She's crying.

7:20pm - The 7:16pm party has relocated into the 2800 block of N Drake. 14th district unit is being sent.

7:22pm - Beat car 2523 says the parties are fighting over there. They want 14 to step it up.

7:24pm - Ambulance is needed at the 7:20pm location. 4 yr old was injuried.

7:25pm - I'm listening to 14's radio to hear what's happening with the Drake job, but apparently someone was shot at Kedzie and Bloomingdale. Officers are looking for a crime scene.

7:31pm - The shooting vitcim is in stable condition.

7:38pm - Disturbance. 3942 W Barry. Kids throwing stones and knocking over garbage cans. Also, Beat 2546, that gets this job, is also getting a vice complaint on the 20 sector.

7:40pm - There's a complainant regarding the 7:38pm job for Criminal Damage.

7:43pm - Domestic disturbance. 4262 W Wellington. Father's not letting the 11 yr old go with the complainant to eat out.

7:44pm - An RD number has been pulled from the foot chase. It's HR649798 with the event number of 14296.

8:19pm - Check the well being. 4132 W George. No response from the caller, but the call taker heard people talking in the background that "people die, you're gonna give him a heartattack,".

8:25pm - Beat 2566Boy has a green car taking off from them at Lemonye from Cicero. Possible robbery since they're taking off at a high rate of speed from a store.

8:26pm - Going west on Lemonye from Laramie.

8:27pm - Heading north on Central from Lemonye.

8:28pm - East on Hirsch from Pine. It's a gold Bonaville.

8:29pm - There was an accident. They hit him head-on. 2566 wants an ambulance to go that way for the officers.

8:30pm - They're in the south alley of North. At about 1540 N Lorel or 5235 W North.

8:47pm - Coming into Zone 12 from the 11th District is a car speeding off. The persons in it just stole the car. Chicago and Cicero.

8:48pm - Approaching Division on Cicero.

8:49pm - The car just crashed and it's in flames. All offenders are in custody per Beat 4490. Officers want the fire department immeadiatley.

8:50pm - All traffic on Cicero is being blocked. They think the car's going to blow up. But there's no officers we know of that are injuried, which is a great thing.

9:03pm - Domestic disturbance. 2836 N Ridgeway. Problem with babby daddy.

9:09pm - Domestic disturbance. 2338 N Ridgeway. Four people arguing on the street.

9:48pm - Loud music disturbance. 2709 N Monticello.

9:59pm - DUI driver on Monticello.

10:15pm - Domestic disturbance. 4003 W Wellington. Problem with the kid's father.

10:33pm - Disturbance. 3631 W Shakespeare. Lots of people in the hallway. They don't live there.

11:02pm - Loud music disturbance. 3100 block of N Harding.

11:39pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2759 N Kilbourn. The two teen daughters are fighting. 2) Some job at 3717 W Dickens.

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