Saturday, November 14, 2009

Premit Parking On 2525's Beat

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:20pm. Today was a good day for me. There's not much to say. Here's crime for tonight.

7:38pm - Beat car 2525 gets premit parking on the PDT.

8:01pm - Assault in progress/Battery. Dickens and Keystone. 3 females throwing bottles at the caller.

8:12pm - Beat 2566Adam has a stop at 2411 N Pulaski where a transport unit is needed.

8:41 to 9:10pm - I didn't pay too much attention. Sorry.

9:24pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 4118 W Nelson. People could be heard inside the vacant property.

9:46pm - A flash from 14 is given out. Wanted for attempted kidnapping is a black Ford Tarus that headed west on North. This occurred at 1639 N Drake.

10:34pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Pulaski. Male Hispanic with a ponytail is beating on a female.

10:36pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:34pm job. Also, there's loud music at 3943 W Diversey.

11:13pm - Fire. 3102 N Davlin. Backyard is on fire. Also, there's a job on Pulaski somewhere.

11:59pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2828 N Harding. 2) Disturbance. 3110 N Davlin. Loud group in front.


  1. I believe I know who the criminal trespass was on Nov 14 at 4118 W Barry. The police won't do anything. I have called. Any idea how to report this so someone will listen?

  2. Anonymous, have you actually seen the offenders in the area? If so, you need to call 911. If there's a bad response from the police, obtain their badge number and request a supervisor to come out.

    A suggestion I have is to come to next month's Beat meeting at 3160 N Milwaukee on the 27th of January and tell the CAPS officers regarding the situation.

    I'm thinking the police aren't probably doing anything because this happened nearly 2 months ago, but they still should do something.
