Saturday, November 7, 2009

Polish Speaker Needed at Fullerton and Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 10:23am. Today is supposed to be a warm day, with highs in the 60s. Anyway, I'm monitoring 14 until 11:48, then I'll come back with 25 after dinner. Here is crime for today.

10:38am - Polish speaker needed at a traffic accident (call was given out before I beginned to monitor) at Fullerton and Milwaukee.

10:40am - Animal bite. 1914 N Spaulding. Neighbor's dog attacked the caller and their dog.

10:46am - Municipal ordinance violation. 1838 N Hoyne. Workers possibly working without a permit. There are also safety concerns.

10:48am - The caller spots her computer in the pawn shop. 2437 North Milwaukee.

11:00am - Beat car 1431 is on a stop at Logan and California.

11:30am - Beat car 1422 has a traffic stop at Fullerton and Ridgeway.

11:44am - Beat car 1412 asks for a violence reduction mission on the Beat. Event number is going on the PDT.

11:48am - I'm finished monitoring 14 until December. I'll be back with 25 after dinner. Have a great day, everybody.

7:00pm - I'm back with 25. The first job just came out for the area. There's about to be a fight at 3717 W Dickens. No details. Second, Beat car 2524 gets a vice complaint on the Beat.

7:01pm - Person wanted. Avers and Milwaukee. For Theft. Male White in a red shirt, standing with a group of others.

7:10pm - The 7:01pm job is being coded 19P. There's no complainant or vitcim.

7:26pm - They're calling back on the 7:01pm job. Now the guy's at 3131 Milwaukee.

7:30pm - Battery in progress. 4446 W Deming. Males fighting in the alley.

7:31pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:30pm job.

7:34pm - Assault in progress. 3044 N Avers. Group of males trying to fight the father.

7:37pm - Beat car 2523 is asking for a call back on the 7:34pm job.

7:41pm - Disturbance. 4335 W Parker. Guys playing loud music and smoking.

7:45pm - The 7:34pm job is coded 19Boy.

7:59pm - Disturbance. 2955 N Avers. Group having a loud party in, disrupting the area. Right away, the job is coded.

8:04pm - They're calling back at 3717 W Dickens. Now there's a problem with a landlord.

8:33pm - Suspicious person. Armitage and Pulaski. Male Black, late 20s and grey hoodie, is lurking around. He's drunk. He also tried to touch the caller.

8:34pm - Beat 2561 is offering a code for the 8:33pm job. No person fitting the description on scene. Also, there's an intoxicated male causing a disturbance in the Red Apple restrauant at 3121 Milwaukee. There's also a traffic accident in front over there.

8:45pm - Supervisor needed at 3717 W Dickens per Beat 2548.

8:54pm - Beat 4513Boy has a stop at 4054 W Dickens.

9:07pm - Beat car 2523 just got a job on the Beat.

9:08pm - Burglar report. 3947 W Wrightwood.

9:18pm - A 4500 unit is doing something at 2351 N Pulaski.

9:19pm - Beat 4512Charlie has a traffic stop at 1943 N Lawndale. A plate is being ran.

9:22pm - Beat car 2524 has a bona fide Burglary at the 9:08pm job.

9:27pm - Traffic accident. 3027 N Avers. Hit and run.

9:31pm - Beat 4512C's event number from the stop is 18325.

9:33pm - Another 4500 unit has a stop at 4124 W Armitage. Event number is 18388.

9:47pm - Beat 4512David has a street stop at 4100 W Dickens.

9:58pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. Monticello and Barry. White car with the windows fogged up. Not sure what's going on inside. 2) Parker. On 2523's Beat. 3) The event number from the 9:47pm stop is 18632.

10:02pm - Two units needed at Fullerton and Avers for a seatbelt enforcement mission.

10:03pm - Foot chase. Armitage and Keystone. Male Hispanic, 5'13, white hoodie running from Beat 4513. He's most likely got a gun. Going south on Keystone.

10:06pm - A slow down is being given on the chase. Everything's ok.

10:14pm - Beat car 2535 is doing a premise check at 1747 N. Springfield, the pumping station.

10:15pm - A high speed chase may be starting up. Here what's going on. Beat car 1533 is attempting to stop a car at Augusta and Mayfield. It's not stopping. Going towards Thomas on Mayfield.

10:16pm - The driver just bailed from the vehicle. Going through the yards of the 1000 block of N Mayfield.

10:17pm - Going eastbound on Augusta from Mayfield.

10:19pm - The suspect is now east of Menard and north of Thomas. May be in the southeast corner building.

10:21pm - One person is in custody from this whole thing. There's still one at large. The officers are searching the area. Good job, officers! I'm now going back to the regular coverage area.

10:29pm - Beat 4513Boy is on a stop at 2230 N Kedvale.

10:32pm - Gang disturbance. 3638 W Diversey. They're throwing bricks and bottles. They're also making lots of noise and they are Cobras.

10:48pm - Two people were arrested from the 10:32pm job. There's some yelling in the background.

10:53pm - Backlog in 25 at 22:53 hours.

11:14pm - The Copwatch group is out in 25. They're filming.

11:24pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 3141 N Killbourn. Black Cherokee with 4 people in it. In the middle of the alley. 2) Disturbance. 2907 N Harding. Problem with the landlord. 3) Assault. Pulaski and Diversey.

11:28pm - Beat 4513B has a traffic stop at 2100 N Pulaski. Running a name and plate.

11:31pm - The name comes back good from 4513B's stop.

11:33pm - The plate also comes back good. The event number from the stop is 20542.

11:39pm - Shots Fired. 2200 N Keystone. 6 heard.

11:40pm - Beat 4513 says he's right by the 11:39pm job and hasn't heard anything.

11:42pm - Beat 45Sam15Adam says they heard 5 to 6 loud reports just northeast of Central Park and Palmer. I'll be listeing to 14 within a minute.

11:43pm - Beat 2548 talked to a citizen on the 11:39pm job who said they heard seven shots.

11:51pm - The event number from the 10:32/10:48pm job and arrest is 19133. The call actually came into 911 at 22:14 (10:14pm) hours.

11:58pm - Beat 4513B is clear from 2100 Pulaski and now has a stop at 4114 W Palmer.

11:59pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.


  1. Good job Timmy. We need people to keep theyre eyes open and put some of these losers in jail.

  2. I live in 14 near armitage and califonia, 4 waves of police and other vehicles heading west? Did you hear anything? Hearing more now.

  3. Anonymous 9:56, I have no idea what's going on. I haven't heard anything over here.

    obo123, thank you and you're correct.

  4. 11:47pm, 11/7/09 -- Shots fired at 2525 Mozart, 2730 Albany, and 2800 blocks of Albany and Kedzie. All of these calls (except for the Mozart one, which was heard at 11:44pm) were heard at 11:45pm.
